Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand Six Hundred and Forty Three There is a difference of 100 between me and him.

"What do you need me to do?" A Fei felt that he most likely couldn't refuse.

So he planned to compromise. In his eyes, Jin Si and Guo Songyang were both the same.

One less person dies, one less martial artist saves one more person.

"My plan is that you appear next to him with a serious injury. He is a hypocritical person and will definitely save you, and then you poison him."

A Fei frowned and looked at Jin Si: "I think my martial arts is better than his, and my wish is to compete with the heroes of the world, so I plan to challenge him directly."

Jin Si stared at Ah Fei seriously: "Brother, I really didn't expect you to be so crazy. Do you know what you are talking about?"

"In terms of weapons, I only recognize Xiao Li's flying sword and Li Xunhuan's martial arts."

There was no way, Li Xunhuan's martial arts had something to do with his family.

He was the first to refuse to slander Li Xunhuan.

And he had a vague sense of the path Li Xunhuan was taking.

His swordsmanship is actually similar to Li Xunhuan's.

Li Xunhuan is ten years older than him and can be said to be his forerunner.

So when he recognized Li Xunhuan, he recognized himself.

He was confident that he could defeat Li Xunhuan.

But not now, but in the future.

Jin Si stared at A Fei affectionately again.

This was probably the craziest sentence he had ever heard.

Recognition? Anyone who can be on the weapons spectrum is recognized by Bai Xiaosheng.

People need your approval.

Not to mention Li Xunhuan, he ranked third.

There are Shangguan Jinhong and Old Man Tianji in front.

Let's talk about Guo Songyang, who they have to deal with now.

Although he is now the well-deserved number one person in the world.

But it is also fourth on the weapons spectrum.

To put it bluntly, someone can slap you on the wall and make a mural on it.

It comes in handy for someone like you who doesn't even have a weapons manual.


Ah Fei saw Jin Si calling him seriously for the first time.

"What to do?" A Fei looked at Jin Si and asked.

"In order to give you a deep understanding of how high Guo Songyang's martial arts is, I think it is necessary to give you a general idea." Jin Si said.

There was some disdain in A Fei's eyes, if it weren't for that oath and Jin Si's various unlimited threats.

He really didn't take Jin Si seriously.

"Do you finally want to fight me?" A Fei asked seriously.

"It's not a matter of passing a trick. I just want to be a teacher for once." Jin Si said.

"What do you mean?"

"You don't deserve to use the word trick with me."


Ah Fei drew his sword and pointed it at Jin Si.

"Come." Jin Si raised his fingers.

The sword is as fast as the galaxy and as fast as a thunderbolt!

Ah Fei didn't hold anything back, and he used his killing move.


The next moment, A Fei flew out.

It took me a long time to recover.

He sat on the ground covering his face, his face full of disbelief.

"How is this possible? How is this possible?"

He couldn't accept that this was the Jin Si he had always looked down on?

There is no extra move.

There was no serious response.

With just one slap, he was knocked unconscious and woke up.

Shattered his pride.

Jin Si looked at A Fei: "Do you know now the gap between me and you? Then do you know the gap between me and Guo Songyang?"

Ah Fei raised his head and looked at Jin Si blankly: "You can't defeat Guo Songyang with your martial arts skills?"

"There is about a hundred differences between me and Guo Songyang."

A Fei is completely autistic.

"So don't think about defeating Guo Songyang head-on. Although that guy's character is not very good, his martial arts is really high."

A Fei still agreed with Jin Si's words, at least partially.

The only thing he didn't agree with was Jin Si's comments on Guo Songyang's character.

Anyone can say this, but not you.

"It turns out that Guo Songyang's martial arts is so high, and the martial arts of Li Xunhuan, Shangguan Jinhong and Old Man Tianji who are in front of him are...

How strong should it be? "

This time, A Fei finally began to face these masters.

This world is far more terrifying than he imagined.

"Nonsense, you're just lucky. I've been out torturing people for several years, but you haven't met a real master. Look at me, I'm unknown, and I'm not on the weapons list. I can beat you easily. Even your mother doesn’t recognize you.”

Ah Fei lowered his head. This time he really didn't have the confidence to refute Jin Si's words.

"So, if you want to eliminate harm from the martial arts world, you can only use conventional methods and poison."

"You call poisoning a routine method?"

"I'm a bad guy. Isn't poisoning a common method?"

Well, that's true.

But A Fei was still unwilling.

The morality in his heart did not allow him to poison.

He is a swordsman, and he thinks it should be solved with a sword.

No matter what Guo Songyang's character is, at least he is also a swordsman.

And he's also a powerful swordsman.

Such a powerful swordsman should not die from poison.

"Give me half a year and I can defeat him."

Did you act lightly just now? Or is this guy drifting off?

Half a year? You can't beat him for half a century, okay.

"A Fei, what's the point of talking morally with such a despicable person?"



"But shit, are you going to do it or not?"

"I refuse." A Fei finally made up his mind.

Jin Si's right fist made a clicking sound.

"Forget it, I never expected you to take the initiative to accept this task from the beginning."

Ah Fei swallowed, he felt a little bad.

Jin Si seems to be going against him.

Ah Fei jumped up and looked at Jin Si warily.

"Master... we can think of other ways... with your martial arts, even if you can't defeat Guo Songyang, you can at least entangle him. If I try again, maybe we have a chance to defeat him."

Jin Si shook his head: "What I want is not to defeat him."

What's the point of defeating Guo Songyang?

No fun at all.

"Then what do you want?"

"There is a method of cultivation in Japan, have you heard of it?"

"What kind of cultivation method?"

"Xiao Qiangliu, anything you can't kill will make you stronger."

Ah Fei doesn’t know if this genre really exists.

But he felt that Jin Si just wanted to hit him.

Facts have proved that the knights in the ancient dragon world will also scream when they are beaten.

For example, right now, Jin Si was beating loudly and A Fei was wailing.

Ah Fei was sure that there was a high probability that he would not be able to learn this small strong current.

He wanted to fight back several times, but his level was not enough.

The difference in cultivation between the two is a galaxy.

Soon, A Fei was beaten until he could only breathe.

Jin Si then stopped and took out a bottle of poison and stuffed it into the dying Ah Fei: "Here, take this bottle of poison and find an opportunity to poison Guo Songyang's food. This medicine is colorless and odorless. It can cure diseases without any side effects." .”

A Fei looked at Jin Si weakly: "Are you sure...he is not a good person, right?"

"A complete villain."

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