Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand Four Hundred and Seventy Piccolo, why don’t you give your father a happy birthday?

When he heard that Jin Si's moves were called the Three God-Slaying Moves, Monet immediately became serious.

It feels like this move exists just to kill gods.

It must be extraordinary when used.

"First style!" Jin Si shouted softly.

Monet held his breath and concentrated, ready for Jin Si's first move at any time.



The three of them raised a question mark face at the same time.

But the next moment, Monet felt like he was electrocuted.

Then my stomach started to cramp.

Especially the expansion muscles of the buttocks, which seem to be a bit uncontrollable.


Accompanied by a scream Monet.

The headwind takes all the flavor away.

Monet's face was filled with fear: "Stop... stop it quickly..."

Lin Ge and East looked at Jin Si in fear.

What a vicious move!

I don't know if it has any effect on gods.

But if this trick continues, Monet will no longer be a human being.

And this is just the first step.

"Second form!"

Monet was extremely frightened and shouted: "Stop, stop! Stop it..."

"Happy Together!!"


Monet rolled his eyes in an instant, not in pain, but...happy...

Monet was already trembling all over.

Jin Si pointed at Monet: "The third style..."

"Wait... don't come again... no..." Monet shouted hurriedly.

The first two moves had already made him realize how terrifying Jin Si was.

He didn't want to accept the third move.

He would rather die.

"What? Is this the end? I haven't even used the third form yet."

Monet lay on the ground exhausted, the first two movements were already terrifying.

The third form is not disgusting to gods and ghosts.

"You really don't want to see my third form of killing the gods? My third form is very serious."

Monet and the others roared in their hearts, "You damn thing, do you still know that the first two moves are not serious?"

"Teacher, I have already seen the first two moves. Why don't we switch to Linge and East to see the third move."

Ringer and East's expressions changed dramatically.

Monet, you bitch, we treat you as a brother, but you actually treat us as a backing up.

"That's fine." Jin Si looked at Lin Ge and East.

"Teacher, we are convinced." Lin Ge said quickly.

"Yes, yes, there is no need for the third position."

Anyway, the two of them didn't want to have sex in public.

Monet was very heartbroken. Did he agree to share the blessings and hardships together?

You have betrayed your oath.

"Forget it, such a good opportunity to increase your knowledge is not rare."

The three of them said in their hearts that such a good opportunity should be left to yourself.

They don't care about it anyway.

"Jin, why are you running out every day these days? Is there someone outside?"

"My dear, what are you talking about? I am devoted to you with all my heart. I don't even look at other women. How could there be someone outside?"

Casey rolled his eyes at Jin Si and said pitifully: "Forget it, even if there is someone outside, don't bring him home. I'll just pretend I don't know."

Jin Si rolled his eyes. If I really dare to have someone outside, I might kill the couple.

Casey is certainly not a magnanimous person.

"I have something to tell you."

Jin Si pretended to be obedient and looked at Casey: "Dear, you say it."

"I have it."


Casey threw a decisive blow on Jin Si's neck.

"Come, say what you just said again."

"Have you eaten tonight?"

Casey's anger has not subsided yet, and I told you the good news. You actually broke my defense with just one sentence.

Jin Si also felt that what he said was a bit excessive... no, it was very excessive.

Jin Si hugged Casey in compensation: "Dear, I was wrong just now."

"The last time Piccolo summoned the dragon, he made a wish, so that I could be pregnant with your child." Casey said.

Jin Si's expression felt awkward. The world between himself and Casey was once again ruined by Piccolo.

Wouldn't this bastard give himself some peace of mind?

I just picked up the piccolo, so I just wanted to fulfill Casey's wish.

Now he has a younger brother.

It also prevents people from living a good life.

Jin Si has already taken Piccolo to heart.

If you don't give me some color this time, you won't know why the flowers are so red.

But in the past few days, Cathy has begun to show some magical energy.

This makes Jin Si a little worried. Casey is not an immortal, but he has immortality.

But this fairy spirit did not make Casey radiant, but made her a little energetic.

This made Jin Si even more worried that Casey might be pregnant with a fairy fetus.

This made Jin Si a little angry and a little confused.

You already have a child, why bother with it anymore.

Now I'm going to lose my life if I do it.

As you can tell from the name, this fairy fetus is a born fairy.

If it is conceived by two immortals, it must be an immortal child.

If one of them is an immortal, there is a small chance that the child will be an immortal.

Obviously, Casey has a small chance of winning.

It's okay if the man is a mortal.

At most, it would give birth to a half-immortal.

For example, Yang Jian and Chen Xiang are both half-immortals.

The point is, if the woman is a mortal, she will be in big trouble.

How does a woman give birth to an immortal?

The energy and spirit of a mortal are definitely not enough to give birth to a fairy fetus.

Jin Si thought about it, if he told Cathy at this time, how about we abort the child.

Don't know how I will die.

"Kathy, I'm going to go out and get some food."

"Go ahead and come back early."

Casey felt that he was not in a good state recently.

But she thinks this should be normal.

Jin Si rubbed his eyebrows and went straight to the Temple of Heaven.

As soon as Jin Si landed in the square of Tianshen Temple, a short, fat little black man came over.

"This is the palace of the gods, why are you here."

"I am the god's father, let him come out to see me."

"You are offending the gods." Fat Xiaohei was already a little angry.

Obviously he didn't believe Jin Si's words.

Fat Xiaohei suddenly appeared in front of Jin Si: "You must be punished."

"God." Jin Si looked behind Fat Xiaohei.

Fat Xiaohei turned around subconsciously.

The next moment, Jin Si's feet were already printed on Fat Xiaohei's belly.


Fat Xiaohei directly smashed through the wall of the hall.

And this movement also disturbed Piccolo.

Piccolo walked out of the training room.

I saw Fat Xiao Hei hitting the ground.

"Bobo, what happened?"

"God, a mortal broke into the Temple of Heaven and attacked me with despicable means."

Piccolo didn't take it too seriously. He took a look at Bobo's injuries and found that it was just a little bump, but not serious.

Although this place is tens of thousands of meters high in the sky, occasionally one or two strong humans can find it.

And even if you can't fly, there is still a way to get here.

Piccolo walked out of the hall, and the moment he saw the murderous Jin Si, Piccolo's expression froze.

"The gods are the mortals."

"If I said I have a stomachache now, would you believe it?" Piccolo looked down at Bobo.

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