Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand Four Hundred and Sixty-Eight The script killing begins

Nash and Mena were on the roof, drinking wine and enjoying the romance.

"Huh? How many people are there?" Mena pointed at the three figures approaching from a distance.

"It seems like they are living a good life. They are all so fat." Nash was a little confused.

At this moment, the two saw the ghost walking towards the three people.

Then take them inside the building.

"The ghost seems to know those three people."

"Go down and see how the ghost brought people here."

To be fair, they all followed Jin Si to Beihai.

Everyone the ghost knew, they also knew.

But they definitely didn't know those three people.

When the two went downstairs, they saw the three of Monet.

The ghostly figure crossed his arms and had a stern look on his face.

"He...did you complete all the tests I gave you that day?"

"Yes sir, we are done."

At this time, Monet, Ringer, and East had all successfully transformed from their original slender figures into the real fat men they are today.

"Sir, have we passed the test?" Monet and the other three looked at the ghost nervously.

"Ghosts, who are they?"

"Our disciples." Ghost Shadow looked back at Nash and Mena.

"Disciple? I don't remember when we wanted to accept disciples. Isn't this your decision? Don't you know that we all..."

Ghost interrupted Nash's words: "You don't need to say anything. Do you think I accepted them as my disciples because I was bored?"

"Sir..." Monet took the initiative and said, "We will work hard to grow up, catch up with your footsteps, and inherit your will."

Nash and Mena have a dark look on their faces, what kind of will does the devil want you to inherit?

"What will do you inherit from us? I don't have any will that you need to inherit..."

"Nash, have you forgotten the battle we need to face?"


Nash and Mena were confused.

What battles do they have to face?

"Mr. Ghost Shadow has told us everything. You will go to war with the gods."

Nash scratched his head and started a war with the gods?

Isn't it over already?

Nash looked at the ghost in confusion.

What exactly did you say to them.

Guiying was heartbroken. Originally, he thought that they might not be able to pass the test left by Jin Si.

So they were not informed of this at all.

Nash was even more confused as to why the ghost's expression was so awkward.

What else don't I know?

"You guys go out first and let us say a few words."

The three of them went out to wait for news.

But they are still a little worried.

It seems that Ghost Shadow did not consult with his companions.

Will they finally give up on the three of them because of the opposition of their companions?

Just when the three of them were worried.

The three ghost figures came out.

"We have discussed that you will stay here from now on." Ghost Shadow said.

Nash and Mena both had lingering fears.

Fortunately, I didn't say anything wrong just now.

Otherwise, he might really be sacrificed.

Well, it's not a bad thing that they're here.

Although it is troublesome, it can at least relieve some stress.

At least...Jin Si's attention will no longer be on them.

At most, they are responsible for teaching a few battles and the operation and use of telekinesis.

As for how Jin Si plans to arrange these young people, that has nothing to do with him.

In the following days, Guiying trained them and explained the specific situation to Nash and others.

Anyway, don’t let anything slip. If you do, you will bear the consequences.

So Nash and others are very careful.

Even Weeks is as cowardly as a grandson.

In front of Monet, Ringer and East, they looked cold and said nothing.

The three of them all have good talents. Of course, it was Jin Si who secretly reconditioned their bodies.

However, all three of them felt that the expressions of Guiying and others were getting heavier day by day.

They were all wondering if the day when they were going to fight the gods was approaching.

"Mr. Ghost Shadow, are you..."

"Don't ask questions that you shouldn't ask." Ghost Shadow said coldly: "You continue to practice."

In fact, there is no battle with the gods.

That gambling fight back then is already a thing of the past.

However, what they were worried about was Jin Si's next arrangements.

Because, in the script Jin Si gave them, they needed to die.

And because of Jin Si’s bad character.

There's no guarantee that he won't actually kill them just for fun and to hide the truth.

At this moment, the sky suddenly darkened.

The three of them all thought for a moment whether the legendary God's ultimate move, Yong Ye, had been activated again.

But when I looked up, it wasn't true. The sky was just covered with dark clouds, but there was still some light.

But at this moment, the dark cloud suddenly turned into a big face.

The ghost looked up to the sky and was speechless for a moment.

The aura is that of Jin Si, but the face is that of Piccolo.

It's so blatant to frame this guy.

"Ghosting, I finally found you. Your teacher is dead. Now it's your turn."

"God, even if you don't come to me, I will come to you."

There is no other way, the ghost shadow can only cooperate with Jin Si's performance.

"And you were injured by the great hero Jin, and now you can only survive."

When Guiying cooperates in reading the lines, he must emphasize the hero, Jin.

"Even if I'm a hundred times weaker now, I'm still not something you ants can defeat."

"Teacher, what should we do?" Monet and the three of them were very nervous.

They have not yet mastered the ability to distinguish breath.

But just by looking at that big face in the sky, you can tell that this guy's strength is definitely extraordinary.

"Just run and leave the rest of the battle to me."

"Teacher, let us stay, we want to fight side by side with you."

What the hell, if you stay, how can this drama be performed?

"I want to leave! It's not that easy!"

Jin Si's big face opened his mouth, and countless electric arcs were sprayed from his mouth.

Arcs of electricity continued to bombard the surroundings of Guiying and the others.

Although the power was amazing, it just didn't hit anyone.

The ghost shouted loudly, braved a thunder, and swam upstream, straight into the sky.


The ghost shadow punched Jin Si in the face.


"Even an ant like you dares to offend this god!"

Monet and others looked shocked, but at the same time their hearts were surging.

It was too powerful, this kind of battle was beyond their imagination.

The ghost suddenly transformed into four clones.

In the gambling fight with Piccolo, he could only separate two clones.

In the past six months, his strength has improved a lot.

The four clones plus the main body immediately poured their fists towards Jin Si's face.

The fists poured out like a violent storm.

Boom boom boom——

Jin Si was slapped in the face and was beaten to the point of collapse.

Monet and others were all excited, they had won! ?

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