Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand Five Hundred and Seventy-One: Announcement of the Funeral

When Li Xunhuan arrived at the village, he couldn't believe it.

Many buildings here are new.

It looks really prosperous.

"Brother, was this all built in the past few months when I was rushing to take the exam?"

"Of course, how about the continuous development of science, I am still very good at it."

"How is this done?"

"It's easy to say. Go to other cottages to arrest people. After catching them, let them build houses. After building the houses, leave them as fertilizer. There are a lot of bandits nearby and there is a growing trend. As long as they are controlled and captured, The number of catches can be sustained.”

Li Xunhuan's expression became unnatural.

How many people has Jin Si killed in the past few months?

The next day, the children all got up.

The children were very happy when they discovered Li Xunhuan's arrival.

After all, compared to Jin Si, who has a bad personality, does all the bad things, and never does the good things.

Li Xun Huan was so gentle.

It surpasses Jinsi in every aspect.

Jin Si felt very sad for these white-eyed wolves.

Provide them with delicious food, drink and fun.

Occasionally I take them fishing.

They actually don't think about their own good.

"Brother, how do you plan to arrange these children?"

"Originally, I thought about letting you take them back, but now there's no need. They live quite well here."

Li Xunhuan looked at the stockade. To build the stockade like this, not only manpower but also money was needed.

Moreover, with the construction of the village like this, one can imagine its future scale.

If Jin Si is here, nothing will matter.

No one can covet the village.

But can Jin Si stay here forever?

With Jin Si's temperament, will he stay here forever?

Can these children keep their family fortune?


So what are your plans? "

"I'm going to go to your house and see your relatives and friends."

"Then how can we keep the children here? I'm afraid they will be coveted in a few days."

"It's okay. I've taught the little beggar a peerless magical skill. He will definitely be able to hold it."

"But he is still young, and he has only been practicing for how long?"

"You look down on the little beggar so much?" Jin Si immediately raised his voice: "Good disciple, come here and let Tanhua Lang see your martial arts."

The little beggar has been a little moody lately, so he came up to salute.

"Master, uncle."

Now that Jin Si and Li Xunhuan are on the same page.

Then Li Xunhuan is naturally his uncle.

"Come, let's have a few moves with Tanhua Lang."

"Yes, Master."

The little beggar raised his sword and took a stance: "Uncle Master, please give me some advice."

Li Xunhuan took a few steps back but did not refuse.

He also wanted to study the little beggar's martial arts.

Let’s see how powerful Jin Si’s so-called peerless martial arts is.

"Come." Li Xunhuan raised his hand.

"Uncle Master, be careful!" The little beggar had already launched an attack.

Li Xunhuan raised his foot and touched the tip of the little beggar's sword.

The little beggar's sword was unbalanced, and Li Xunhuan had already flown into the air.

With a flick of his finger, several copper coins were shot out.

The little beggar quickly raised his sword to resist.

Clang, Clang, Clang——


The little beggar could no longer move.

Jin Si couldn't sit still immediately.

This damn thing is too useless.

Little Plum didn't even throw a knife, so the little beggar lost.

But this is natural.

The little beggar has a good talent.

But Li Xunhuan's talent is not called talent.

That's called going against the will of heaven.

It can be said that except for the shortcoming of loving to give away his wife, Xiao Lizi really has no shortcomings.

No, is giving away a wife a disadvantage? Of course not.

Therefore, Xiao Lizi is a perfect person and has no shortcomings.

For Xiao Lizi, it's all a piece of cake for him to leapfrog levels and fight monsters.

There are at least double digits of people with higher cultivation levels than him in the world.

Not to mention the leaders of the top sects.

Those who are slightly older and have some reputation in the world have higher cultivation than Little Plum.

But there was no one who could catch his flying knife.

No matter what kind of monster you are, you have to kneel down and sing conquest in front of a flying knife.

So the little beggar's defeat is a routine operation.

Jin Si had no hope that the little beggar could win over Li Xunhuan.

It's just that these three moves and two moves will make you lose.

Jin Si felt that he had overdone it just now.

"Evil disciple, I asked you to practice diligently on weekdays, but you ended up practicing like this. You let me down so much."

", his martial arts is actually not weak."

Li Xunhuan's family knew about his family affairs, even though they only exchanged two moves.

But the little beggar’s skills are pretty good.

At least for the past few months, this entry has been very scary.

If this kind of entry is maintained.

I'm afraid that within a few years, there will be another top master in the arena.

Of course, even the best masters can unleash their power.

Li Xunhuan was still confident that his flying knife could break through it.

Therefore, the little beggar's cultivation is enough to maintain the family fortune of this village.

"If you lose, you lose. A waste is a waste. This kind of waste is not worthy of being my disciple."

Li Xunhuan looked at Jin Si silently, since he was already used to Jin Si's venomous tongue.

But he felt that the little beggar was quite pitiful.

So I plan to rescue the little beggar.

"Brother, how about you and I compete and learn from each other?"

"You want to spar with me?"


"How about some luck?"

"What jackpot do you want?"

"If you win, I will give you a peerless magical skill. If you lose, how about introducing me to your cousins?"

Li Xunhuan turned around and left.

"Don't leave. We have some discussions and some discussions. You don't know how to do business. As the saying goes, in business, if you are not satisfied, you can give your opinion."

"My good disciple, my master has left. Don't be afraid that this is forever."

"Master...I can come and see you."

Jin Si's eyes blurred with tears: "My time as a teacher is numbered."

"Master, are you..." The little beggar suddenly felt his heart skip a beat.

Jin Si, who is usually heartless, is actually his disguise?

"Yes, actually I lied to you."

The little beggar was almost about to show his respect for his master.

"Here's this sword for you." Jin Si took out a sword from his arms.

The little beggar's eyes widened. How did he pull out the sword?

Where do you hide your sword? And there's no scabbard, so I'm not afraid of cutting myself.

The little beggar stretched out his hands.

But Jin Si did not leave the sword in the hands of the little beggar.

Instead, he threw it directly at a stone not far away.

The sword penetrated the stone.

"This sword is called the Sword in the Stone, also known as the Sword of the King." Jin Si said: "You can only pull out this sword when you understand what the way of the king is."


Li Xunhuan pulled it out, and Jin Si and the little beggar looked at Li Xunhuan at the same time.

Jin Si glared at Li Xunhuan and inserted the sword back into the stone.

"No matter how meddlesome you are, be careful I drag your cousin into the woods."

"Master, what is the way of a king? Are you planning to rebel?"

"If you can pull out this sword, go to the West and become the emperor of England."

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