Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand four hundred and sixty-nine Teacher, please respect me

The ghost had a serious face, without any joy.

No matter what you are thinking, you don’t even look at who your opponent is.

win? How could it be possible to win.

After the clouds and fog cleared, Monet and others saw a figure appearing in the sky.

It was Jin Si who transformed into a piccolo.

That condescending posture and arrogant gaze looked down at Guiying and the others.

The smiles of Monet and the three men stopped abruptly.

Jin Si raised his right palm, and white light began to brew in his palm.

The ghost turned around, and Monet and the other two saw the determination and commemoration on the ghost's face.

"Let's go!" The ghost roared low and decisively.

The moment the white light fell, the ghost image bucked the trend again.

Then a radiance so dazzling that it was impossible to look directly bloomed in mid-air.

The terrifying impact then swept through the three Monets.

In the dizzying situation, all three of them lost consciousness.

When they woke up again, they saw the ghost again.

The three of them immediately sat up and looked at the ghost in surprise: "Sir, did you win?"

However, they soon discovered that the ghost's body was mutilated, with his left shoulder missing, and his body was full of deathly energy.

The ghost sat on the ground with a smile on his face: "No."


"I lost. I used my last strength to take you here to escape." Guiying's every word seemed to be using all his strength.

"Is God really that powerful?"

The three teenagers looked at the ghost with some fear.

"Yes, in fact, he was stronger originally. It was relying on heroes one after another that finally weakened him to the level he is today. He is still strong now, but he is not invincible."

The ghost looked at the three teenagers: "After this battle, the power of the gods has become even weaker. He can't even achieve immortality. Now we humans will have the upper hand, and you are the hope of mankind.

As long as you can be stronger than him before he recovers. "

"Sir... we will do it, we will definitely do it, your will is up to us..."


"Fuck you." The ghost slapped Monet's forehead hard: "Did I say I was going to die?"

" won't die? Then you say we are the hope of mankind?"

"Yes, do you think I'm so angry that I look like I'm about to die?"

The emotions of the three Monets are complicated.

When they first met the ghost, they thought it was a bit unfair.

However, after getting along with each other for a while, they felt that the ghost was too serious.

But now, they seem to be back to the time when they first met the ghost.

These two personalities feel like two people.

"But I am seriously injured now and have no fighting power." Ghost Shadow said: "The cause of annihilating the gods will be officially your responsibility."

Monet and the three of them felt heavy again.


"Sir, we understand and we will shoulder this difficult mission."


"What a mission, can you please stop interrupting my speech? What I want to say is, so get me something to eat now."

The three teenagers were very distressed, and the atmosphere was perfect, but they were directly defeated by the ghost.

"Today I will teach you real techniques."

Monet and the other two sat down in front of Jin Si obediently.

After serving Jin Si for several days, Jin Si finally wanted to teach them something.

Although Guiying and the others had taught them many combat skills and how telekinesis works before.

But they always feel that it's not that interesting.

Anyway, that's the conclusion they came to about the battle between the gods and ghosts that day.

Now they have only two possibilities to go to the gods.

Or be killed by the gods.

Or become a lackey of the gods.

"Teacher, didn't you say that you have no fighting ability now?"

Ever since that battle, Jin Si has completely behaved like an uncle.

They serve Jin Si all day long.

Of course, the name of serving is justifiable.

They also treat each other as teachers and students.

"Yeah, no fighting power." Jin Si nodded.

"Then...did you still teach us?"

"Although I don't have fighting power now, I don't have a bottom line. You have to believe how scary a person without a bottom line can be."

The three of them believed that Jin Si had no bottom line, but they still didn't know what was so scary about having no bottom line.

"Come on, which one of you three will come?"

"Teacher, do you want to compete with us now?"

Everyone looked at Jin Si's mutilated body.

Although Jin Si recovered from his injuries for more than ten days.

But it seems that Jin Si spends more time lying down than standing every day.

They doubted whether Jin Si could withstand their punch.

Although most of the time, they wanted to punch Jin Si.

But they are also afraid of being called ungrateful.

"Come on, don't worry about hurting me." Jin Si said.

Monet stood up: "Teacher, let me do it."

"Take a few steps back...and take a few steps back."

"Teacher, is this distance okay?"

"Almost." Jin Si nodded.

"Teacher, won't you get up?"

"I'm also very powerful when I'm lying down." Jin Si was lying half-lying, holding his hands back: "I have conquered many people, especially women, with this position."

"Teacher, please respect me."

Jin Si propped up his body and looked at Monet: "Okay, I respect you, but you'd better not let me down with this gesture."

"Teacher, I think you need to understand what it means to be young and frivolous."

Monet had already taken up his stance and he did not take the lead in attacking.

After all, he still needs to have some respect for Jin Si, or at least show some respect.

"Teacher, please start."

"Do you want me to make the first move?"

"Yes, teacher."

Don't blame Monet for his expansion, the main reason is that their strength has indeed improved by leaps and bounds recently.

The mutated creatures that used to be their food are now used as their food in most cases.

In his eyes, Jin Si is now a first-class disabled person.

It would be too much to take the initiative in the face of such a disability.

A little crazy...

Anyone who knows something about Jinsi knows it.

It would be a disaster for Jin Si to take the lead.

"Are you sure you want me to make the first move?"

"Teacher, please."

"In that case, I won't be polite."

Monet is calm and confident, with a faint smile on his face.

It's not that he looks down on Jin Si... well, it's just a little bit.

Jin Si raised his finger and pointed at Monet: "The wind is coming."

The wind blew gently towards Monet.

Monet immediately became alert.

Is this wind weird?

No... Monet had been vigilant for a long time, but he didn't notice anything special about the wind.

It has no lethality, and even the wind force is very weak. The effect is just blowing through his hair that has not been combed for two years.

Monet was even more disappointed, that's it?

A sneeze is probably more powerful than this.

Ringer and East were also disappointed.

Sure enough, their teacher was completely useless.

"Teacher, did you exert any force? Why don't I feel anything?"

"I have never been the only one driving, and no one has ever dared to crush me in the face with the wheel of a car. In this case, I will be more serious and use my Three God-Slaying Styles!"

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