Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

Eight hundred and eighty-fourth, don't call me ancestor

"Shut up, demon! You don't want to deceive me with false words, I know what you are doing." Zhu Taran, the chubby man, looked firm.

Jin Si didn't want to do anything, even though this group of pandaren are all big and three rough, they actually don't love at all, they are not as good as the mantid.

"Okay, little fat man, no matter what you say, you can't stop me."

It didn't make sense, so Jin Si decided to use his fists to solve it.

Glancing at the tens of thousands of pandaren monks in the piano room, they all put on a fighting stance at the same time.

"Come on, monks, use your blood to prove that I have been here."

Zhu Taran and a group of monks erupted with a strong momentum in an instant.

At the same time, an auspicious cloud descended from the sky, and a green dragon descended.

Then a red bird came in the distance on the red clouds.

Immediately after the ground shook, a yak rushed towards it.


After the roar of a tiger, a white tiger followed closely behind.

The four guardian beasts of Pandaria, Qinglong, Chi-Ji, Niuzao and White Tiger.

"Humans, this is not..." Qinglong Yulong said aloud.

In the next instant, Jin Si transformed into a mighty dragon.

The body that covered the sky and covered the sun, winding like a great wall was revealed, and all the pandaren, plus the four great beasts were dumbfounded.

"Kids, let me go."

Jin Si stretched out a dragon claw, and pressed the head of the claw against Yulong.

Jin Si's fingers were several times longer than Yulong's full length.

"You... who are you?" Yulong looked at Jin Si in disbelief.

He felt the blood of the same origin in Jin Si.

This is not an illusion, this is real.

He is like himself,

It's just that this kind of person seems to be maybe... a little bit better than himself.

"I am your ancestor, I traveled in the universe, and then discovered food..."

Jin Si started talking nonsense, anyway, with his physique, everything he said was right.

At this moment, Yulong turned into a human form, a beautiful woman with black hair.

"Ancestor, are you really my ancestor?" Yulong looked at Jin Si devoutly.

"Actually, I lied to you just now. I am not your ancestor. In fact, I came to marry you."

Jinsi is almost like Haraz, it's so beautiful.

The panda people were speechless, this dragon is a real dog.

"Σ(っ°Д°;)っ" Yulong said, I don't know how to answer the conversation.

"Master Shenlong, what did you mean when you said you were looking for food?"

"Oh, in fact, I was looking for the ancient gods in the universe. The ancient gods are my food, and then I discovered that there is an ancient god's heart here."

Zhu Taran said, what you say is right.

That's right, no wonder you have eaten all the seven-headed demons.

It turned out that it was not to revive the ancient god Y'Shaarj, but to eat it.

Misunderstood, misunderstood...

No wonder Jin Si said to solve their worries.

"Ancestor, aren't you afraid of being corrupted by the ancient gods?"

"Don't call me ancestor, you can call me Jin." Jin Si said: "About corruption... as long as you are darker than them."

Jin Si paw and tugged at the top of Jinxiu Valley with his fingers.

A chest hidden underneath was revealed.

This chest contains the heart of Y'Shaarj.

At this time, no one stopped Jin Si's actions.

Stop the fart, it can't be stopped at all, okay?

Jin Si took a big gulp, and the box was sucked into his mouth.

Jin Si chewed the box to pieces, and a horrible black air overflowed Jin Si's mouth.

That black energy instantly turned into a terrifying Sha Demon.

It is dozens of times larger than the seven demons that Jin Si swallowed before.

The figure that covers the sky and the sun is like a boundless mountain.

This is Y'Shaarji, but the current Y'Shaarji is not even a tenth of its strength from its heyday.

Jin Si's huge mouth directly enveloped Y'Shaarji.

Just as Y'Shaarji's body condensed, it began to gasify again.

A large amount of black air was sucked into Jin Si's mouth.

Y'Shaarji's sharp claws swung towards Jin Si.

But Jin Si pinned Y'Shaarji to the ground with one paw.

"Everywhere is going, don't try to escape, don't even try to escape!"

Y'Shaarji roared wildly, and the situation changed in an instant.

But Jinsi is more terrifying than Shaji.

The part torn from Y'Shaarji's body did not turn into black air.

Instead, it was thrown into the mouth by Jin Si like real flesh and blood.

Everyone was dumbfounded watching the battle between Jin Si and Y'Shaarji.

It's more like crushing than fighting.

This ancient god known as the thousand-headed demon and the seven-eyed black sheep is like a real little sheep in front of Jin Si.

Jin Si greedily devoured every piece of his flesh and blood.

Gulu Gulu——

Jin Si swallowed Y'Shaarji.

Speaking of which, Y'Shaarji is the strongest ancient god.

His ferocity fears even his own kind.

In that year, a total of five ancient gods came to Azeroth with them.

Then Y'Shaarji went straight to kill one of the ancient gods, and then killed the unlucky guy with the other three.

Eating didn't last long.

There is only a messy forest left on the ground.

Where the Sha Demon passed by, the ground would be dyed black.

But this Y'Shaarji was pushed to the ground by Jin Si.

Not even a little pollution left.

Everyone really believed it at this time, Jin Si really used the ancient gods as food.

There wasn't even a speck of crumbs left behind.

"Ancestor, can I eat it?" Yulong thought, Jin Si can do it, so can she too?

"Don't call me ancestor, call me Jin... You can eat the processed ones."

"How did you deal with it?"

"Without the blood of the ancient gods, it's just pure flesh and blood." Jin Si said.

This little green dragon has such a small body, if it swallows a little blood of the ancient gods, it will be the end of the capital.

"But why do you..."

"Nonsense, can you compare with me? Look at the difference in our physique."

"Then how can I become as strong as you?"

"Have you heard of double cultivation?"

"???" Yulong said, I don't study much, please don't lie to me, please.

"Forget it, I won't tease you."

Jin Si pricked his own finger and dropped a drop of dragon's blood.

The dragon's blood dripped directly onto Yulong's head.

But this drop directly smashed a pool of blood on the ground.

Almost enough to give her a bath.

"Thank you ancestor..."

"Is there any substantive thanks? For example..."

"Ancestor, it's getting late. It's time for you to continue to maintain peace in the universe. Goodbye." Yulong had already turned into a wisp of smoke and fled.

"Made, dog." Jin Si curled his lips, turned his head to look at Chi Jing, Niuzao, and Bai Hu: "What are you looking at? Believe it or not if you eat it."

The three guardian beasts scattered like birds and beasts.

There is no such thing as saving face, okay?

Look at that physique, and look at Y'Shaarji's miserable appearance just now.

If they really do it, people will die, okay?

Moreover, this Shenlong was obviously not serious, and felt that if he stayed any longer, he would either lose his life or lose his virginity.

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