Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 1049 Twinkle Extra (1)

When Mr. Jian's birthday happened to be during the summer vacation of the 17th and 19th, Quan Jingwu's family of five returned to Country M together.

When they arrived at the manor, they discovered that their family of five was the last to arrive.


The three little guys ran towards Mr. Jian and surrounded him affectionately.

One person shouted "grandpa", which made Mr. Jian extremely happy.

Of course, in country M, it is not easy to be seventeen or nineteen. After enjoying so much honor and glory, they naturally have to work harder than others.

The real problem is before us. There are countless properties under the names of Quan Jingwu and Jian Qing. Now we have to add Mo Xiao’s family property, Black Jack and Jian Luo. This is not enough. A small burden.

As for Twinkle, Quan Jingwu has no intention of burdening him with his little public affairs. As far as they are concerned, Twinkle just needs to be responsible for being happy every day.

However, Xiao Guliang is also very impressive. She has a very smart little head and can learn everything very quickly. She is not inferior to her two brothers at all.

When Seventeen and Nineteen were receiving special training, Quan Jingwu and his party made an appointment to go to the racecourse, and Jian Qing and Twinkle also went with them.

Under the blue sky, several figures were riding horses, galloping quickly around the racecourse.

"Daddy, come on!"

Shining nestled in Jian Qing's arms, clenching her little fists to cheer for her daddy.

Jian Qing looked down at the girl in her arms, her red lips slightly raised.

"Mommy, I want to drink juice." Shining said softly.

"Okay, then you wait for Mommy here and don't wander around. Mommy will buy it for you." Jian Qing put her on the chair and said softly.

Twinkle took her hand and said coquettishly, "I want to go with Mommy."

"Okay then." Jian Qing chuckled, jumped out of the chair, and mother and daughter left the racecourse hand in hand.

There is a special cold drink shop in the racecourse. The environment is quiet, which is very suitable for people to read and rest here.


Jian Qing led Shining in and walked in. The waiter in the store was amazed when he saw this beautiful mother and daughter.

Jian Qing chose a seat and sat down holding Twinkle in her arms.

She reached out and took the menu on the table and flipped through it twice, "Twinkle, would you like some snacks and ice cream?"

"Yeah." Shining smiled and narrowed her eyes. There was a shallow pear dimple on her white and tender cheeks, which made her look even softer and cute when she smiled.

Jian Qing picked a few items and handed the menu to the waiter.

"Twinkle, Mommy needs to go to the bathroom. How about you wait for Mommy here? Help Mommy take care of her phone."

Twinkle nodded obediently, "Okay."

Jian Qing stood up and left, while Shining held her phone and watched cartoons.


The waiter's sweet voice sounded again.

The man dressed in black is tall, and it is easy to give people a sense of oppression when seen up close. When he looks at the little boy in front of him, there is a bit of respect in his eyes.

The little boy is about six years old. His short black hair makes his skin look like white jade. His childish facial features are deep and delicate. It is vaguely obvious how magnificent he will be when he grows up. Especially his eyes as dark as midnight, which reveal the connection with him. With a maturity that is inconsistent with his age, it is impossible to imagine that this kind of look would appear on a child.

"Del, a glass of warm water."

The clear voice carries an inaccessible coldness.

The man in black named Del nodded respectfully, "Yes, young master, please wait a moment."

The little boy looked around, and when his icy eyes touched the twinkling diagonally across from him, his curled eyelashes trembled slightly, and then he faintly withdrew his gaze.

The little boy wearing black sneakers stepped forward. Whether it was intentional or a coincidence, the little boy was sitting at the table opposite Shining.

"Young Master, your warm water." Del put the water glass on the table with both hands.

The little boy reached out and picked up the water glass, took a sip and then put it down.


A sigh sounded.

Twinkle held her little face in her hands, "Big Big Wolf was shot away again, so stupid!"

The delicate little face made a helpless expression, attracting the attention of the shop assistants, and their eyes were filled with red hearts.

Some people even recognized that Xingxin was the daughter of Quan Jingwu and Jian Qing, and quickly took out their mobile phones and pointed them at her to take pictures.

"Oops, young master, they are chasing you."

Through the glass window, Del saw the man in black rushing to the door, and his expressionless face suddenly changed.

"Young Master, hide quickly and leave as soon as you find the opportunity. I will deal with them." Del protected the little boy and reached for the gun hidden in his waist with his big hand.

"W-Who are you?"

Dozens of men in black were approaching menacingly, and the shop assistants were all young girls. Naturally, they were frightened when they saw this scene.

"Go away."

The leading man in black knocked out the clerk standing in front of him with one palm, and his evil eyes fell on the little boy behind Del.

"Catch this person for me."


"Young Master, leave quickly." Del drew his gun and fired at the men in black.


The clerks had never seen such a battle before and hurriedly hid under the cashier.

In a corner where no one could see, Twinkle moved to hide behind the big column.

As early as the people in black appeared at the door, Xiao Guliang hid and dialed Quan Jingwu's number.

One to ten, Del is naturally no match for them.

The leading man in black looked at the little boy, a proud smile flashed across his face, "Young Master, please go back with us."

The little boy clenched his fists, a look of anger flashing across his eyes.

"Ah, help, there are rats, there are rats..."

A scream suddenly sounded, and Twinkle ran out from behind the big column, jumping up and down, dazzling the people in black.

"Help, the mouse is there, uncle, there is a mouse." Shining raised her little head and looked at the man in black, her clear eyes shining with innocence, not the slightest bit timid.

"Uncle, help Shining catch the mouse."

The boy looked at the little Guliang who suddenly ran out, with a flash of surprise between his brows.

The man in black was stunned for a moment, then he quickly came to his senses and looked at Twinkle fiercely, "Little girl, go away quickly, or I will arrest you together later.

If it were an ordinary Xiao Guliang, he might have burst into tears and would be frightened to cry, but our Shining Xiao Guliang has always been more courageous.

She grabbed the clothes of the man in black, and mist quickly gathered in her eyes, "Uncle, Shining is afraid, there are big rats, and the big rats want to eat Shining's cake, uncle is great, help Shining catch the mice."

The man in black frowned and reached out to push Winky away.

In that flash of lightning, Jian Qing arrived.

Before the people in black could react, she picked up the gun that Del had just dropped on the ground, pointed it at the people in black and fired at them.

Almost all of them were killed with one shot, and Del was stunned by his ghostly speed.

The remaining part will wait until tomorrow morning. Ah Xia is going to bed. She is so tired...

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