Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand Six Hundred and Twenty Bloodline of the Gods

Of course, as a true hero, Shangguan Jinhong will never recover from a setback.

It is true that his current strength is far from being able to compete with the people on the Immortal and Demon List.

But this doesn't mean that he will sit still and wait for death.

"Gang leader, there was a ray of light in Huashan Mountain half a month ago. People said that there were divine objects appearing there. I wonder if it is related to the Martial Saint Taoism recorded on the Immortal and Demon List."

"Send someone to Huashan immediately... No, I will go there myself." Shangguan Jinhong said in a surging voice.

This is a time of great competition. If you fail to seize the opportunity, you may regret it for the rest of your life.

"Brother, I seem to have caused trouble for my cousin. The whole street was shattered by me. Those houses are common people's houses. Now many victims have gone to the Yamen to complain."

"It's okay, your cousin is rich."

"If I had known I would not have let those people go. I should have caught them. At the very least, I would have made them pay to deal with the aftermath."

"The money issue is not simple."

"Brother, do you have any idea?"

"Well, I'm going to kill all the civilians who are making trouble now, so that no one will sue you."

Lin Shiyin looked at Jin Si speechlessly.

At this moment, Lin Shiyin's maid ran into the front hall.

"Miss, the master is here, right outside the door."

"Why is my dad here? Please come in."

Lin Shiyin's father, Lin Youfang, once served as an official in the court, although he has retired.

However, it still has a great reputation in Taiyuan City.

When Lin Youfang arrived in the front hall, Lin Shiyin immediately greeted her and held Lin Youfang's hand.

"Dad, why didn't you tell me beforehand that you were coming? Please come in quickly." Lin Shiyin welcomed her father to the main seat.

"I heard a rumor outside. Although it is nonsense, I still came to confirm it with you."

Lin Shiyin's smile froze in an instant. She already had a premonition of what questions she was going to ask.

"Now the outside world is spreading rumors that our Lin family has the blood of the gods, and they also say that you have inherited the blood of the gods. What is going on?" Lin Youfang asked.

"'s a long story."

Not only was it a long story, but Lin Shiyin didn't know how to say it at all.

"I have a lot of patience, just tell me."


"Tell your father and explain it according to the instructions on the Immortal and Demon List."

Jin Si's voice came to Lin Shiyin's ears.

Lin Shiyin thought for a long time. It was difficult to explain this matter.

It's better to just regard the fake as real.

"Dad, our Lin family does have the blood of gods," Lin Shiyin said.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Our Lin family tree and Lin's biography have no record of this matter." Lin Youfang scolded: "You have been reading poetry and books since you were a child. Why are you talking about this strange power and chaos now?"

"Dad, the reason why there is no record in the genealogy is that it will bring disaster to the family." Lin Shiyin said.

All these words she said were taught to her by Jin Si.

"If the person in the court finds out about this god's bloodline, how will our Lin family deal with it?"

"I still don't believe it. I didn't even hear about it before. It's just nonsense."

"Dad, do you know Changle Street in Dongcheng District?"

"I know, the county magistrate came to the house today and said that you destroyed the Changle Street, and also said a lot of strange things that were not true."

"Dad, this is true, I destroyed it."

"'t be joking. I saw the scene in Changle Street on the way here just now. It is definitely not something that can be done by human power."

"That's why our ancestors didn't record this matter." Lin Shiyin said: "If our Lin family's bloodline of gods awakens and can defeat thousands of armies with our own strength, the court will definitely not be at ease. Our Lin family, and our ancestors are also worried that our Lin family's God bloodline will be used by people with ulterior motives, which will inevitably bring disaster to the Lin family, so even if there are awakened people in future generations, they must not use it at will, let alone spread it easily."

"Daughter, I still can't believe this... this kind of strange power and chaos..."

Although what Lin Shiyin said was sound and well-founded.

However, as a staunch materialist, Lin Youfang still found it difficult to accept this fact.

"Dad, whether you believe it or not, this is a fact."

Lin Shiyin stood up. No matter how much she said, it would never be as profound as actually showing it.

"Dad, please come with your daughter."

Lin Shiyin took her father to the back garden.

Lin Shiyin stood in front of a rockery: "Dad, please take a look."

After saying that, Lin Shiyin grabbed the bottom of the rockery with one hand and just lifted it lightly.

The huge rockery weighing thousands of kilograms was directly lifted up by Lin Shiyin.

Lin Youfang took a breath of cold air.

He knew very well that Lin Shiyin had never been exposed to martial arts since she was a child.

Where did it come from such amazing power?

Look at Lin Shiyin's right arm, which has turned into a color like glass.

Could it be that the Lin family really has the blood of gods?

With this thought, Lin Youfang fell into complex emotions again.

The Lin family is considered a scholarly family, but now they have such a martial artist.

But this god's bloodline is obviously extraordinary.

His status is even more noble, and he may not even be comparable to the one sitting on the throne.

It's a pity that Lin Shiyin is now married.

If you knew that your daughter was so extraordinary.

Maybe he would have to seek a higher status for the Lin family.

Imagine a woman with the power to truly defeat an army.

Not to mention being a queen or something like that, at least being a queen is enough.

"Daughter, please tell your father how to activate this god's bloodline?"

"Dad, this daughter doesn't know that first of all, she is a member of our Lin family, and secondly, she was activated randomly." Lin Shiyin said helplessly.

"Does the father have a chance to activate?"

Now Lin Youfang has reached the age where she knows her destiny.

If you can activate this god's bloodline, you might be able to live a few more years.

Furthermore, if he really activates the bloodline of the gods, he might have a chance to return to the court and open up territory for the court or something.

"Dad, only one person of this god's bloodline can exist at a time. This is a number of days, and it only takes more than ten generations for one person to awaken. There is no trace of how to awaken."

Lin Youfang kept asking questions, and Lin Shiyin was exhausted.

Obviously, Lin Youfang's mentality has changed greatly from being a little resistant at first to being interested now.

"Dad, I'm pregnant now, so I shouldn't show it too much."

Lin Shiyin's demonstrations just now were not stressful at all.

The rockery is not much heavier than chopsticks.

She just didn't want to answer the same question again and again.

And the way my father looks at me is obviously abnormal.

She was afraid that her father would suddenly propose to bleed her own blood.

Lin Youfang was obviously very unwilling to let the blood of the god flow out.

He even wanted to take Lin Shiyin and Li Xunhuan's child back to the Lin family.

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