Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 1050 Twinkle Extra (2)

When Shining saw Jian Qing, she smiled so much that her eyebrows arched, her eyes shone with admiration, and she was not at all frightened by the blood in front of her.

She stepped over the lifeless man in black on the ground, and accidentally stepped on the big hand of the fierce leader of the men in black.

"Bad guy!"

Twinkle made a face at the man in black who was still staring, and then ran towards Jian Qing happily.


Jian Qing leaned over and picked her up, checking her carefully, "Is there any injury?"

Twinkle smiled and said, "No, Mommy is so handsome."


Seeing that her daughter was not frightened and was still very excited, Jian Qing gently scratched the tip of her nose with a doting smile on her lips.

The little boy looked at the affectionate appearance of Jian Qing's mother and daughter, and a trace of longing flashed across his eyes, which disappeared in the blink of an eye, and was covered with a layer of frost that could not be melted away.

"Young Master, are you okay?" Del covered his injured arm and looked at the little boy nervously.


The voice was still as cold as ever.

Suddenly, the glass door was pushed open, and Quan Jingwu and three others hurried over.


Shining got down from Jian Qing's arms, and Xiao Guliang excitedly ran to Quan Jingwu's feet.

Quan Jingwu raised his eyes and glanced at Jian Qing. Seeing that she was okay, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then reached out to pick up Twinkle.

"Did they hurt you, huh?"

Shining shook his head, and then happily described to Quan Jingwu the scene where Jian Qing had just dealt with the man in black. Xiao Guliang was very excited to see Jian Qing teach someone a lesson for the first time.

Quan Jingwu lowered his eyes and glanced at the corpse lying on the ground, with a chill in his eyes.

"Sister, what's going on?" Jian Luo glanced at the dozens of men in black on the ground and frowned.

Jian Qing remained silent, looking at the little boy not far away.

He's quite an exquisite little guy.

He was encountered and hunted at a young age. It seems that the background behind him must not be simple.

"Madam, thank you for helping to save my young master, thank you." Del came over and bowed to Jian Qing.

Jane said quietly, "No need."

At this time, the little boy also came over, raised his head, his eyes met Jian Qing's, and his voice was a little warmer, "Thank you."

Jian Qing looked at him and couldn't help but think of Seventeen and Nineteen. The corners of her lips curled up slightly and she reached out to touch his head, "Protect yourself well."

She could save him once, but she couldn't meet him every time.

The little boy looked at Jian Qing, his delicate little face showing a rare dullness.

After reacting, he pursed his lips tightly and looked at Jian Qing with a little warmth in his eyes.

"Daddy, I want to go down." Winky said.

Quan Jingwu put her down, ran to the little boy in a flash, and took out a few colorful candies from his pocket.

"Here you go, my daddy and mommy are very powerful, you don't have to be afraid."

She was obviously younger than him, but she was the one who comforted him.

The little boy looked down at her, and a healing smile broke into his heart without warning. He stretched out his hand in a strange way and took the candy she handed her.

"Thank you." He said softly.

Twinkle grinned, showing her white teeth, "Next time you encounter a bad guy, run away quickly, or you will be captured by the big bad wolf."

Facing the cunning smile in her eyes, the little boy felt warm in his heart, and a faint smile crept onto the corners of his crimson lips.

"Hey, you have a beautiful smile. Why did you always look so serious just now, like a little old man." Twinkle caught the smile at the corner of his mouth and stretched out her little finger to poke his cheek.

The little boy was stunned for a moment, and a slight blush appeared on his fair and jade-like cheeks.

"Young Master, it's time for us to leave." Del reminded.

The smile on the little boy's lips faded away, and he looked at Xiao Guliang, a strange color flashing in his eyes, "I'm leaving."

"It's so fast. It's so fun here. Do you want to stay here and play?" Shining Little Guliang pursed her lips, feeling very reluctant to give up.

This is the first friend she has met besides her brothers and Fei Zhan.

Seeing Shining's unhappy look, the little boy fumbled in his pocket and took out a small dagger-shaped pendant.

The delicate little dagger is about the size of an adult's finger, with a mysterious totem engraved on it, and a small bright green jade hanging from the handle.

At first glance, Shining liked this little dagger pendant.

Jian Qing and others did not miss the unconcealed shock on Del's face. Their eyes fell on the small dagger pendant in the little boy's hand, their eyes dark and unclear.

The little boy handed the small dagger, "Here you go."

Twinkle blinked and asked in surprise, "For me?"

"Thank you." the little boy said.

As for whether it was a thank you gift for saving his life or a candy gift, I am afraid only he himself knows.

Shining reached out and took it, "Thank you."

The soft little hand touched his hand. The little boy looked at Shining's love for the little dagger, pursed his lips and smiled.

On the side, Del closed his eyes and then opened them, looking at the smile on the corner of his young master's mouth, as if he had seen some great miracle in the world.

"Del, let's go." The little boy bent towards Jian Qing, then walked away.

"Hey, you haven't said goodbye to me yet." Winky chased him to the door and shouted after him.

The little boy raised his hand and waved without turning around.

He didn't say goodbye because he and she would definitely meet again.

He firmly believed in this.

"My name is Winky, Winky the lovable Winky."

The clear voice of the little boy was raised, for fear that the little boy would not hear it.


Jian Luo was amused by Shining's words.

Why is his Twinkle so cute?

Watching the little boy's back disappear, Shining lowered her head in frustration.

Quan Jingwu came over and hugged her, "What's wrong?"

"Daddy, why did he leave so quickly? He is the first friend that Shining has ever known." Shining Xiao Guliang tilted his head, leaned on Quan Jingwu's shoulder, and said gloomily.

Quan Jingwu laughed and explained patiently, "Twinkle also saw it, there are many people trying to catch the little brother, so he can only leave quickly, he has to go home quickly, otherwise his parents will also worry about him. "

Winky nodded and played with the small dagger.

Quan Jingwu lowered his eyes and looked at the totem on the dagger, and there was a faint glow in the depths.

"Sister, you can take Twinkle out first. Black Jack and I will deal with it here," Jian Luo said.

Although Winky is brave, she is still a child after all, and seeing too much blood is not good for her.

Jian Qing nodded and walked out first with Quan Jingwu and Twinkle.

"Mommy, aren't uncle and godfather leaving together?" Twinkle turned her head and asked curiously when she saw that Jian Luo and Black Jack didn't follow.

"Everything inside is smashed. Uncle will stay there to clean up the bad guys." Jian Qing said.

"Yeah, those are the big bad guys, the most annoying ones." Twinkle nodded her little head, "We need to take care of them."

Jian Qing was amused by her serious look, and reached out to pinch her face gently.

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