Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 1022 Jue Zhan’s Family Extra (30)

"No, I want to sleep with mommy." Bai Feizhan's child nuzzled into Zhan Mingyan's arms and made a face at Bai Jue, "Mommy said you go to sleep in the study room."

"Xiao Yan'er!" Bai Jue gritted his molars after hearing this.

Zhan Mingyan met the dangerous smile on his lips and smiled coyly, "Well, I just said it casually, there is no other meaning."

"Bai Feizhan, go back to your room and sleep quickly, or I will throw away the car in your room." Bai Jue came over and reached out to lift his son out of Zhan Mingyan's arms.

Bai Feizhan can almost be said to be the replica of Bai Jue. Although the little guy is young, he likes cars very much. The room is full of car models. However, Bai Jue also spoils him and buys him cars from time to time. Of course, There is a reason for this. Using a car model to coax his son not to cling to his wife will make the business worthwhile.

Bai Feizhan kicked his calves, "No, I want to sleep with mommy. Daddy is a bad guy."


This kid has turned the world upside down.

Bai Jue used his trump card and said calmly, "Bai Feizhan, if you do this again, I will tell Twinkle if you said you still sleep with Mommy at such an old age, let's see if she will laugh at you."

It's funny to say that since the first time Bai Feizhan and his children met Shining Shining, they showed extra enthusiasm and fondness for Shining Little Guliang.

Every time Zhan Mingyan wants to go find Jian Qing, Bai Feizhan and his children will try their best to follow her. The main purpose is to find Shining. That’s why every time Quan Jingwu sees Bai Feizhan, he’s like Just like guarding against wolves, I am afraid that my little girl will be snatched away by a wolf.

When it came to Shining, Bai Feizhan's eyes were bright and he shouted, "No, Buhe and Shining say bad things about me, you stinky daddy."

"Then you go back to your room and sleep. Tomorrow I will take you to Shanshan's house. If you don't obey, then I won't take you to Shanshan's house in the future." Bai Jue tempted him with a condition.

Bai Feizhan said, "Really?"

Bai Jue nodded, and Bai Fei and the children jumped out of bed happily.

"Good night Mommy, see you tomorrow."

Zhan Mingyan watched the little guy disappear in an instant and fell on the bed laughing.

"Bai Jue, your son is just as you want him to be. Stars sparkle in his eyes when he sees a beautiful woman."

Bai Jue leaned forward and said, "Only when I see you, stars shine in my eyes. Don't you see it?"

Zhan Mingyan said, "Not really."

"Then you have to see clearly this time." After saying that, Bai Jue turned off the light.

"Bai Jue, you are shameless."

On Bai Feizhan's third birthday, the happiest thing was that Twinkle also came.

When making a wish, Bai Fei and the children deliberately stood next to Shining.

The warm candlelight reflected his eyes. Bai Fei and the children clasped their hands together and began to make wishes.

"My first wish is that I can grow up quickly."

"My second wish is that I hope Shining can grow up quickly."

Everyone was amused by him as they listened to him talking about his wishes with a serious look on his face.

"The third wish is that I hope Shining can marry me as my wife when she grows up."

After saying that, Bai Fei and the children blew out the candles.

In an instant, the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped.

Bai Jue looked at Quan Jingwu and threw a cold glare at him, icy and cold.

He shrugged, it was none of his business.

After this birthday party, Quan Jingwu guarded against Bai Feizhan just like he guarded against wolves. Of course, this is another story.

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