Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 1020 Jue Zhan and his wife extra (28)

"Congratulations." Thea patted her shoulder and said with a smile, "Welcome to our family of hot moms."

Zhan Mingyan couldn't help laughing, her slender hands touched her flat belly, her eyes filled with a gentle smile.

Who will look more like her or his children?

In the evening, the breeze is slightly cool.

"Mao Mao, come here, eat more vegetables." Kahn hugged Mao Mao and fed her with a small spoon, looking like a standard filial daddy to his daughter.

"Tsk, Kahn, your daddy image rivals that of Quan Jingwu." Bai Jue took a sip of red wine and teased.

"Why, are you envious?" Kahn raised his eyelids, glanced at him, and said sternly, "If you are envious, hurry up and give birth to one yourself."

Bai Jue snorted, "I'm jealous of you. I'm a newlywed. I haven't had enough of the world of two people yet. Why should I find a small light bulb for myself?"

Beside, the smile on Zhan Mingyan's lips faded.

She held the knife and fork for a moment and asked casually, "Bai Jue, do you still not want children?"

Before Bai Jue realized what was wrong with her, he held her hand and said with a playful smile, "Xiao Yan'er, don't think blindly. We have just gotten married. We are not in a hurry to have children. Let's spend some time together together."

As good as they are as a couple, and besides, he has just started eating meat. If he has a child, he will become a monk and eat meat dregs.

Thea held her forehead and couldn't bear to look directly.

Do men’s IQs drop after they get married?

This Bai Jue, who usually looks so smart, is so stupid now.

"Thea, you eat slowly, I'm a little tired, so I'll go back and rest first." Zhan Mingyan put down her knife and fork, wiped her mouth, then turned and left.

"Xiao Yan'er!"

Bai Jue stood up and was a little confused.

"Bai Jue, you idiot, why don't you hurry up and chase me." Thea took the napkin and threw it at him, "You're so stupid, forget it."

He claims to have unparalleled medical skills. He didn't even notice that his wife was pregnant. He was either stupid or something.

"Did something happen?" Bai Jue frowned.

Could it be that something happened that he didn't know about when he and Kahn went jet skiing?

Thea couldn't stand his stupidity anymore and roared, "Your wife is pregnant, do you understand?"

Pregnant women have a lot of mood swings. This guy just said he didn't want children in front of others. This makes people think.

With a bang, Bai Jue felt his mind go blank.

Is his little Yan'er pregnant?


Bai Jue's eyes lit up and he ran away without a trace.

Thea looked at the cell phone he left on the table and shook her head helplessly.

Zhan Mingyan walked very fast in the spacious corridor.

"Smelly Bai Jue, damn Bai Jue..."

She took out the key card and pressed it on the door, then opened the door and walked in.

As soon as he sat down, Bai Jue chased him in.

"What are you doing here?" Zhan Mingyan took the pillow and turned her head away from looking at him.

Bai Jue looked at her angry look and walked over quickly, then sat down next to her, while Zhan Mingyan moved to the side.

"leave me alone."

"Are you angry?" Bai Jue chuckled, reaching out and taking her into his arms regardless of her struggle.

Zhan Mingyan said sternly, "What do I have to be angry about?"

"Why didn't you tell me that you were pregnant, huh?" As he said this, Bai Jue stretched out his hand to explore her belly. Unbelievably, that flat belly was pregnant with their child.

"Don't you want a child?" Zhan Mingyan still remembered what he just said and pulled away his hand to stop him from hugging her.

"That's good, I'll take the baby back, and you can continue playing by yourself."

It is said that once a woman becomes pregnant, her temper will also change. Bai Jue now realized the total loss.

He carefully hugged her and rested his chin on her shoulder, "I didn't say I didn't like children. I just wanted to stay with you more and walk around with you. After all, we just got married, didn't we?"

Zhan Mingyan hummed and her expression softened a bit.

Bai Jue continued, "Besides, if you have a baby and you just leave me alone, wouldn't I be very pitiful?"


Zhan Mingyan was amused by his resentful tone. Seeing that she was no longer angry, Bai Jue took the opportunity to kiss her cheek.

"Okay, let me listen to our baby's voice." As he spoke, Bai Jue leaned down and put his cheek against her abdomen.

"You idiot, you can't hear anything now." Zhan Mingyan patted him and put a smile on her face again.

"Who said you couldn't hear it? I obviously heard it." Bai Jue said seriously.

Zhan Mingyan, "Tell me, what did you hear?"

"Of course the baby loves daddy the most." Bai Jue said narcissistically.

Zhan Mingyan rolled her eyes at him, "Don't pass your narcissism on to your baby."

"You have to have capital to be narcissistic, okay? Look at my handsome appearance." Bai Jue said proudly.

Zhan Mingyan curled her lips. Just now she said she didn't want to have children for the time being, but now that she knew she was pregnant, she smiled like a two hundred and fifty fool.

So, a man’s mouth is a lie.

"No, I have to show off to Jian Qing and the others." Bai Jue was so happy that he touched his trouser pocket and found that his phone was not there.

"Did you leave your phone in the restaurant?" Zhan Mingyan asked.

Bai Jue frowned, "I guess so."

"I really admire you." Zhan Mingyan took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Thea. As soon as she put down her mobile phone, someone knocked on the door.

"Dong dong dong -"

"You sit down and I'll open the door." Bai Jue stood up and opened the door.

It was Thea who came to deliver the mobile phone.

"What, have you reconciled?" Thea threw the phone to him and glanced at the couple.

Bai Jue caught the phone and said, "Thea, remember to prepare my daughter's red envelope."

Thea snorted, "With your character, I will only be a little love rival for you."

As for the little cotton-padded jacket, let’s just dream about it.

"Goodbye, friends." Bai Juejun's face darkened and he closed the door.

He suddenly understood how Quan Jingwu felt when they teased Quan Jingwu for not having a little cotton-padded jacket when Jian Qing was pregnant.

I really want to beat someone up.

Well, just a little lover, not a little love rival.

Zhan Mingyan was pregnant, and Bai Jue didn't dare to take her around. The couple said goodbye to Thea and her family, and then flew back to the capital.

It was obvious that I had started to raise my baby.

No matter how good Bai Jue's medical skills were, he was still helpless to deal with his wife's morning sickness.

During the pregnancy, Bai Jue and Zhan Mingyan lived in the Zhan family, because Bai Jue didn't know how to take care of the diet and daily life of a pregnant woman. Living in the Zhan family, Lu Hui would give Zhan Mingyan different kinds of food and supplements every day. Zhan Mingyan was scared after eating it.

After all, the morning sickness only lasted for two months. After the morning sickness period, Zhan Mingyan had a good appetite, her whole body was plump up due to Lu Hui's support, and her complexion improved a lot.

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