Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 1069 Twinkle Extra (21)

"Are you scared?" Mu Chen chuckled.

Twinkle said sternly, "No."

Mu Chen looked at his watch and saw that there was still some time, "Where else do you want to go?"

"I'm hungry." Twinkle said, holding her stomach.

"Little greedy cat." Mu Chen pinched her nose gently, and the corners of his eyebrows softened a bit.

The two of them came out of the restaurant after lunch, smiling like flowers.

"Let's go, I'll take you back." Mu Chen naturally held her hand, and her soft little hand was wrapped in his palm.

Twinkle hummed, then suddenly remembered something, took out her phone, clicked on the camera function, then approached Mu Chen and said softly, "Bend down."

Mu Chen glanced at the phone, then leaned down cooperatively, resting his cold chin on her shoulder.

Flashing her eyes while adjusting the focus, she didn't notice the blush on Mu Chen's fair cheeks.

"One, two, three, eggplant."

Shining held up the phone, her red mouth grinning brightly.


The high-definition photo freezes the two people's bright smiles, which are so beautiful that they explode.

Twinkle looked down at the photo and smiled from ear to ear.

"Mu Chen, you look good, right?"

She turned her head and the corner of her lips accidentally brushed his cheek.

Mu Chen was slightly startled, and his eyes turned dark as he looked at her.

"Well, it looks good."

Twinkle curled her lips with satisfaction and put the phone back into her pocket, "Let's go back."


Mu Chen pulled her and looked back at him, "What's wrong?"

"Lend me your phone." Mu Chen said warmly.

Twinkle looked at him doubtfully, but still reached out and took out her phone and handed it to him.

Mu Chen tapped her phone, and Shining came over to take a look. It turned out that he wanted the photo taken just now.

Mu Chen set the photo as a screensaver and curled his lips with a smile.

Putting away his phone, he held her hand and walked down the steps.

He stopped a car casually and the two of them got into the car. As soon as Winky sat down, the teacher's call came over.

"I know, I'm going back now."

After saying a few words briefly, she hung up the phone.

"Dingying, after the summer camp is over, are you going back to the capital?" After hesitating for a moment, Mu Chen couldn't help but ask.

Twinkle approached him with a smile and teased him forcefully, "Why are you so reluctant to leave me?"

Mu Chen's eyes reflected Xiao Guliang's pale and rosy face, and he nodded unexpectedly, "I really can't bear to part with you."

If possible, he wished he could see her every day.


Twinkle didn't expect him to say this answer and fell on him with laughter.

"Why are you laughing?" Mu Chen raised his eyebrows.

Twinkle stopped laughing and snorted, "You don't even have to draft a lie. You obviously want me to leave quickly so that no one will bother you."

It turned out that she thought he was joking with her.

Mu Chen's eyes flashed slightly, and his slender fingertips ruffled the top of her hair, "Well, it seems you are quite smart."

"You stinky Muchen, how dare you despise me? Look at my tickling skills." Shining smiled slyly, reaching towards Mu Chen's waist with both hands, tickling him viciously.

"It will tickle you to death and make you dislike me..."

Mu Chen smiled faintly, his beautiful black eyes slightly narrowed, narrow and seductive, his smile was like a burst of warm sunshine in winter, twinkling his eyes.

"Mu Chen, you look so beautiful when you smile!"

Growing up, she liked to say this to him the most.

However, Mu Chen's heart softened every time.

Suddenly, an idea flashed through Xiao Guliang, and she said in a soft voice, "Mu Chen, when I grow up, can you be my groom?"

Mu Chen was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then laughed wantonly.

"Why are you laughing?" Twinkle pursed her lips and asked dissatisfiedly.

Mu Chen looked down at her, "Why do you want me to be your groom, huh?"

"You look good when you smile." Shining said simply.

Mu Chen smiles so beautifully, what if another girl takes a fancy to him? Mu Chen won't be so nice to her then, and she doesn't want it.

Mu Chen immediately couldn't laugh or cry, "Is this the reason?"

His eyes sparkled like clear springs, "Can't you?"

"Twinkle, do you know what a groom is?" Mu Chen asked with a smile in his eyes.

"Of course I know, just like my daddy does to my mommy." Shining raised her chin and said arrogantly.

Mu Chen explained softly, "Well, if you let me be your groom, you won't be able to like other boys from now on. When you grow up, you will have no choice but to marry me."

"Then you can't like my eldest brother and second brother?" Twinkle asked in confusion.

The corners of Mu Chen's mouth trembled slightly.

It seemed that the little girl still failed to understand what he meant.

Well, it's still too early to tell her this.

"Twinkle, you are still young, you will understand when you grow up."

"Then will you agree?" Twinkle grabbed his hand, a little anxious.

Mu Chen's cold eyes flashed with a smile, "I can't answer you until you grow up, not yet."

"I've grown up, I'm no longer a child." Shining pouted her mouth unhappily.

When the car stopped, Mu Chen looked out the window, took the hat and put it on her head, "Okay, we've arrived at the hotel, let's go back quickly."

"I don't care, you are my groom anyway, no one is allowed to rob him." While he was not paying attention, Shining suddenly hugged his neck and raised her little head.

"It's sealed, you can't go back on it."

Shining said with a smile, and before Mu Chen could react, he opened the car door and ran out.

Seeing the petite figure disappear at the door of the hotel, Mu Chen curled his lips, and his low laughter echoed in the small carriage.

His little Gu Liang is getting more and more courageous.

Humming a little tune, I returned to the room. As soon as I opened the door, the conversation inside stopped abruptly.

Lin Yali and Xie Yiyi watched Twinkle walk in and looked at each other. Then Xie Yiyi took a step forward and said, "Twinkle, we have an appointment to play pool later. Do you want to go with us?"

Quan Xingxin took off his hat and threw it on the bed. He glanced at them and met her clear black eyes. Xie Yiyi and Lin Yali couldn't help but become nervous.

"When?" Quan Shanshan thought for a moment and asked.

She has never participated in any group activities after being here for so long. Forget it, there is nothing wrong with following the crowd for once.

"In an hour." Xie Yiyi said.

Twinkle hummed, then took out a new set of clothes and went to the bathroom to wash up.

On a hot day, after playing all morning, my whole body was sticky and uncomfortable.

"Hey, Yali, that one seems to be the new model from the March brand." Xie Yiyi glanced at the hat that Shining threw on the bed, pulled Lin Yali over and muttered.

"What's so strange about this? Look at all the clothes she wears that aren't limited editions from big brands. What's more, her uncle is March, and she can't choose anything from March." Lin Yali glanced at the closed bathroom. Door, he said in a strange tone.

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