Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 1058 Twinkle Extra (10)

"Xingxin, Daddy and Mu Chen fell into the water, who are you saving?" Quan Jingwu put his big hand on the top of her hair and asked suddenly.

Shining smiled and said, "Save Muchen."


Jian Qing laughed.

Quan Jingwu was instantly thrown into the bottomless abyss and asked unwillingly, "Why? Didn't Shining say he loves daddy the most?"

"Because Daddy is a very good swimmer. Mu Chen is just a kid, but I don't know if he can swim." Shining analyzed clearly, "Daddy, it's strange that you ask this question. I can't swim either." Swimming, how to save people, you and Mu Chen fell into the water, if Mu Chen can't swim, just help me save him. "


Jian Qing couldn't hold it in any longer and laughed so hard that she lay beside the bed.

As expected of her daughter, this intelligence follows her.

Quan Jingwujun's face darkened and he turned over.

Your dad is offline and has temporarily blocked you.

Twinkle scratched her head, not knowing why her parents were so abnormal.

She climbed onto Quan Jingwu and lay on his chest, "Daddy, what's wrong with you?"

Quan Jingwu glanced at the infusion tube in her hand from the corner of his eye, and quickly stretched out his hand to support her. Sure enough, whose daughter was the one who felt sorry for her.

He pressed her forehead against hers and said, "Daddy, Daddy wants to ask you another question."

"Yeah." Shining smiled and nodded.

On the side, Jian Qing was laughing with tears in her eyes. Seeing that her King Jing still refused to give up, she shook her head helplessly.

A woman's sixth sense tells her that the overlord of her family will be angered and internally injured by her daughter again later.

"For example, if you want to go to an amusement park, do you want to go with Daddy or Mu Chen?" Quan Jingwu thought for a moment and then asked.

"Can't we go together?" Twinkle asked with a sad face.

Quan Jingwu's heart skipped a beat, "No, I can only choose one."

Shining Xiaoguliang pouted her lips and thought about it seriously. It was obvious that she was torn, "Then I choose daddy."

As soon as these words came out, the haze in Quan Jingwu's heart was dispelled.

The sun is shining and I feel so good.

Look, his little cotton-padded jacket still loves him the most.

"Sparkling, why did you choose daddy?" Jian Qing asked playfully.

"Because Daddy can hold me up and lift me up, so I can play a lot of fun, and Daddy will protect me." Shining said every word, and Quan Jingwu looked at her with a fatherly smile in his eyes.

Jian Qing asked again, "What if Mu Chen is as old as daddy?"

"Then go with Mu Chen." Shiny Xiaoguliang answered simply.

In an instant, the smile on Quan Jingwu's face froze.

The smile in Jian Qing's eyes almost overflowed, "Why?"

"When Mu Chen grows up, my dad and I have been to the amusement park many times. I haven't gone with Mu Chen yet, so we have to go once." Shining Xiaoguliang completely ignored her own father's gloomy look. His eyes were beaming and he said, "Kids in kindergarten also go to kindergarten with their good friends, and Twinkle wants it too."

Jian Qing squinted at Quan Jingwu and reached out to pat his thigh, "Xiao Jing, it's okay. You can still accompany her many times before she grows up."

Quan Jingwu sat up with Shining in his arms, reached out and gently scratched the tip of Jian Qing's nose, "You are joking on me, huh?"

Jian Qing shrugged and smiled innocently, "Yes?"

Quan Jingwu hummed, what he hated most in his life was teddy bears.

After breakfast, the doctor came to examine Twinkle.

Once the fever subsided, it was no big deal. All she had to do was take pills. She didn't want to stay in the hospital, so Quan Jingwu and Jian Qing complied with her wishes and went through the discharge procedures for her.

Back home, Quan Jingwu's company had an important meeting to hold. After coaxing Shining to sleep, he went to the company, leaving Jian Qing at home with Shining.

After sleeping for a while, Twinkle woke up.

Wearing little slippers, she hugged the teddy bear given to her by Mu Chen and called mommy as she went downstairs.

"Twinkle, mommy is here."

Hearing her daughter's voice, Jian Qing sat up from the sofa.

Shining trotted over, and Jian Qing reached out to pick her up and let her sit on her lap.

"Why did you wake up so soon, huh?"

"Mommy, can you take me to Mu Chen? He gave me a gift, but I haven't said thank you to him yet." Shining raised her little head, her eyes shining with hope.

Jian Qing raised her lips and smiled, then reached out and hooked her round chin, as if petting a cat, "Do you really want to see him that much?"

"He is a good friend of mine." Xingxuan said in a sweet voice, "Mommy, do you think Mu Chen didn't know our home address, so that's why he didn't come to see me?"

Meeting her innocent eyes, Jian Qing raised her lips and smiled, a hint of deep meaning flashing deep in her eyes.

The first time she met the little boy named Mu Chen, she could tell that his background was not simple. Coupled with what he said to Shining, she was even more sure that the little boy named Mu Chen should have many right people around him. He stares covetously at people.

But she really admired the little boy. From what he said to Shining, she could see that he was a very responsible child. He also really cared about Shining and was afraid that Shining would be hurt because of his own reasons. .

Just for this reason, she would not object to Twinkle becoming friends with him.

"Mommy." Seeing that Jian Qing didn't speak for a long time, Twinkle thought she didn't agree, so he took her hand and shook her, her eyes were red, as if she was about to cry.

Jian Qing looked down at her and chuckled, "Little fool, did mommy say no?"

Twinkle reacted, hugged her neck, and smacked her hard on the face.

"Mommy is the best."

"Tsk, tsk, the kiss made me salivate." Jian Qing said with a smile.

She put Twinkle aside and sat down, reached for the computer, and tapped on the keyboard. After a while, the corners of her lips raised in a beautiful arc.

A hotel owned by JK International.

Haha, it’s quite a fate.

She put down the computer, reached out and picked up Twinkle and went upstairs.

"Let's go and change clothes."

After changing her clothes, Jian Qing drove out with Shining.

Sitting on the child's seat, her glittery little face almost touched the car window.

In her arms, she still held the teddy bear that Mu Chen gave her.

After a while, the car stopped at the entrance of JK International Hotel.

"Come on, Twinkle, Mommy will hug you."

Jian Qing picked up Twinkle and threw the car door shut.

Everyone in the capital recognizes Jian Qing's face.

As soon as I stepped into the hotel, I was recognized by people in the lobby.

"Hello, madam."

"Hello, madam."

Jian Qing nodded, quickened her pace and entered the elevator with Twinkle in her arms.

Before arriving, Jian Qing had already checked the room number where Mu Chen lived. After getting out of the elevator, she carried Shining and walked straight to the presidential suite near the end of the corridor.

She put Twinkle on the ground, Twinkle looked at her and smiled, then stretched out her little hand and knocked on the door.

"Dong dong dong -"

After knocking three times, she took her hand back.

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