Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One thousand five hundred and seventy-two This is poisonous! ?

"You only need to listen to half of what your master says."

This is what Li Xunhuan added.

When Li Xunhuan pulled out the sword, he already felt how terrifying the sword was.

But to pull out that sword requires a special state.

Li Xunhuan happened to meet this requirement.

As for what the King's Sword is like.

That's just Jin Si talking nonsense.

If he had listened to Jin Si's words, the little beggar would have been deceived by Jin Si.

So Li Xunhuan kindly reminded him.

As for whether we can protect this village.

That goes without saying.

Li Xunhuan's school boy Ah Huan rushed back to Liyuan, Shanxi to announce the good news.

To be precise, it is a report of worry.

The Li family can be described as loving and hating this Tanhua.

Three Jinshi in one school, all of them failed to get the title of "Hua Lang".

For ordinary people, a Tanhualang is enough to burn incense and worship Buddha.

But the Li family has become an obsession.

As long as you don't get the second or top pick, it's considered a failure.

Li Xunhuan was also a little depressed.

After all, he is the hope of their family.

The closer he got to home, the heavier Li Xunhuan's mood became.

I just drink with Jin Si every day.

"Xiao Lizi, look at it, if you are really not satisfied with this prostitute, I will enter the harem now."

Li Xunhuan raised his head and looked at Jin Si: "Even if you want to vent your anger on me, you are going to the palace. Why are you going to the harem?"

"Isn't the harem just a part of the palace? Besides, there are so many masters in the palace, and there are over 10,000 imperial soldiers. The harem is either women or local specialties. It is easy to bully the harem."

Li Xunhuan was heartbroken, and he should break his promise.

It’s okay if you don’t recognize such a big brother.

"Drink, drink..."



Jin Si's wine glass fell to the ground.

Li Xunhuan was stunned for a moment: "What's wrong?"

Jin Si pointed at Li Xunhuan with a horrified expression: "The wine...the poisonous...did you poison it?"

"This is impossible..." Li Xunhuan immediately explored his body. He felt that his internal power had become extremely slow. It was really poisonous! ?

"My internal strength is sealed!" Jin Si vomited blood.

Li Xunhuan's expression changed with surprise. At this moment, more than twenty people came up and down the restaurant.

"Li Xunhuan, you too have today!"

When Li Xunhuan saw the person coming, his expression changed again: "Drilling the mountain dragon!"

"Haha... I didn't expect it. I didn't expect that I wouldn't die." The mountain dragon laughed arrogantly.

Li Xunhuan wanted to mention his inner strength several times.

But the inner strength was as if it was filled with mud and it was difficult to move at all.

"You failed to kill me that day, but today I will avenge my dozens of brothers!" The mountain dragon glared at Li Xunhuan with a sinister look on his face.

"Hey, hey, hey... I have nothing to do with him. If you want to kill him, just kill him. I'm not familiar with him."

Li Xunhuan was very upset. Did he agree to die in the same year, month and day?

"Actually, I was forced to sit at the same table with him. In fact, I also have a sworn feud with him."

"Haha..." Zhuanshan Jiao laughed: "I heard you guys talk about each other before, Li Xunhuan, your big brother is really interesting."

"Yes, yes, I am interesting, right? Can you let me go?"

The mountain dragon laughed wildly, then raised his knife and slashed at Jin Si's neck.


Li Xunhuan frowned and looked at Jin Si.

Suddenly, he realized something was wrong.

Jinsi can detect the poisonous wine in advance, which is no problem.

But Jin Si couldn't be poisoned faster than himself.

Moreover, Jin Si's internal strength is far superior to his own.

His internal energy was running slowly due to the poisonous wine.

Jin Si's internal strength was more than ten times stronger than his own.

Even under the influence of poisonous wine, it is impossible to be completely unable to perform Qigong.


Zuanshan Jiao himself was so shocked that he stepped back repeatedly.

"This... the indestructible magical power? Hasn't your power disappeared?"

Zhuanshan Jiao and all his men were all scared and turned pale.

Even Li Xunhuan was shocked.

Is Jin Si's martial arts practice at an extreme level?

"What about the indestructible power of the Vajra? I was born with a slightly thicker skin." Jin Sitian said with a face.

Zhuanshan Jiao and others looked at Jin Si staying put.

Is it really because of his thick skin?

"Boss, it's possible that he practices horizontal martial arts. Although the poisonous wine hinders his internal strength, horizontal martial arts requires a cover to break through."

"It makes sense." Zhuanshan Jiao nodded: "Go up, stab him a few times, and look for a cover on him."


Everyone was speechless.

Jin Si just lay there, letting the swordsman chop and chop him.

But it didn't hurt Jin Si at all.

"Boss, I can't find his cover." The swordsman said helplessly.

He even tried it on Jin Si’s little brother.

But the blade was broken, and Jin Si and Xiao Jin didn't move at all.

"Haha... I don't have a cover. As long as there's no flooding, my Heng Lian Kung Fu can't break it."

Zhuanshan Jiao narrowed his eyes. He didn't believe that someone would be so stupid as to expose his weakness.

However, he still had a water tank brought up from behind.

"Tuck him in."

Li Xunhuan looked at Jin Si silently.

Could it be that Jin Si has thought of a way, this water can detoxify?

Li Xunhuan has been walking in the world for a while.

Know that some medicinal products can be diluted with water.

Jin Si was stuffed into the water tank.

Gulu gulu——

Then under the eyes of everyone.

The water in the tank began to drop at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And then...did it completely.

"Haha... if you want to drown me with water, there is no way."

This damn thing is so drinkable.

Although it is often heard in the arena that so-and-so cannot drink a thousand cups.

But most of the time, the result of Qianbei is either death from exhaustion or alcohol poisoning.

Anyway, they have never seen anyone drink all the water in a water tank.

"Do you really want to kill me, but you can't do anything about it? Haha..."

Zhuanshan Jiao and the others looked at Jin Si who needed a beating, and they all gritted their teeth.

They felt that if Jin Si did not die, they would not be able to regain their face.

It's obviously meat on the chopping board, why is it so difficult to kill?

Li Xunhuan already knew that Jin Si was not poisoned at all.

"Boss, kill Li Xunhuan first."

Li Xunhuan immediately looked at Jin Si, brother, stop playing.

Bro, I'm going to die...

Suddenly, there was a loud shout outside the restaurant.

"Stop hurting anyone!"

I saw a figure rushing into the tavern.

The man was about thirty years old, with one sword and one sword, and he was as fast as thunder.

"Who dares to interfere in the uncle's business?" Zhuanshan Jiao stared at the visitor.

"Thief, you deserve to know my grandfather's name and die!"

The man immediately ran towards the mountain dragon and stabbed it.

The mountain dragon immediately drew his sword to resist.

It's just a few moves and it's a bit overwhelming.

"This man has great martial arts skills. Let's all join him."

The person who came here was very good at martial arts and had a set of swordsmanship that was smooth and flowing.

The defense was so airtight that no matter how hard the mountain dragon and the others attacked, they were still unable to injure the opponent at all.

"Although your Excellency is highly skilled in martial arts, there are many people like me. It's best to see the situation clearly and not make mistakes." While besieging the man, the mountain dragon said something to disturb the other person's mind.

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