Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 1034 Locke Extra (13)

When the boy who loved chocolate turned 18, the boy who bought him chocolates and helped him carry his schoolbag and teach him German had grown up and become more mature and stable.

There is no doubt that Jian Qing and Jian Luo also chose to enter this university in the end.

"Jian Luo, you are hiding here and sleeping again." Bai Jue looked for Jian Luo everywhere, and finally found him in the corner of the library.

He didn't understand what was so good about sleeping in this library. If he slept on the table, he would only feel sore all over when he woke up. But Jian Luo just liked to come to this place to sleep from time to time.

Bai Jue glanced at the picture album under his hand, stretched out his hand to shake him awake, "Don't sleep, get up quickly."

"What?" Jian Luo looked at him sleepily, her voice a little hoarse.

"Brother, the library is for others to study and read, not for you to sleep." Bai Jue complained, "I'm going to the racing track, do you want to go with me?"

When Jian Luo heard about the racing track, he immediately fell asleep.

His eyes lit up, "Okay."

It just so happened that his sister went to country F these days, and no one cared about him when he went to the racing track.

"Is it just the two of us?"

Bai Jue said, "I also made an appointment with some racing friends, and by the way, Black Jack is back too."

"Where is he?" Jian Luo asked while packing his books.

"I was originally going to come here with me to find you, but I was called by the principal halfway." Bai Jue helped him put the books back on the bookshelf.

"Called by the principal?" Jian Luo was surprised, "What did he do?"

"I don't know, but it should be nothing serious."

Jian Luo groaned, picked up his schoolbag and threw it on his shoulder.

Under the shade of a tree, the two walked and chatted.

Suddenly, Bai Jue caught an interesting scene with his peripheral vision and pulled Jian Luo to hide behind the big tree.

"Bai Jue, what are you doing?" Jian Luo staggered and quickly held onto the tree with her hands to keep from falling.

Bai Jue hissed, "Look there."

Jian Luo followed his gaze and saw that the man was wearing black clothes and black trousers, and he had a handsome face that he was very familiar with.

It's Black Jack!

There was also a girl he didn't know, wearing a YA university uniform, with big golden waves hanging casually behind her, and a charming face lightly painted with pink.

"Bai Jue, is that girl from your class?"

"No, she's from the class next to us. Her name is Liz. Her family and Black Jack's family are family friends, and she pursues Black Jack relentlessly." Bai Jue said in a low voice.

What a pity! Falling flowers are so heartless!

Jian Luo's eyes swept across Liz, and finally rested on Black Jack.

He was a little far away, and he could only see Black Jack's mouth moving, but couldn't hear clearly what he was saying.

After a while, Liz lowered her head in frustration, her eyes still a little red.

"Come on, Black Jack has found us." Bai Jue met Black Jack's casual glance and dragged Jian Luo away.

The two of them rushed to the school gate, Jian Luo panting.

"Why are you running? We didn't do anything bad."

Bai Jue glanced at him. He was the one who was caught by Black Jack.

He is not Jian Luo, he is really slow in terms of emotional intelligence.

"Forget it, let's go to the racing track ourselves without waiting for Black Jack."

Jian Luo hummed and followed him into the car.

On the way, Bai Jue looked at the person next to him intentionally or unintentionally, and saw that he was playing games on a game console and was not affected by what just happened.

"Jian Luo, do you think Liz is a good match for Black Jack?" he asked tentatively.

"It's okay." Jian Luo said without raising his head, concentrating on conquering the next round of the game.

Bai Jue asked again, "Why is it okay?"

"Otherwise, I don't know that Liz. I just took a look at it. Do you want me to say it's very good? Besides, she likes Black Jack. Black Jack thinks it's good." Jian Luo looked at it strangely. He glanced at it, then looked at the game console.

Bai Jue coughed slightly, his emotional intelligence was worrying.

"What do you think if Black Jack is with her?"

Jian Luo paused with his fingertips. For just a few seconds, the game was over and he was KO'd.

A bit of pity flashed across his face, and he was almost able to pass the level.

"Bai Jue, you see you always interrupt me. I could have passed the game this time." He looked at Bai Jue and complained.

"You're acting weird today. Black Jack is already in his early twenties, and it's nothing to fall in love. Why do you keep asking me, do you like that Liz?"

Bai Jue almost spit out a mouthful of blood when he heard what happened next.

Where does this all go?

He slowed down the car and said, "How could I like that Liz? Jian Luo, you must have been in a daze while sleeping in the library."

"Then why do you keep asking me if it's good for Black Jack and Liz to be together?" Jian Luo asked back.

"I..." Bai Jue choked. He could say that he just wanted to test whether he had any interest in Black Jack. Who knew he could be so stupid and couldn't understand after asking for a long time.

"Don't I care about Black Jack? We are brothers. If he is looking for a girlfriend, we naturally have to help him with his reference." He excused himself casually.

Jian Luo lowered his head and played the game, "Okay, if I see Black Jack later, I'll ask him for you, okay?"

"What are you going to ask?" Bai Jue asked with great interest.

Jian Luo thought for a while and then said, "Just tell him that you care about whether he is with Liz and what he thinks of Liz."

Upon hearing this, Bai Jue shook his hand on the steering wheel and almost drove the car into a tree.

It is really rotten wood that cannot be carved.

Along the way, Bai Jue also gave up talking about this topic with Jian Luo, so as not to be annoyed by his strange brain circuit.

When they arrived at the racing track, Jian Luo also finished the game. He stuffed the game console back into his schoolbag, then picked a car and raced around the racing track for a few laps.

"Bai Jue, let's have a competition." He stopped the car, looked at Bai Jue from the window, and whistled at him.

Bai Jue curled his lips and smiled, "Come as soon as you come. If you lose, I'll treat you to a meal."

Jian Luo snapped his fingers, "Then it's your decision."

When Black Jack arrived, a group of people were watching Jian Luo and Bai Jue racing.

He folded his arms and stared at the blue sports car.

The white sports car overtook the blue sports car and reached the finish line a few seconds ahead. Bai Jue stopped the car with a beautiful drift and then got out of the car.

"Jian Luo, have your wallet ready."

Jian Luo rolled her eyes at him and said, "I'll hold you to death."

"Hey, Black Jack is here." Bai Jue looked at the people standing under the umbrella, grabbed Jian Luo and walked over.

"Why are you alone?" Bai Jue asked, "Where is Liz?"

Jian Luo's question was even more straightforward, "Black Jack, are you with her?"

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