Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 1068 Twinkle Extra (20)

"The one who knows me is my beautiful mommy." She said sweetly.

Jian Qing chuckled, "Why is the room so quiet? Where are the other students?"

"They gathered to go out to play and haven't come back yet." Winky said.

"Why don't you go with me?" Mr. Jing, who is a maniac about doting on girls, was immediately worried about his little affair, "Is there anything you're not used to?"

"Daddy, I'm not used to it. I went out for a walk to find something to eat. I came back too late to meet the meeting time. I also walked outside for too long and my feet were sore, so I came back to rest." Shining comforted him.

Hearing this, Quan Jingwu felt relieved.

The couple chatted with Twinkle for a while before hanging up the phone.

Twinkle lay on the bed, looking at the deserted moon outside the window, and her mood became even worse.

Smelly Muchen, bad Muchen.

Every time I ask him to play with me, I have no time.

She must have new friends here, so she ignored her.

Yes, it must be like this, and the students at school seem to be like this too.

Thinking of this, Shiny Xiaoguliang became even more sad.

She reached out to touch the side as a habit, and suddenly remembered that she was not at home without her teddy bear.

She could sleep without the teddy bear.

She pulled the quilt over her, reached out to turn off the light, and slept on her side.

After a while, she pulled down the quilt, looked at the mobile phone beside her, and pursed her red lips.

You haven't called her for so long, you stinky Muchen, I hate you the most,

That night, Shining Xiaoguliang suffered from insomnia for the first time in her life.

It wasn't until dawn that she felt a little sleepy.

Fortunately, the group activity didn't start until nine o'clock, so she took the time to catch up on her sleep.

When it was time to gather, she was late.

"Sorry for wasting your time."

"It's okay. Now that everyone is here, let's set off." The teacher in the lead said.

Twinkle followed slowly at the end. The other students all had company, and she was the only one left alone. But for her, it was also fun and relaxing.

The first stop of today's activity was to visit a local museum. The teacher who bought tickets and other things had already helped with it. After giving everyone a few words of advice, everyone was asked to visit around the museum and return to the main entrance of the museum to gather in two hours.

I couldn't sleep well last night, and I couldn't find any energy.

She walked around the museum slowly, and finally found a bench to sit on and rest.

Shining raised her hand to press the brim of her hat, then took out her phone and played the game.


A clear voice came from the side, a bit nervous.

It was Mu Chen's voice.

Shining raised her head, and when she saw the person coming, she felt happy. Then she thought about what happened in the restaurant last night. The smile on her lips faded, and she lowered her head to play the game.

Mu Chen knelt down in front of her, held her hand and said, "Shin."

"What are you doing here? Don't you have time to go to class?" She asked in a calm voice without raising her head, but she could still tell that she was angry with him.

"What if I don't come and you ignore me?" Mu Chen chuckled and said softly, "Why, are you still angry with me?"

When she was angry, he was distracted from anything he did. Early in the morning, he lied and said he was sick, and then pushed the teacher who came to class, and asked Del to cover for him at home, so that he could sneak out to find her.

Twinkle didn't break away from his hand, lowered her head and said gloomily, "Every time I ask you to come to me to play, you say you're not free. When I go to find you, you say no, and every time you say sorry, I hate you saying these three words the most.”

The delicate voice sounded very aggrieved.

Mu Chen's heart softened when he heard that, and he held her hand tightly, "Then I won't say sorry to you anymore, okay, don't be angry with me."

"Really?" Twinkle finally raised her little head and looked at him suspiciously, "Then can you come to the capital to play with me? I can come to you too."

"I will go to the capital to visit you in a while." Mu Chen promised.

"Really?" Twinkle's eyes lit up.

Mu Chen nodded, reached out and pinched her cheek, "Aren't you angry with me anymore?"

"Who said that?" Twinkle hummed, then pointed at her eyes and complained, "Look, I couldn't sleep last night, and I have dark circles under my eyes."

Mu Chen chuckled softly, "Isn't this good? It looks like a baby panda."

Twinkle tilted her head and snorted.

"Okay, don't be angry, I'll take you to eat delicious food." Mu Chen stood up, stretched out his hand towards her, with a doting smile on his lips.

"Well, I will forgive you for once." A smile appeared on Shining's face again, and she put her small white hand into his big one.

Mu Chen held her hand tightly and pulled her to stand up.

"Mu Chen, there's an ice cream shop across the street. I want to eat it." Twinkle jumped next to Mu Chen, and the two of them walked through the crowded streets together.

Mu Chen put his arm around her and protected her in his arms to prevent others from crowding her.

"Okay, I'll buy it for you."

He pulled her to stand in the shade of a tree to prevent her from being exposed to the harsh sunlight, while he ran to queue up to buy him ice cream.

After a while, Mu Chen came back with ice cream.

"Just eat a little, don't eat all of it, it's too cold." He warned softly.

Twinkle nodded, eating ice cream with crooked eyebrows.

"Mu Chen, it's delicious. Try it."

She took a mouthful of ice cream and held the spoon to his mouth.

Mu Chen opened his mouth and ate it, with a rare smile on his brows.

"What else do you want to play?"

Twinkle thought for a moment, with a cunning light dancing in her eyes, "Haunted house."

She heard that her brothers had been to this place last time. It seemed very interesting, and she wanted to go there too.

Mu Chen didn't have any fear of the haunted house, he was just worried about her, "Aren't you afraid?"

"With you here, what should I be afraid of?" Shining said without any defense while eating ice cream.

He inadvertently said the most heart-warming words, but the speaker never noticed that this perfect ability to talk about love deeply inherited Kwon Kyung-wu's good genes.

Mu Chen's thin lips curved into a perfect arc, and he took out a tissue to wipe the ice cream stained on the corners of her mouth.

As Shining wished, Mu Chen took her to the haunted house in the amusement park.

From being calm at the beginning to screaming at the end.

"Twinkle, are you okay?" Mu Chen looked at the person hanging on him and smiled helplessly.

I'm afraid it will come again, I'm really defeated by her.

Twinkle hung on his back, wrapped her hands around his neck, raised her head, her delicate little face was pale, and she was obviously frightened.

She jumped off Mu Chen's back, her feet a little weak.


Mu Chen quickly supported her and asked worriedly, "Is everything okay?"

Twinkle shook her head and said dullly, "It's okay."

Mu Chen helped her to sit on a bench nearby, took out a candy from his pocket, removed the sugar coating, and then stuffed it into her mouth.

The sweet taste of candy spreads in her mouth, and Twinkle gradually calms down.

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