Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 1011 Jue Zhan and his wife extra (19)

Facing his dark eyes, Zhan Mingyan saw a full version of herself in his eyes. She swept away her previous worries and smiled.

"You just need to be at ease and prepare to be my bride. Apart from that, leave everything to me." Seeing her smile, Bai Jue's lips curled up slightly.

Zhan Mingyan hummed, her eyes filled with smiles.

The breeze blew by, and the bright moon exuded a soft light.

Bai Jue has always been very efficient in doing things, especially when it comes to marrying a wife, his speed is as fast as a rocket.

As soon as the proposal was successful, Bai Jue declared his love to the world.

The most unlucky couple were Jian Luo and Kahn. Bai Jue left the wedding dress to Jian Luo to design, the jewelry and accessories to Kahn, and the wedding photos to Thea. .

On this day, Bai Jue and his group all gathered at Dihao. Quan Jingwu and Jian Qing also came back from abroad, and everyone was here.


The sound of clinking glasses echoed in the box, accompanied by laughter from everyone.

"Bai Jue, it's not easy. I'm finally single." Jian Luo joked.

Bai Jue smiled and said, "Remember to prepare your share of the money."

Jian Luo rolled her eyes at him, "My design fee is very high, how much do you plan to pay?"

"And me and Kahn's share." Thea agreed.

Bai Jue, "You are a bunch of bad friends."

"Ming Yan, if Bai Jue dares to bully you after getting married, just tell us and we will help you beat him up," Thea said.

"Don't sow discord between our husband and wife." When Bai Jue heard this, he was not happy, "Kahn, take care of your wife. Don't always take my wife to the bar."

Kahn shrugged, "Sorry, I have a strict wife rule."

He said this without changing his expression, he was very proud.


Others laughed like pigs.

"Bai Jue, it's still too late to regret now," Han Yue said.

Zhan Mingyan tilted her head and looked at Bai Jue, smiling and narrowing her eyes, "Do you want to regret it?"

Bai Jue hugged her and said, "Stop listening to their nonsense."

"Axuan, you and Ayue are the only ones left here. You two should hurry up." Jian Luo teased.

"How about you two just work together." Jian Qing joked.

"I asked, why do you want us to get together so much?" Quan Mingxuan silently rolled his eyes at them, "Ah Yue, hurry up and confess yourself."

"What are you confessing? Is there something wrong with you, Ah Yue?" Bai Jue asked gossiping.

Han Yue glanced at Quan Mingxuan, and then said, "He was drunk and talking nonsense."

"You'll get drunk after just half a glass. Ah Xuan's drinking capacity isn't that bad, right?" Jian Qing glanced at the wine glass in Quan Mingxuan's hand. There was still more than half the glass left.

"That's right, Ah Yue should confess quickly and be lenient." Bai Jue said.

"Really not." Han Yue raised his hands in surrender.

"Two days ago, I saw him having sex with a beautiful woman and even went to a hotel." Quan Mingxuan quietly revealed.

Everyone cheered, and Han Yue had black lines all over his head.

These people are really...

"Ah Yue, do you want to explain something?" Kahn looked at him meaningfully and asked.

"I'm just explaining, that woman was a blind date introduced by my mother. I was busy with work that day and let her go. In order to prevent my mother from talking about me, I sent her back to the hotel. That's it. OK, I have a big idea. Let's go." After saying this in one breath, Han Yue took two sips of wine to quench his thirst.

"It's not your style to not eat the meat that reaches your mouth, right?" Quan Mingxuan snorted and then joked.

Han Yue was so angry that his stomach hurt, "I am also very picky, and I am not an omnivore."


Hearing the exchange of words between the two of them, everyone burst into laughter.

After gathering for a while, everyone dispersed towards evening.

Zhan Mingyan took Bai Jue to a newly opened Western restaurant for dinner, and met an acquaintance there, He Min.

Looking at the two people's clasped hands, He Min's eyes gradually dimmed, and he forced a smile and said, "I heard you are getting married, congratulations."

"Thank you. Come and have a wedding drink when you have time." Bai Jue said lightly.

Seeing that the atmosphere had cooled down, Zhan Mingyan changed the topic and said, "He Min, are you here to eat alone?"

"No, with a few friends." He Min said.

"Then we won't disturb you." Bai Jue led Zhan Mingyan past him, and the two of them chose a seat by the window and sat down.

Not far away, Luo Xin watched He Min's eyes fall on Zhan Mingyan, almost breaking a silver tooth.

It's Zhan Mingyan again.

He Min, why can't you forget her even after she gets married?

Although Bai Jue had taken care of the marriage and Zhan Mingyan didn't have to worry about it, Lu Hui had to help with the trivial matters.

For example, the list of friends who need to be entertained by the Zhan family is left to Mr. Zhan and Zhan Ze to discuss.

As a result, Zhan Mingyan, the bride-to-be, has become the most idle person.

"Xiao Qing, I'm going out for a trip. Please check the store." After looking at the time, Zhan Mingyan picked up her bag and warned.

"The flowers on the table will be brought by guests later. Remember to give them to them."

"Oh, got it."

Zhan Mingyan walked out of the flower shop with her bag. The warm sunshine made her feel very comfortable.

She stood on the roadside and waved her hand.

A taxi stopped in front of her, Zhan Mingyan opened the door and got in.

She announced her destination, then lowered her head and scrolled through her phone.

The driver glanced at the rearview mirror, then raised his hand and lowered the brim of his hat.

About twenty minutes later, the driver braked suddenly. Due to the force of inertia, Zhan Mingyan leaned forward and hit her forehead on the seat.

She covered her forehead, "What's going on?"

"I'm sorry, miss, there seems to be something wrong with the car. Please get out first and I'll check it out. I'm sorry," the driver said.

Zhan Mingyan didn't think anything of it and got out of the car.

The driver got out of the car and walked around to inspect the car.

Zhan Mingyan looked at the time and saw that the time agreed with Bai Jue was coming soon.

"Master, how long will it take to practice?"

It will probably take a while to get a taxi on this stretch.

"It'll only take about ten minutes," the driver said.

Hearing this, Zhan Mingyan breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Okay, please hurry up, I have something else to do."

"Don't worry, I'll do it as soon as possible."

As he spoke, in a corner where no one could see, the driver took out a small handkerchief from his pocket, and then approached Zhan Mingyan with a gentle step.

Zhan Mingyan thought about it and decided to tell Bai Jue that she would be arriving late so as not to keep him waiting. She took out her phone and looked up Bai Jue's number.


The driver suddenly attacked her from behind and covered her mouth with a handkerchief.

Zhan Mingyan struggled twice. The driver was too strong and the medicine took effect quickly. Her struggle gradually weakened and her eyelids closed heavily.

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