Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 1021 Extra of Jue Zhan and his wife (29)

Bai Jue served her carefully. In the middle of the night, whenever Zhan Mingyan wanted to eat, he would drive out to buy it without saying a word.

But most of the time, he bought it and Zhan Mingyan fell asleep again, but even so, Bai Jue was still immersed in the excitement of his expectant father.

Because she didn't want to reveal the baby's gender in advance, Zhan Mingyan covered Bai Jue's eyes during every prenatal check-up and waited for the photos to come out before showing them to him.

Therefore, Zhan Mingyan is the only one who knows the gender of the baby.

"Bai Jue, what did you buy again?" Zhan Mingyan was sitting in the living room eating fruit. She saw several men walking in with a lot of shopping bags in their hands, then putting down the shopping bags, and then going out with another pile of shopping bags. Bag comes in.

Lu Hui took a shopping bag and looked at it. It was a beautiful little princess dress.

Bai Jue signed the order at the door, and then walked in holding a half-human koala stuffed doll, "I bought it for our daughter."

"Didn't I buy a lot of them a while ago? I can't even fit them in the nursery closet. Why did you buy them again?" Zhan Mingyan was speechless.

"It's okay. I've already ordered a wardrobe. It should be delivered tomorrow." Bai Jue said, and then showed off the koala puppet, "Does it look good? I customized it for our little cotton-padded jacket. Look, there's embroidery on it. got my name.”

Zhan Mingyan glanced at the furry koala stuffed doll, and the corners of her lips twitched. This guy's obsession with little cotton-padded jackets has deepened.

"Bai Jue, even if you have money, you are not so bad. Our daughter changes several sets of clothes a day, and she can't finish wearing these clothes."

Bai Jue shook his head and picked up a blue tutu from the shopping bag, "If you can't finish wearing it, leave it there. Our daughter can change it if she wants."

If you have money, you can spend it freely on a little cotton-padded jacket. No amount is too much.


There is simply no cure.

If he knew the gender of the baby, would he want to hit him with a piece of tofu?

Days passed by in a flash, and when Zhan Mingyan gave birth to her child, Bai Jue followed her into the delivery room to accompany her.

The pain of giving birth is definitely every woman’s nightmare.

Although Zhan Mingyan was mentally prepared, when it came time to give birth, the torturous pain was still too much for her to bear.


Her face was pale and cold sweat broke out on her forehead.

"Bai Jue, you bastard, it hurts me to death..."

No wonder other people want to scold their husbands when they give birth to children. Zhan Mingyan also experienced it this time.

What a special thing...

It hurts.

Bai Jue held her hand tightly, his handsome face turned pale. People who didn't know it thought he was also giving birth to a child.

"I'm a bastard. It's my fault for making you feel so hurt."

After entering the operating room so many times, Bai Jue was a little confused looking at the scarlet blood.

"Don't be afraid, Xiao Yan'er, I'm here, why don't you bite me twice." Seeing her weak look, Bai Jue's eyes turned red and he put his hand directly to her mouth and let her bite it. .


Zhan Mingyan's breathing gradually became rapid, and the strong pain made her bite Bai Jue's hand fiercely without caring about it.

Bai Jue said nothing, looking at her with distressed eyes.

One hour

two hours

Nearly four hours later, a loud cry broke through the air.

"Wow wow wow."

"Baby..." Zhan Mingyan half-squinted her eyes, her whole body seemed to be fished out of the water, exhausted to the extreme.

Bai Jue held her hand tightly, his eyes slightly red, "Xiao Yan'er, thank you!"

Thank you for being willing to marry me, thank you for suffering so much pain to give birth to our baby, and thank you for giving me a complete family.

Zhan Mingyan curled her lips weakly and closed her eyelids heavily.

Bai Jue wiped the sweat from her face and looked at her softly.

"Congratulations, it's a cute little prince." The nurse came over with the cleaned child in her arms and congratulated Bai Jue.

The smile on Bai Jue's face froze.

little Prince?

Was he overly nervous and hallucinating?

Bai Jue quickly took the child from the nurse's hand and lifted a corner of the blanket.

Not a little cotton-padded jacket, but a little prince.

Bai Jue looked at the little one sleeping soundly in his arms, and the corners of his mouth trembled.

For a long time, he calmed down his collapsed mood.

Then, he held the little one's hand, and a gentle smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, "Forget it, considering that you are a little Yan'er who worked so hard to give birth to you, dad, I will reluctantly love you."

By the time Zhan Mingyan woke up, it was already night.

"You're awake, are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?" Bai Jue stood by the bed and was happy when he saw Zhan Mingyan waking up.

Zhan Mingyan shook her head, "Baby."

Seeing her looking for the baby as soon as she woke up, Bai Jue expressed a little jealousy.

"The baby is fine. Grandpa and the others are going to see the baby. I will bring it to you later." He said warmly, "Do you want some water?"

Zhan Mingyan nodded, Bai Jue poured a glass of water and put the straw to her mouth.

Zhan Mingyan took two puffs and then looked at him, "Is it a boy or a girl?"

"You little rascal, you're asking questions knowingly." Bai Jue lightly scratched the tip of her nose, showing a helpless smile, "Forget it, I'll give him those princess dresses at worst."

Zhan Mingyan laughed, accidentally pulling on the wound, and her pale face wrinkled up.


Bai Jue lowered his voice and said, "Be careful."

After recovering in the hospital for a few days, Zhan Mingyan was discharged.

Although Bai Jue said he disliked his son, he was unambiguous in taking care of his son. He made milk, changed diapers, and helped his son bathe himself.

"Ah, Bai Feizhan, you peed all over me again." Bai Jue's collapsed voice echoed in the bedroom. Zhan Mingyan was lying on the bed, laughing hard at Bai Jue's crazy look.

That's right, the son of Bai Jue and Zhan Mingyan is called Bai Feizhan. I think Bai Jue planned to name him Bai Lang as a joke, but he became honest after being rewarded by Zhan Mingyan.

"Xiao Yan'er, why don't you put the child back and give me a new cotton-padded jacket?" Bai Jue helped his son change into clothes, then put him on the bed, and then he took a set of clothes and put them on.

"You have the ability to do this yourself."

The pain of giving birth is so terrible.

"Let me tell you, if you don't want to fight, I will do whatever you want, and you will definitely be very naughty and mischievous in the future."

Bai Jue put on his short sleeves and said, "If this brat gets together with Shi Qi and the others, I'm sure the sky will be broken by them."

Zhan Mingyan chuckled, thinking of how mischievous her son would be in the future.

When Bai Feizhan was three years old, Bai Jue almost threw him out.

The biggest reason is to compete with him for his wife, which must not be condoned.

"Bai Feizhan, go back to your room and sleep." Bai Jue looked at the little guy occupying his wife's arms. The little face was very similar to his. Needless to say, he could tell that he was his father.

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