Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 1010 Jue Zhan and his wife extra (18)

She blinked and finally found her voice, "Are you proposing to me with your household registration book?"

"Isn't it very creative?" Bai Jue raised his lips and smiled.

Zhan Mingyan suddenly felt dumbfounded.

Others proposed with rings and flowers, but it was better for him to just give her a household registration book.


Bai Jue turned around and walked around to the back of the car, opened the trunk, took out a bouquet of red roses, then closed the trunk and walked in front of her.

It really comes to whatever you want.

Zhan Mingyan looked at the bouquet of fiery red roses, her heart beating loudly.

Suddenly, in her surprised eyes, Bai Jue knelt down on one knee, holding a bouquet in both hands and handed it to her, "I have the household registration book and flowers. I have also ordered the ring. It will be delivered in a while. Zhan. Ming Yan, marry me!”

The person who had always been carefree suddenly became serious, and Zhan Mingyan was not used to it.

She was holding the chocolate gift box in one hand and her household registration book in the other. She was startled when she saw the sincerity in his eyes.

She didn't take the rose, and Bai Jue didn't move, just kneeling there.

After a while, Zhan Mingyan suddenly smiled, "Bai Jue, you have proposed to me two or three times, and I have rejected you before. I confessed to you before, and you rejected me twice. Now we are Evened out."

My love for him has never changed.

Therefore, she could not find a reason not to agree.

She stretched out her hand to take the rose, and her pink lips curved into a happy smile, "Why are you still kneeling? Your knees don't feel uncomfortable."

Bai Jue grinned, and his bright smile was more dazzling than the rising sun.

"Then when are we going to get the certificate?"

"I'll think about it." Zhan Mingyan deliberately hung him up, but he had just startled her.

Bai Jue took her hand and said urgently, "We still need to consider this. Didn't you just agree to my proposal?"

"I have agreed to your proposal, so why are you anxious?" Zhan Mingyan used his words to block him back, "Besides, I haven't told my family about this yet."

Only then did Bai Jue remember this incident. He had to go and talk to Mr. Zhan and the others quickly.

Then without further ado, he will come to propose marriage tomorrow.

Zhan Mingyan's attention was focused on the red rose, and she had no idea what Bai Jue had planned in her heart.

Xuri also watched and asked for marriage. Zhan Mingyan had a sweet smile on her face along the way, and the carriage was filled with pink bubbles.

Bai Jue sent Zhan Mingyan back and went back to wash up and change clothes.


As soon as Zhan Mingyan entered the house, she saw her mother making tea in the living room.

The fiery red roses instantly caught Lu Hui's attention. She smiled and joked, "It seems the date went well."

"Mom!" Zhan Mingyan shouted shyly.

"Hey, you're still shy in front of mom." Lu Hui said with a smile.

"Mom, I'll go up and change clothes." Seeing her mother's gossiping eyes, Zhan Mingyan quickly chose to run away.

Lu Hui watched her disappear and took a sip of the brewed scented tea.

It seems that their Zhan family will have a happy event soon.

Back in the room, Zhan Mingyan put the roses into the vase, then quickly washed up and changed her clothes.

Her hair was half-dry, and she didn't even bother to comb it, and hurriedly ran out.

Looking at the chocolate gift box and household registration book on the table, she truly believed that this was not a dream.

She picked up the small household registration book and laughed out loud.

The next day, before Zhan Mingyan got up, she heard laughter coming from downstairs.

Faintly, there was Bai Jue's voice.

Bai Jue!

Zhan Mingyan suddenly woke up and sat up straightly.

She scratched her hair and glanced at the wall. It was almost ten o'clock.

Damn, she slept for so long.

She hurriedly got out of bed to wash up, not even bothering to put on her shoes.

Downstairs, Bai Jue, Mr. Zhan and Lu Hui were chatting happily.

"Grandpa, Mom!"

Zhan Mingyan came down in a hurry, her long hair shawl slightly messy.

"Yan'er, Bai Jue came here early in the morning. You're the only one who stayed up so late. You can already have lunch." Lu Hui complained about her daughter.

"Mom, why didn't you wake me up?" Zhan Mingyan walked over to Bai Jue and sat down.

Bai Jue replied, "I asked my aunt not to call you."

"Look, Bai Jue is still considerate." Lu Hui said.

Zhan Mingyan listened to her mother keep saying good things about Bai Jue, and complained, "Mom, am I your biological child, or is Bai Jue your biological child?"

"Now that you are married, Bai Jue can be considered my son." Lu Hui said smartly.

Zhan Mingyan looked at the narrow smiles in the eyes of her grandfather and mother, looked at Bai Jue reflexively, and asked, "What did you say?"

Bai Jue calmly helped her brush away the broken hair on her cheeks, and said calmly, "Just say that I proposed to you and you agreed. We are choosing a good day to get married."

"Mom, Grandpa, don't listen to his nonsense." Zhan Mingyan's eyes widened. How could this guy be so anxious? He just proposed yesterday and came to propose marriage today.

"What nonsense am I talking about? My household registration should be with you." Bai Jue said quietly.

Zhan Mingyan choked, "I..."

"What, Yan'er, you also took Bai Jue's household registration book?" Lu Hui couldn't hold back her subtle smile.

Zhan Mingyan held her forehead and said, "..."

This damn Bai Jue clearly laid a trap for her and waited for her to get into it automatically.

"Grandpa, let's continue discussing the wedding date." Bai Jue looked at Mr. Zhan and said.

Zhan Mingyan patted his thigh, "Who is your grandfather?"

"We are getting married, and your grandpa is my grandpa." Bai Jue said matter-of-factly, "right, grandpa?"

Mr. Zhan said very convincingly, "That's right."

Zhan Mingyan saw that her grandfather and mother were on the same side as Bai Jue, and she didn't know whether to laugh or feel sad.

"I bought you something to eat. It's in the dining room. Let's go eat some first." Bai Jue pinched her cheek, and the smooth touch made him reluctant to let go.

"That's right, you go to eat and don't bother us to pick a date." Lu Hui agreed.

Zhan Mingyan was speechless.

Is she the one getting married or them?

At noon, Bai Jue stayed at Zhan's house for lunch, and then he was dragged by Mr. Zhan to play chess before leaving in the evening.

Zhan Mingyan was pushed out by Lu Hui to send Bai Jue out.

Under the streetlight, Zhan Mingyan kicked the gravel on the ground.

"What are you thinking about?" Bai Jue pulled her and suddenly said, "Are you worried about our marriage?"

Zhan Mingyan hesitated for a moment, raised her head and looked at him, "Bai Jue, have you really thought about it? Marriage is a lifelong matter for me, and I don't want you to do it because of impulse."

Bai Jue suppressed the smile at the corner of his mouth and held her face with his hands, "Zhan Mingyan, please listen to me clearly. I, Bai Jue, will not joke about marriage. It is a lifetime for you, and it is the same for me. It’s not impulsive, but I’ve never been more serious.”

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