Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

Eight hundred and eighty third chapter for the people

Everyone discovered that there was something wrong with Jin Si's body.

Now Jin Si completely locked himself in the room and could not come out.

For more than ten days in a row, he did not come out to harm Dalaran.

So that everyone is a little unaccustomed to it.

Finally, Jin Si opened the door and came out.

At this time, Jin Si was already skinny.

Jin Si's movements were slow, his eyes glazed over.

Even the bald head that used to shine has lost its luster now.

After receiving the news, everyone came to Jin Si one after another.

"Kim, how are you doing?"

"Brother... are you okay?"

"I'm going out to find something to eat." Jin Si said in a daze.

"Looking for something to eat?" Everyone didn't understand what Jin Si meant.

Jin Si floated up slowly.

"Jin, where are you going?" Antonidas asked worriedly.

At this moment, Jinsi's state is obviously abnormal.

He was afraid that Jin Si would go out and harm other places.

But Jin Si hadn't left to explain at this time.

Disappeared in the air in an instant, and everyone in the World Salvation League couldn't help showing worry.

After all, the original intention of their formation was to prevent Jin Si from harming Azeroth.

But when they are really needed, they find that they can't do anything.

But Jin Si, who looked extremely weak, looked more terrifying than usual.

Jin Si headed in the direction of the maelstrom.

At the other end of the maelstrom, a continent can be seen after passing through the fog.

A mists covered by mists for ten thousand years,


Pandaria is the homeland of the pandaren.

Of course, besides pandaren, there are other intelligent races here.

And the Good Neighbor trolls all over the world.

But Jin Si didn't come to visit relatives and friends.

Jinsi is here to find food, wrong, it is to eliminate harm for the people.

Jin Si first came to the territory of the mantid, fearing the wasteland.

In the past thousands of years, the pandaren have built a long Great Wall on the outskirts of the Dread Wastes in order to resist the invasion of the mantid.

Jin Si doesn't know what the pandaren think, can the Great Wall resist the mantid?

Can the mantid fly?

For the sudden arrival of Jinsi, an outsider, a large number of mantid began to gather.

In addition to the mantid, there are various vermin creatures.

Jin Si went straight to the Heart of Fear, the mantid's lair.

The mantid were born of Y'Shaarj's blood.

So they were born to serve Y'Shaarj.

Jin Si found the mantid queen in the heart of fear.

The mantid queen said, you broke into my boudoir and don't want to live anymore, do you?

Jin Si resisted the urge not to eat the mantid queen.

As long as she is in his hands, the mantid will come and feed one after another.

The mantid queen is the most delicious, but if you eat her, a new queen will be born among the mantid.

So I can't eat her yet.

The mantid have inhabited this land for countless years.

All the resources of this land have been wiped out.

This also leads to an astonishing number of them, not tens of thousands, but hundreds of millions.

And every mantid has more or less the thin blood of Y'Shaarj in his body.

The mantid queen wasn't bothered about Jin Si's intrusion into her boudoir anymore.

Because she saw that Jin Si was devouring her people.

That scene is extremely shocking to any mantid.

Jin Si devoured all flesh and blood greedily, turning the essence of their flesh and blood into nourishment for his own body.

In ten days, Jin Si had devoured hundreds of millions of mantids.

But they still came to feed one after another in order to save their queen.

For the mantid empress, Jin Si is the most terrifying demon.

And this guy has no intention of stopping at all.

Jin Si's shriveled body finally regained some vitality.

The face is slightly rounded.

It's just that it may take a day or two to recover from this point, and then it will dry up again.

Jinsi needs to supplement nutrition as much as possible, so that it can be delayed for a little longer.

Jin Si felt that this speed was not fast enough, and began to torture the mantid queen, making her scream more intensely, attracting more mantid to come to the rescue.

On the twentieth day, there was almost no trace of the mantid in the entire Mantid Highlands.

Jin Si finally returned to his normal body shape.

As for the mantid? Perhaps this race no longer exists.

Jin Si didn't even spare the mantid's lair, the Heart of Fear.

The Heart of Fear was originally a World Tree.

It was later blighted by the taint of Y'Shaarj's blood, and then claimed by the mantid, who hollowed out the main tree trunk to make their lair.

In order to free the World Tree, Jin Si drained the last bit of power from the World Tree, and then set it on fire.

Jin Si began to look for the sealed clone of Y'Shaarji.

Before dying, Y'Shaarji exhaled a breath and turned into seven Sha demons.

They are the Sha of Fear, the Sha of Anger, the Sha of Doubt, the Sha of Confusion, the Sha of Hatred, the Sha of Madness, and the Sha of Pride.

Although they are avatars, each one has a very terrifying power.

It is true that they have the power to destroy the world, but each of them is as high as dozens of floors.

It is conceivable how huge they would be in the state of the main body.

Some Sha Demons have already escaped from the seal, while others are still in the seal.

Jin Si swallowed the escaped evil spirits first.

I have to say that the ancient gods are really great.

One sha is worth hundreds of millions of mantids.

The first one to suffer was the Sha of Wrath standing guard in Kun-Lai Mountains.

Jinsi let it stand for the last shift, and then ate it.

Then came the Sha of Doubt in the Emerald Forest, and Jin Si directly smashed the statue of the green dragon that suppressed the Sha of Doubt.

The moment the Sha of Doubt came out of the gap, it was sent into Jin Si's mouth.

With the help of several other demons, Jin Si didn't let any of them go.

Shado-Pan Monastery, Yongchun Terrace, and the Golden Temple of Zhuque Temple all went once.

All the seven demons entered the mouth, and gave Jin Si a mouthful of blood.

And the last goal of Jin Si is the Heart of Y'Shaarji located under the Valley of Eternal Blossoms.

When Jin Si came to the Valley of Eternal Blossoms, he found that the pandaren army had assembled.

Taking the lead is the leader of the Shado-Pan Monastery, Pandaren monk Taran Zhu.

They met before when Jin Si entered the Shado-Pan Monastery.

At that time, Jin Si was thinking about meeting each other before, so he knocked Zhu Talan unconscious.

"Outsider, you broke the peace of Pandaria for 10,000 years, I will never let your ambition continue." Zhu Taran looked at Jin Si firmly.

In the eyes of Zhu Taran and most of the pandaren.

The Golden Temple is an unprecedented evil existence.

Jin Si absorbed seven Sha demons, and now he is coming towards Y'Shaarji's heart.

Most likely to revive the Old God.

"Fatty, Rang Rang, don't make up so many plots, I don't have any ambitions, I'm just here to help you solve your worries." Jin Si said frankly.

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