Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

One Thousand Six Hundred and Forty-Four A bitter plan?

Guo Songyang found A Fei wading by the river, covered with bruises.

Guo Songyang rubbed his eyebrows and stepped forward to check.

Unfortunately, before that, he had already encountered eight knights who were seriously injured and being hunted.

Without exception, they are all gimmicks.

Anyway, he is a knight with various dreams and wants to get close to him.

Guo Songyang came to A Fei.

Checked A Fei's physical condition.

All the bones in the body were broken, it was really difficult to handle.

Or just leave him here and let him fend for himself?

Guo Songyang is also a person who is afraid of trouble.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t be hiding in this ravine.

However, even he hid in such a remote place.

Still can't escape the trivial matters in the world.

Forget it, take it back first and see if it can be saved.

Although Guo Songyang has already determined A Fei's purpose.

However, it is also very possible that most of these people are actually just pawns in the hands of others.

Guo Songyang didn't want to directly kill these poor people.

Guo Songyang took A Fei back.

Start giving A Fei some simple treatments.

There is a rich vitality in his body that is different from ordinary people.

Even with an injury like this, all the bones in the body were shattered.

He can also rely on his life force to heal him bit by bit.

Within two days, A Fei's injury had stabilized.

A Fei opened his eyes and saw a figure with his back to him, seemingly busy with something on the table.

"I...where am I?"

Guo Songyang turned around and looked at A Fei who was lying on the bed: "My home.


Ah Fei sighed, as expected, he was still counted by that guy.

Guo Songyang really saved himself.

"Did someone order you to approach me?" Guo Songyang asked bluntly.

A Fei's eyes flickered and he did not directly answer Guo Songyang's question.

"I found this from your arms." Guo Songyang took the bottle of poison hidden on A Fei's body.

Well, this bottle of poison has the word 'poison' on it.

"Since you already know, why do you ask?"

"Were you coerced?" Guo Songyang asked.

"I...I can't refuse that person's order."

Guo Songyang opened the poison and drank it in one gulp.

"Your mission is accomplished."

Ah Fei's eyes widened and he looked at Guo Songyang in disbelief.

This poison has actually been mixed, right?

Otherwise, how dare he drink it like this?

"Whether it is you or the person behind you, there is no point in doing this." Guo Songyang said lightly: "I am already immune to all poisons. Some time ago, I even wanted to see if I could really be immune to all poisons. I personally tried hundreds of poisons, but the results were nothing special."

Ah Fei's face was filled with astonishment. Was his mission completed or not?

Has Guo Songyang's martial arts reached this level?

I'm afraid Jin Si's plan will come to nothing.

Forget it, it doesn't matter who wins or loses.

They are not good people anyway.

"Now that you know my purpose, it's time to say goodbye." A Fei said calmly.

"Let the injury heal for a few days. You shouldn't move around now." Guo Songyang said calmly.

Ah Fei wanted to leave, but he didn't really want to be favored by others.

Especially this person is someone he deliberately wants to poison.

And after contacting Guo Songyang.

Although it was just a casual exchange of a few words.

He vaguely felt that Guo Songyang was not as hypocritical as he imagined.

Just think about accepting the favor of someone you want to poison.

He felt uncomfortable all over.

He would rather die outside.

I don’t want to lie on this bed either.

It's a pity that his physical condition does not allow it.

I have to say that in terms of details, Jin Si has really done a good job.

For example, beat him seriously.

That really didn't leave any emotion at all.

On the following memorial day, Guo Songyang didn't take special care of A Fei.

He just comes over at a fixed time every day to deliver life force to A Fei.

A Fei's injury recovered quickly.

On the fifth day, I was able to get out of bed and walk.

After a few more days of training, A Fei felt that he had almost recovered.

"Master Guo, it's time for me to leave. I'm sorry for causing you so much trouble these days."

"You're welcome. Do you need me to take action against the person behind you who is coercing you?" Guo Songyang asked.

"No need, I will take care of my own affairs." A Fei no longer wanted to cause any more trouble to Guo Songyang.

"It's actually not much trouble." Guo Songyang said confidently.

"Forget it, it's not a big problem."

When Guo Songyang saw A Fei's refusal, he didn't say anything more.

"By the way, do you know what that bottle of poison is?" Guo Songyang suddenly asked.

Ah Fei was stunned for a moment: "Master Guo, but the poison has taken effect?"

"It's hard to say now. I have indeed felt that my heartbeat has been abnormal in the past few days." Guo Songyang said: "I have taken hundreds of poisons in the past without any abnormal symptoms, but I didn't expect that your poison seemed to produce some Effect."

"I don't know what kind of poison it is. The person didn't say anything about it when he gave me the poison." A Fei frowned and said, "When I go back this time, I will ask about it for Hero Guo. Maybe I can help Hero Guo find the antidote."

"Although the effect of this poison is a bit unexpected, it has little effect on me, so I don't need to worry too much." Guo Songyang was still confident.

"Master Guo, it's better to be careful. The person who threatened me is a despicable person." A Fei said worriedly.

Although it was only for a few days.

But A Fei has confirmed that Guo Songyang is not as bad as Jin Si described.

"I've seen too many despicable people, it's nothing." The first thing that popped into Guo Songyang's mind was Jin Si's appearance.

"No, that person is definitely the most despicable person you have ever seen." A Fei said with certainty.

The first thing that popped into his mind was Jin Si.

"If I have a chance, I will introduce that bastard to you... and the person who coerced you. I think he should have a way to find out the person behind you."

"Master Guo, take care of yourself."

"Take care and say goodbye."

A Fei left with complicated emotions.

He had no idea what kind of torture awaited him.

That guy will definitely not believe that he has completed his mission.

"Hey, Fei, long time no see."

Jin Si was waiting for him at the intersection where A Fei was going down the mountain.

The moment Ah Fei saw Jin Si, he subconsciously wanted to turn around and leave.

"Where are you going?" Jin Si called A Fei.

"Why are you here?"

"Of course I'm waiting for you."

"Your plan failed, I didn't do anything." A Fei said with a stern face.

Jin Si laughed: "Actually, you have succeeded."

A Fei was a little worried. Did the poison really work?

"what have you done?"

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