Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 1031 Locke Extra (10)

Black Jack gave him one word, "Get out."

Soon, the school bell rang.

Bai Jue looked at Jian Luo, who was still unresponsive, and the corners of his lips trembled slightly. He was sleeping like a dead pig.

"Black Jack, what should I do?"

Black Jack replied, "He's angry. If you dare, do it yourself."

Hearing this, Bai Jue fell silent for an instant.

No, he still wants to live a few more years.

The teacher in the German class was a middle-aged man named Bu Weisun. Because he was too serious, Bai Jue always called him Old Antique.

As soon as he came in, Buvison didn't waste a second and went straight to class.

He stood on the podium and talked incessantly, which made the students in the audience feel dizzy.

Suddenly, he glanced at Jian Luo who was sleeping in the audience. His face darkened and he looked more serious. "This question will be answered by Jian Luo."

When his name was called, Jian Luo still didn't respond.

At this time, everyone's eyes were turned to Jian Luo, the person who dared to fall asleep in the antique class.

Black Jack raised his eyes to look at the teacher and said quietly, "Teacher, he is not feeling well."

"Uncomfortable?" Bu Weisun obviously didn't believe it. When he walked off the stage and saw Jian Luo's rosy face, he didn't believe Black Jack's words even more.

He turned his head to look at Black Jack, and when he touched the coldness in his eyes, he froze, and then said nonchalantly, "If you feel uncomfortable, then go to the infirmary as soon as possible after class."

"Okay, thank you for your concern, teacher." Black Jack said politely.

This time, Jian Luo slept extremely comfortably.

When he woke up, the classroom was almost empty.

He sat up, and the coat on his body slipped down. Black Jack reached out to pick it up, and then packed his schoolbag for him, "Don't look at it, the class is over."

"What?" Jian Luo was stunned, "Why didn't you wake me up?"

"You're sleeping as if you're in a coma. How dare we call you? What if I'm scared by your anger later? I'm still a baby and can't stand being scared by you." Bai Jue covered his face and smiled without showing his teeth. typical.

Jian Luo rolled her eyes at him and said, "Speak humanly."

Bai Jue said with a playful smile, "This is what people say, the old antique has walked in front of you, and you can still sleep, you are really capable."

Jian Luo scratched his still groggy head and looked at the sky speechlessly.

Will Old Antique hold a grudge against him now and give out difficult test papers on purpose?

"Let's go back." Black Jack picked up his schoolbag and hung it on his shoulders.

Seeing that he often carried his schoolbag for him, Jian Luo said sheepishly, "Black Jack, I can take the schoolbag myself."

"Stop talking nonsense here, the sun will set any later." Black Jack carried his schoolbag and took the lead to walk out.

Bai Jue grabbed his neck and asked, "How about you carry my schoolbag for me?"

"What a beautiful idea." Jian Luo pushed his chicken paws away and ran out to catch up with Black Jack.

As time goes by, the friendship between boys and girls is still as simple as before. The difference is that the four of them are even better. They can secretly play games together all night long, have fun together, go hiking together before dawn, and Be there for each other when we are sad.

The sixteen-year-old boy has become more and more handsome and mature, and his cold aura keeps others away. Only when facing the confused boy does he reveal his hidden tenderness.

In the last semester of high school, Black Jack and Bai Jue had already chosen the university they wanted to attend. The number of courses they had to study for their family gradually increased. Sometimes they even had to go to the company to attend meetings and learn various management courses. The two were so busy that they even went to school. Less gone.

As for Jian Luo, with Jian Qing helping him shoulder the heavy responsibility of the Jian family, he still lived his high school life peacefully. At the age of thirteen, he skipped two grades and went directly to high school.

After hurriedly returning from country Y, Black Jack encountered someone delivering a love letter to Jian Luo as soon as he arrived at the sanctuary.

His eyes darkened, and he reached out and knocked on the classroom door.

"Jian Luo!"

The young man is in the stage of changing his voice, and his slightly hoarse voice is tingling.

Jian Luo was worried about how to reject this love letter. When he raised his eyes and saw the person at the door, he felt happy, took his school bag, stood up and walked over.

At the end, he looked at the female voice holding the love letter and said, "I'm sorry, you'd better take this back. Goodbye."

The girl holding the love letter looked at the back of the two people leaving, and the girl's heart broke into pieces.

"Where's Bai Jue?" Jian Luo looked at him alone and asked curiously, "Didn't he come back with you?"

Black Jack reached for his school bag, "He won't come until tomorrow."

"Do you have anything to do when you come back?" Jian Luo got into the car and asked while buckling his seat belt.

Black Jack closed the car door, "No."

Along the way, it was Jian Luo who spoke mostly, with Black Jack only occasionally replying.

"Black Jack, stop the car."

Black Jack turned the steering wheel and stopped on the street, "What's wrong?"

"The chocolate is gone." Jian Luo said.

"Wait here, I'll buy it." Black Jack stopped him, opened the door and got out of the car.

Jian Luo watched him walk into the chocolate shop and take out the game console to play games.

After a while, Black Jack came back after buying chocolates.

"Take it."

Jian Luo happily took it, took out a piece of chocolate and put it in his mouth.

"Don't eat too much, you won't be able to eat dinner later."

"I know, I know." Jian Luo said perfunctorily.

The two returned to the manor, and Jian Qing had just returned from the headquarters.

"Hey, why are you two back together?"

Jian Luo sat on the sofa, "Is it weird?"

Jian Qing chuckled, her eyes falling on Black Jack, "Have you decided on YA University?"

YA University is the best aristocratic university in country M, but there are also comparable aristocratic universities in country Y. However, he chose to continue his university studies in country M, which is a bit strange. After all, he will take over the Sofaro family in the future. It is also convenient for him to study in country Y while studying to take over the affairs of the Sofaro family.

Black Jack hummed.

"Since you are back, I will leave Luoluo's German to you these days." Jian Qing was about to go upstairs when he suddenly turned around and said.

Her brother's German was really something she couldn't compliment.

Black Jack nodded, then reached for Jian Luo's schoolbag and rummaged through it. Unexpectedly, he found a failing German test paper.

Looking at the red crosses on the test paper, Black Jack's mouth trembled, "Luo Xiaobai, you failed again."

This guy's IQ is not low, but he acts like an idiot every time he speaks German.

"It's not my fault, that old antique's test paper this time was too perverted." Jian Luo said sarcastically while eating ice cream.

"Don't eat it. Go back to your room and make up for it." Black Jack reached out to grab his ice cream and put it on the table, then picked him up with one hand and walked upstairs.

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