Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 1051 Twinkle Extra (3)

When she was four years old, she officially went to kindergarten carrying a small schoolbag.

On the first day of school, Quan Jingwu and Jian Qing sent her to kindergarten together. Standing in the corridor, she could hear the cries of children coming from every classroom.

Mixed together, it is simply a magical sound that hits the ears.

Jian Qing looked at Shining, who was being held by Quan Jingwu. Xiao Guliang opened his big eyes as bright as stars, looking at the surrounding environment curiously.

She curled her lips. Fortunately, the three little guys in her family didn't like to cry, otherwise it would be really a headache.

"Twinkle, be good in class. Daddy and Mommy will come to pick you up when school is over." Quan Jingwu put down Twinkle, squatted down, and helped her adjust her skirt with his big, guiding hands.

Twinkle hummed, stood on tiptoes, and kissed Quan Jingwu on the face, "Daddy, goodbye. Remember to take me to buy cakes after school."

"Okay." Quan Jingwu responded lovingly.

Shining Xiaoguliang walked into the classroom with a small schoolbag on her back.

"Xiao Jing, why do I feel so old?" Jian Qing looked at her daughter's back and sighed in a flash.

In the blink of an eye, she became the mother of three children.

Quan Jingwu chuckled, stretched out his strong arm and put it on her shoulders.

"Really? Why don't I think so?"

Jian Qing glanced sideways at him, and a smile crept onto her lips, "Don't come."

"Then, my beautiful wife, would you like to accompany me to Lanyin Temple?" Quan Jingwu's thin lips curled slightly.

"Lanyin Temple?" Jian Qing was surprised, "Why are you going there?"

"Go and see if the red ribbon you tied is still there."

Jian Qing pursed her lips and smiled, then took his arm and said, "In that case, I will reluctantly agree to it."

The two looked at each other and smiled, and anyone passing by could feel the sweet atmosphere between them.

I also attended this kindergarten before I was 17 or 19. The children who attended this kindergarten all came from very wealthy families. In order to better take care of and teach the children, there were only ten children in each class.

Twinkle sat on a chair holding her little schoolbag, looking at the crying children around her, and frowned lightly.

Isn't it just a kindergarten?

There is nothing to cry about.

"Don't cry, don't cry. When school is over, your parents will come to take you home." The two teachers circled around several children. One started crying before the other one finished coaxing them. They were very busy.

Nine out of ten children cried, and the only one who didn't was the one who didn't cry.

The teacher turned around and saw the very calm Xiao Guliang, and was very pleased.

Finally there is someone who doesn’t cry.

"Twinkle, this is your little book. Come on, Teacher Guoguo will put it on the table for you." There was a work badge hanging on the woman's chest, which said Teacher Guoguo.

"Thank you." Twinkle pursed her lips and smiled.

Teacher Guoguo was so cute by her that her eyes were filled with peach blossoms.

The little princess from Mr. Jing’s family is so cute.


Suddenly, a small figure sneakily appeared at the door.

The tips of his eyes were slightly raised, and his peach blossom eyes were shining with a full smile. It was obvious who was coming.

Twinkle was looking down at the animation book when she heard someone calling her. She looked up and immediately grinned, "Brother A Zhan."

Bai Feizhan trotted in, and neither Bai Jue nor Zhan Mingyan had time to catch him.

"Xingxing, what are you doing?" Bai Feizhan moved a small stool and sat down next to Xingxing.

Twinkle pointed to the animated book about Joy and Big Big Wolf and said, "Look at Big Big Wolf."

"Sparkling, look, I brought you lollipops." Bai Feizhan took out a handful of lollipops from his pocket and placed them in front of Shining like a treasure.

Bai Jue looked at his unreserved son, his mouth trembled, and he reached out to pick him up, "Bai Feizhan, your classroom is next door. Say goodbye to Twinkle and come back to play with her after class later."

"No, I don't want it." Bai Feizhan twisted his little body, finally able to play alone with Shining, so he didn't want to leave.

"Okay, Bai Jue, you will mess up his clothes later." Zhan Mingyan stretched out her hand to rescue her son from Bai Jue's clutches, and touched his little head, "Fei Zhan, Ding Shining is here For those who are in class, there are teachers and other children here. We can’t disturb their class. You can go back to your classroom and play with Twinkle after class, okay?”

"But I want to be with Shining." Bai Feizhan, the child, was very resentful.

"No, the teacher has already made arrangements. Besides, you are in the classroom next to Shining. You can see her as soon as you come out. The children have to go to class, and we can't disturb them here." Zhan Mingyan said patiently The ground said to him.

"Okay then." Bai Feizhan agreed reluctantly.

Suddenly remembering something, he raised his head and looked at Bai Jue, "Daddy, would you like to let Twinkle go to our house for dinner that night?"

Bai Jue's eyelids twitched and he knew that this bastard had many tricks up his sleeve.

"As for this, you can ask Shining Shining's daddy yourself when he comes." He quickly passed the blame to Quan Jingwu. Only Quan Jingwu, a domineering person like him, could agree easily.

Bai Feizhan yelled, and Bai Jue picked him up, said goodbye to Twinkle, and then quickly took his son out to avoid causing trouble to the restless little guy again.

"Xingxin, I'll come find you after class. Just wait for me." Bai Feizhan, a child, held the door frame with his hands and shouted to Xingxin.

Zhan Mingyan raised her head and said, "Sorry, my son was a little excited on his first day of school. I'm rude."

After saying that, she quickly walked out.

The two teachers didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but this kid was actually interesting.

After only two days in kindergarten, Shining Xiaoguliang's popularity is very high.

Not only the teachers like her, but the children in the class are all vying to play with her. Every time Jian Qing and Quan Jingwu come to pick up their daughter from school, they always pour a lot of snacks into her little schoolbag. and small toys.

In the playground, butterflies are flying on the green grass.

The teacher took the children to do some warm-up exercises, and then let the children play freely in the playground.

There are all kinds of game facilities, including slides and swings.

Twinkle didn't play with the children. For her, she had long been tired of playing with them. Her favorite thing now was to secretly dismantle the models in rooms seventeen and nineteen.

Seventeen and Nineteen were responsible for assembling the model, while she was responsible for dismantling it.

Every time Seventeen and Nineteen came home from school and saw the demolition, they would jump with anger, but in the next second, as long as Shining clung to her and softly called her brother, the two of them immediately lost all their anger and resigned themselves to their fate. Go and assemble the model.

"Ah, so boring!"

Twinkle leaned under the big tree and looked at the children playing in a group not far away with little interest.

She licked her mouth and said, "I really want to eat ice cream."

"I don't have any ice cream, do you want some candy?"

The cold tone is a bit nervous and a bit joyful.

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