Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 1032 Locke Extra (11)

Jian Luo looked at the ice cream on the table helplessly, "Black Jack, my ice cream will melt later."

"If you fail the exam next time, you won't be allowed to eat chocolate in the future." Black Jack threatened viciously.

Hearing this, Jian Luo instantly became honest.

Writing German exercises is the most difficult time for Jian Luo.

He bit the tip of his pen and raised his eyes to look at the boy reading opposite him, "Black Jack, I haven't finished my school homework yet, how about I write those homework first."

"No." Black Jack said without raising his head.

"What about my homework?" Staying up late doing homework is simply the biggest torture in life.

Black Jack raised his lips and smiled, "Write slowly."

Jian Luo lowered his head dejectedly and continued writing the question.

If you don’t know this question, skip it.

Hmm... I don’t know how to do this either, so I’ll skip it again.

After a series of questions that he didn't know how to do, Jian Luo slammed the pen on the table, her delicate and childish face turned red, "It's just too much of a lie."

The test paper issued by this old antique is simply too difficult.

Black Jack glanced at him with his peripheral vision, and raised his thin lips in a beautiful arc.

He closed the book and put it down, then reached for the test paper.

Except for the answers to the first question, the rest are blank. The most terrible thing is that half of the answers to the first question are wrong.

Black Jack was defeated by him. He took the pen and crossed out the answer he wrote. Then he hit his head with the pen and said, "I haven't seen you for a while, but I feel like you are getting more and more stupid."

Jian Luo snorted softly.

"Look, let me explain it to you. If you pass the exam next time and make another mistake, I will confiscate all your snacks." Black Jack knocked on the table and said something in a deep voice that made Jian Luo hate it. .

"I believe your sister will also support me."

For the next time, Black Jack's deep voice echoed in the room.

Jian Luo suddenly raised his head and asked curiously, "Black Jack, you have taught me German for so many years, aren't you impatient?"

Even Bai Jue was so angry that he jumped up and down, but he had a good temper.

"I've always been more tolerant of people who are not smart." Black Jack turned over a page of the test paper and said quietly.

Jian Luo, "..."

I really want to tear up the test paper and kick him out.

Halfway through the test paper, Jian Luo became restless again.

He quietly put down his pen and tried to divert Black Jack's attention with chatting, "Black Jack, where are you going this winter vacation?"

"Country F, do you want to go with us?" Black Jack asked.

"No, you are going to country F just to study in the company. I don't want to go with you. I want to travel." Jian Luo said arrogantly.

"Travel?" Black Jack put down the book and looked up at him, "Where are you going?"

Jian Luo said, "Switzerland."

"with who?"

"My sister."

Black Jack hummed.

"Black Jack, is there any place you particularly want to go?" Jian Luo's mind jumped a little fast, and Black Jack expressed his helplessness.


Jian Luo asked again in disbelief, "The world is so big, but you don't have any place you particularly want to go?"

Black Jack gave him a strange look, "Is it weird?"

Every time during the winter and summer vacations, he would fly to a different country. He had been to many places over the years, but he had nothing to miss. Anyway, every time he went, he was studying in the company.

"Of course." Jian Luo said without hesitation.

Blackjack asked, "So where do you want to go?"

"That's a lot." Jian Luo nodded, and then said in a very literary way, "The world is so big, I want to see everywhere."

A black line fell from Black Jack's head, he picked up the pen and put it back in his hand, "I'll buy you a globe tomorrow. You can not only look at it, but you can also turn it around. Now hurry up and finish writing your test paper for me." ”

Jian Luo spat out a mouthful of old blood.

He didn't want to talk to Blackjack anymore.

It's so bullying.

It was a very cold winter, and the heavy snow almost froze the whole world into a kingdom of snow. With a gentle breath, it seemed as if it was almost frozen to slag.

That snowy night of that year will be deeply engraved in their memories for Black Jack and Jian Luo for the rest of their lives.

"Have you found Black Jack?" Bai Jue hurried to the manor. Although it was winter, a thin layer of sweat broke out on his forehead.

Jian Qing shook his head, "His mobile phone was turned off. I called the castle and asked, but he didn't come back."

"What happened?" Jian Luo dragged his suitcase in and asked while taking off his coat.

Bai Jue said, "Black Jack's father passed away, and we can't contact him now."


Jian Luo stood up as her butt was still hot from sitting.

"Don't you know?" Bai Jue asked.

"He didn't tell me, and he didn't mention it when I called him two days ago." Jian Luo said in a calm voice. He only knew that Black Jack's family was a bit complicated, and his relationship with his father had always been tense, but he didn't Thinking that his father would suddenly pass away.

No wonder he felt weird listening to his voice two days ago. He even said it was a slight cold.

This big idiot!

"Is there no news from his home either?"

Jian Qing said, "No, Bai Jue and I have searched several places we often go to, but we haven't found anyone."

"Jian Luo, think about it carefully. Has Black Jack ever told you where he wants to go?" Bai Jue asked.

Jian Luo frowned and thought hard.

Jian Qing and Bai Jue looked at him, feeling worried for Black Jack in their hearts.

After a long time, Jian Luo had a flash of inspiration.

"I thought about it."

"Where?" Bai Jue asked.

"Don't worry, I'll go find him and be back soon." Jian Luo grabbed the phone and ran out quickly.

Seeing Jian Luo's furious back, Bai Jue and Jian Qing breathed a sigh of relief.

The night was falling, and the streets were covered with a thick layer of snow.

Under the streetlight, there are footprints of different sizes and depths.


Jian Luo took out a few bills and stuffed them into the driver, then got out of the car in a hurry.

When he got out of the car, a biting chill hit him, making him shiver.

He ran wildly all the way, his handsome face as fair as jade gradually turned a bit crimson, and white mist was faintly visible in his breath.


When he ran to the amusement park, he leaned over and put his hands on his knees, his breathing becoming heavy and rapid.

worn out.

He raised his head and saw that the gate of the amusement park was about to close not far away.

"Wait a minute!"

Before he finished speaking, the door stained with ice and snow closed heavily.

He was still a step slower.

He looked around and his eyes fell on the thick wall.

There was a flash of determination in his eyes, and then he climbed up the wall with agility.

Black Jack, I will risk my life for you this time.

He glanced down, then jumped down.

Fortunately, this is a blind spot and there is no surveillance, otherwise it would be really troublesome.

Jian Luo looked at this huge amusement park and rubbed his hands, where to start looking.

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