Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 1059 Twinkle Extra (11)

Across the door, the people inside heard a knock on the door and instantly became alert.

Del asked coldly, "Who?"

"Mu Chen, I'm Shining."

The crisp little milky voice came through the door. Mu Chen, who was sitting on the sofa, changed his expression and stood up, his clothes falling on the carpet.

How did Twinkle know he was here.

He bent down to pick up the clothes. At that moment, a whip mark on his back that was about to scab was exposed to the light, which was shocking.

It's hard to imagine how painful it would be when the whip fell on the body, let alone such a young child.

"Young master, your wound hasn't been treated with medicine yet." Del said hurriedly as he watched him put on his clothes in a hurry.

"Put it away quickly, I don't want her to see this." Mu Chen put on his clothes, adjusted his collar, and said expressionlessly.

Del sighed, neatly collected the ointment on the table and put it in the drawer.

"Mu Chen, this is Dingshan, open the door quickly."

The sound outside the door sounded again. Mu Chen looked at the closed door, his feet seemed to be filled with lead and he could not take a step forward.

"Young Master, we have to go back tonight. You took the trouble to come here. Don't you plan to meet her?" Del said aloud, seeing his confusion.

If it hadn't been for those things, his young master should have had a happy childhood like ordinary children. In the final analysis, it was all things like power and status that were at work.

"But, what if she gets hurt?" Mu Chen clenched his little hands tightly, as if suppressing his emotions, and murmured in a low voice.

Anyone who is close to him will be affected by him.

What if she was also implicated by him.

Del knew the meaning of his words, and felt a little sad.

Jian Qing saw that no one came to open the door for a long time, and looked down at her daughter. Shining Xiaoguliang lowered her head and hugged the teddy bear without knowing what she was thinking.

Suddenly, Twinkle raised her head and slammed the door, "Mu Chen, I'm here to find you. Do you regret that you don't want to be friends with me anymore? I even left a birthday cake for you, but you didn't even come to eat it. I left you a birthday cake yesterday. I waited for you for a long time, but you didn’t come.”

As she spoke, her emotions became excited, her eyes were filled with moisture, and her voice had a strong nasal sound.

"If you don't come out, I will leave and never come to see you again."

After a while, the closed door opened.

Shining looked up and met Mu Chen's beautiful black eyes.

Jian Qing looked at the person who opened the door and raised her eyebrows lightly.

It seemed that the foreign man the nurse was talking about was the man named Del next to Mu Chen.

"Mu Chen!"

Twinkle sniffed and ran forward excitedly.

Mu Chen glanced at the teddy bear in her arms, and finally his eyes rested on her.

"How did you come?"

"You didn't even come to me." Shining said in a muffled voice, then grinned, her dark eyes pure and without any impurities, "That's why I came to find you."

Mu Chen looked at the smile on her face, the expression on her face was a bit complicated.

"Can you let us in?" Jian Qing asked warmly.

Mu Chen looked at her and politely called aunt, "Please come in."

Jian Qing held a small cake box in one hand and held Twinkle in the other as she walked in. Mu Chen followed and sat across from them.

"Want some water?" Mu Chen asked.

Jian Qing smiled lightly, "Thank you, no need."

"Mu Chen, thank you for the teddy bear you gave me." Shining said with a smile.

Mu Chen was relieved when he saw her love for teddy bears, and then apologized, "I'm sorry, I didn't keep our agreement to celebrate your birthday with you yesterday."

"Xingxing was looking forward to your coming yesterday. This little fool fell asleep on the grass in the courtyard waiting for you. As a result, she had a cold and fever last night. She even left a piece of cake for you." With that, Jian Qing brought the cake A small cake box is placed on the table.

Hearing this, Mu Chen felt even more guilty. He didn't expect that it was because of him that Twinkle fell ill.

"Twinkle, I'm sorry."

Twinkle slid off the sofa, trotted to his side, reached out and patted his little hand on his knee, "Mu Chen, it's okay, I'm fine. It was because I was sleepy that I fell asleep on the grass, and It’s okay with you.”

Even though she said that, Mu Chen was still very sorry for her.

Seeing Mu Chen's unhappiness, Shining reached for the cake and said with a bright smile, "Mu Chen, the cake is delicious, try it quickly."

Mu Chen looked into her starry eyes and nodded lightly.

"Mommy, I want to eat it too." Twinkle glanced at the cake, looked at Jian Qing expectantly, and said coquettishly.

"You can only eat a little, but you have to wash your hands first." Jian Qing said, turning to look at Del, "Can you please take my daughter to wash her hands?"

Del glanced at Muchen, then nodded, "Okay."

There was cake to eat, and Twinkle happily went to wash her hands with Del.

Jian Qing looked at Mu Chen and smiled faintly, "I just said what I said to you, not to make you feel guilty or sorry. I know that you regard Xingxin as a good friend, and you are afraid that she will be hurt. Xingxin attaches great importance to you as a good friend. Yes, she was very happy to receive the teddy bear you gave her."

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