Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 1033 Locke Extra (12)

Forget it, look for it slowly, you will definitely find it.

He crouched in search of Black Jack in the amusement park, and for the first time in his life, he used the skills specially trained at the headquarters.

In such a hurry, he not only left the scarf but also his coat at home.

He was naturally afraid of the cold, and now he was almost frozen into a popsicle.

He jumped on the spot twice to warm up his body.

If it weren't for the fact that it was night, he would have wanted to roar twice.

"Black Jack, where have you been hiding?" he muttered.

He raised his head and caught a glimpse of the Ferris wheel not far away from the corner of his eye. Suddenly he remembered it and ran away quickly.

The howling cold wind drowned out his breathing.

In the ice and snow, a black figure broke into his field of vision.

Jian Luo's face lit up with joy, and she quickened her pace and ran over.

"Black Jack!"

Not caring about anything else, he shouted loudly.

The warm voice, with a bit of urgency, passed through the air, overcame the cold wind, and landed heavily on Black Jack's ears.

In an instant, the stiff back suddenly turned around.

Under the weak light, those blue eyes were dim and irrelevant, no longer as bright and dazzling as usual.

Black Jack looked at the person who was supposed to be traveling but appeared here at this moment, with little waves in his eyes, and finally a stormy sea.

Jane, Luo!

At that moment, all he could see was the figure running towards him.

With a warm light, like a little sun emitting heat, it crashed into his gray world without warning.

"Black Jack, you idiot!"

Jian Luo stopped, reached out and pushed him, and cursed in a confused voice, "Why didn't you tell me something happened? Do you still regard me as your friend?"

Black Jack took a step back. The bottomless footprints made Jian Luo both angry and distressed. How long had he stood here with such deep footprints?

"Are you crazy? It's such a cold day and it's snowing so heavily. Do you want to be frozen into an ice sculpture standing here?"

The young man's concern could be faintly heard in the angry voice.

Black Jack let him curse. After a long time, he asked in a hoarse voice, "Why are you here?"

"If I don't come, are you going to stand here all the time and call me stupid? You are the biggest fool." Jian Luo clenched his fist and punched his shoulder, gritting his teeth.

"Do you know that we were almost crazy looking for you? Do you know that as soon as I heard that you were missing after going back, I dropped my luggage and ran over."

Black Jack looked at his face that was pale from the cold, his blue eyes slightly condensed, and suddenly reached out to hug him.

Jian Luo's pupils shrank slightly, and his body was stiff and did not dare to move.

There was a ringing in his ears and his mind went blank.

Until the man's magnetic voice sounded in my ears again, with unconcealable pain, "Obviously I hate him, but he is gone, but I still feel sad. I swore that I would never forgive him in this life." , but when I saw him lying there lifeless, all my anger disappeared immediately. I hated him for breaking up our happy home with his own hands, and I hated him for abandoning my mother and leaving first. "

But he hated himself even more for not calling him dad at the last second.

It's too late.

Jian Luo turned around, slowly raised his hand, and patted his back, "When I was hiding in the closet when I was a child, you lent me your arms. Now it's you, and I lend you both my arms and shoulders." There you go, Blackjack, you and us."

They are the same kind of people and understand each other's loneliness.

Underneath the strong appearance, there is also the softest side deep in the heart, which is the cherishment and desire for family love.

Black Jack closed his eyes, "It was too late, he was already gone. I think he was filled with regret at the last second."

"Uncle, he will be proud of you." Jian Luo said softly. Although he had not seen Black Jack's father many times, he could see that every time Black Jack's father talked about Black Jack, his eyes exuded fame. It’s called the light of pride.

Black Jack was silent and tightened his arms around him.

Everything is silent, and the hustle and bustle of the city gradually calms down.

After a long time, Black Jack let go of his hand and put away the sadness in his eyes, "How did you know I was here?"

Jian Luo replied, "You have forgotten that the last time you came here, you mentioned to me that your uncle once said that he would take you here, but then he came because he had something to do."

"Why did you come out wearing so little?" Black Jack noticed that he was only wearing a sweater, and reached out to touch his face, which was frighteningly cold.


Jian Luo sneezed and rubbed his nose.

"It's not because I'm anxious to find you."

Black Jack knocked him on the head, quickly took off his coat, and then put it on him, "Hurry up and put it on."

"Then what should you do?" Jian Luo asked.

"I'm cold tolerant, so don't be verbose and put it on quickly to avoid catching a cold."

With that said, Black Jack directly forced Jian Luo to put it on.

Then, he glanced around and pulled him to the small pavilion opposite.

The front of the small pavilion for people to rest is open, and the cold wind blows in.

Jian Luo was wearing Black Jack's coat, but was still freezing.

"How did you get in?" Black Jack asked.

At this time, the amusement park should be closed.

"Climb over the wall." Jian Luo said casually.

Hearing this, Black Jack frowned and looked at him carefully, "Did you fall somewhere?"

Jian Luo shook his head and said in a brisk tone, "No, I still have the ability to climb over walls."

Black Jack took a step forward, faced him, and blocked the cold wind with his back.

"What are you doing? You're protecting me from the wind without a coat. What should I do if I catch a cold?" Jian Luo reached out and pushed him, saying disapprovingly.

Black Jack clasped his hand, then took out his mobile phone and made a call, "Send a car over."

After hanging up the phone, he lowered his eyes and looked at Jian Luo, "Can I still leave?"

Jian Luo rolled her eyes at him and said, "Of course, I'm not a piece of paper." Although he hadn't eaten for two meals, his stomach was already singing about an empty city.

But I still have the strength to get out of the amusement park.

Black Jack pulled him and ran out of the small pavilion. In the wind and snow, their backs gradually disappeared into the snowy night.

If you don't walk faster now, it will be too late. The harder the snow and the wind, the harder it will be to walk.

The heater was on in the car, driving away the coldness.

Jian Luo shook off the ice and snow on his body and finally came back to life.

From now on, he would never go out in the snow in the middle of the night again.

It's so cold.

Black Jack looked at the person next to him, his eyes shining with tenderness that he had never noticed, and the corners of his lips curled up slightly.

No one knew that on this snowy night, the moment the boy next to him found him, Black Jack decided that the boy in front of him was the person he wanted to protect for the rest of his life.

That year, he was sixteen, and he was already nineteen.

An ignorant young man, I knew him when I first fell in love, and the rest of my life was filled with him...

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