Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand Six Hundred and Twenty One There are many of us...

The influence brought by the birth of the Immortal Demon List began to slowly become apparent.

Especially Lin Shiyin's shocking two punches.

Many people present at the time survived.

They began to spread the word from word to mouth, telling the scene that happened at that time vividly, or telling it in an exaggerated way.

At the same time, it also completely confirmed the authenticity of the Immortal and Demon List.

Even the man on the dragon throne ordered the prince to accept a concubine and let the Lin family choose a woman of the right age.

Even though the Immortal and Demonic List is only circulated in the martial arts world, its influence has already left the circle.

The status of the Lin family has also risen.

In fact, this huge influence is not only due to Lin Shiyin's two punches.

What's more, a few days ago, Guo Songyang single-handedly blocked a hundred thousand foreign troops outside the border pass.

This also confirms the fact that Guo Songyang is the successor of Dongting Xuanmen.

The imperial court even decreed that Guo Songyang be made the general to protect the country.

Although this general who protects the country is a sinecure with a name but no power.

But for people in the martial arts world, this is already a great honor.

But Guo Songyang is a loner, not even a relative.

Otherwise, the emperor wouldn't mind letting him ascend to heaven directly.

Guo Songyang fought with a hundred thousand foreign troops outside the border for only half a day.

In fact, he was in a violent state and lost consciousness most of the time during this battle.

Because I witnessed how the alien army ravaged the people on the border, and saw the piles of bones and corpses scattered all over the field.

Guo Songyang went completely berserk, and murderous intent eroded his consciousness.

The demon power in the body instantly seized control of the body.

Guo Songyang was also allowed to transform into a tail beast, and then he was chased for hundreds of miles, all the way to the camp of the alien army.

When he came to, he saw only a horrific sight.

The devastated grassland was littered with the mutilated corpses of people and horses.

Guo Songyang vaguely remembered what he did when he was crazy.

Only then did he understand what terrible thing Jin Si had put in his body.

Looking at the ditch in front of me, which is more than twenty miles long.

Guo Songyang remembered that he didn't know what was going on at the time. A ball was brewing in his mouth, then he swallowed it into his mouth, and then let it out.

This ditch appears.

He killed 50,000 people in this battle, and more than 50,000 people fled back to the grassland.

Guo Songyang dragged his tired body and found a horse back to the pass.

He was not really tired, but mentally tired.

Compared with the desolate outside the pass, I still like the prosperity inside the pass.

Guo Songyang found a seat and sat down in a suburban wine shop.

Ask the waiter to serve some dishes and a bottle of wine.

Suddenly, Guo Songyang felt a few vague glances.

It was the store owner and the drinkers in the store, who were observing me inadvertently.

Guo Songyang instinctively felt murderous intent.

However, Guo Songyang remained silent as if he hadn't discovered anything.

The wine was drugged, but Guo Songyang should still eat and drink.

After finishing a bottle of wine, he deliberately pretended to be drunk.

Those people, Guo Songyang, were drunk to death, and their true colors were immediately revealed.

He raised his sword and surrounded Guo Songyang.

"It's done." The man in the world pretending to be the shopkeeper beamed with joy.

"Since the Kunlun Immortal ranked first on the Immortal and Demon List was poisoned by his servant, it is reasonable that the second ranked Immortal was poisoned."

"Go up and break his tendons and hamstrings." The shopkeeper said to the waiter beside him.

The waiter stepped forward cautiously with the knife in hand.

Just raised the knife and struck Guo Songyang's wrist.

Guo Songyang suddenly opened his eyes, and the iron sword in his hand was instantly unsheathed.

The waiter's eyes widened, but he couldn't say a word anymore.

"You're a clown, you dare to use even the most devious tricks to harm people." Guo Songyang's brows were filled with anger.

"There are many of us, let's all come together and fight him!" the shopkeeper shouted loudly.

"Haha..." Guo Songyang sneered.

No one went up with him,

Everyone took a step back at the same time.

Many people? There aren't many of us, just a dozen or so.

The person opposite was someone who dared to fight an alien army of 100,000 people.

How dare we, a dozen of us, claim to be a large crowd.

Boss, when did you become so arrogant?

The shopkeeper also reacted at this moment.

Then came the cold sweat.

What did I just do?

What did I just say?

"General, please spare your life..." The shopkeeper's knees softened and he knelt directly on the ground.

Guo Songyang looked puzzled: "What general? Guo has wandered around the world, never set foot in the court, and has never been a general."

"Master Guo, the fact that you single-handedly resisted a hundred thousand foreign troops has reached the ears of the imperial court. The Holy Emperor has personally issued an order to confer upon you the rank of General Protector of the Country, and the title of Duke, enjoying hereditary status."

"When did this happen?" Guo Songyang asked.

I'm afraid only Guo Songyang himself doesn't know at this moment.

The whole world already knows about Guo Songyang's incredible achievements.

"In this case, do you still dare to poison me? Do you really think Guo doesn't dare to kill someone?"

He went on a trip outside the customs and killed tens of thousands of people.

Now Guo Songyang's body is already stained with evil spirits.

There is a sense of oppression in every move he makes.

The dozen or so people on the opposite side were all scared and their faces turned pale.

Even though they have already killed many people.

But compared with Guo Songyang opposite.

It's really a small thing that makes a big difference.

"We...we were also ordered by others."

The shopkeeper looked at Guo Songyang tremblingly.

"Who ordered you?"

"We don't know who it is, but the other party found our footing, and then threw a bag of money and some information about Guo Daxia, asking us to wait here, and even the method was worked out, and we were even tricked in the wine. The poison was prepared by the other party."

Guo Songyang frowned and asked again: "You just mentioned the Immortal and Demonic List. What Immortal and Demonic List?"

"Master Guo, how long have you been outside the customs?"

"Almost two months."

"No wonder, a month ago, Bai Xiaosheng released another immortal demon list, and Guo Daxia, who was born in Dongting Xuanmen, ranked second on the immortal demon list. As a contemporary descendant of Dongting Xuanmen, Guo Daxia is naturally on the list. Currently, Only you, the fourth-ranked Lin family of the Taiyuan God bloodline, and the tenth-ranked Tianji Zuo family have been authenticated, and the other people on the rankings are still very hidden."

Guo Songyang felt like his head was pounding. He had only been out of isolation for two months. Why did he end up on the list of immortals and demons inexplicably after he came back?

Also, what the hell is Dongting Xuanmen?

"I'm not from Dongting Xuanmen, I've never heard of it."

"Yes, yes, it's okay if Daxia Guo doesn't want to admit it."

What the leader said and the expression on his face were obviously two different things.

He felt that the more Guo Songyang tried his best to deny his relationship with Dongting Xuanmen, the more it showed that he was from Dongting Xuanmen.

Besides, the Immortal and Demon List is produced by Bai Xiaosheng. Bai Xiaosheng's rankings may be inaccurate, but this information has never been wrong.

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