Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 1081 Twinkle Extra (33)

A low hoarse voice rang in his ears, a dull look appeared on Shining's face, and a soft smile bloomed at the corners of his lips.

She suppressed the raised corners of her lips and pushed him away, "I don't believe it."

The red lips opened and closed, Mu Chen's eyes darkened, and suddenly he reached out to hold her face, making Xing Xing dumbfounded.

"What are you doing……"


Shining's pupils narrowed slightly, and her body froze when she looked at the handsome face so close.

The kiss was like a dragonfly's drop of water. The two of them touched their foreheads, and Mu Chen's thin lips curled up, "Is this reason enough?"

Twinkle looked at him blankly, not coming back to her senses for a long time.

Did he just kiss her?

Suddenly, she came back to her senses and grabbed him by the collar, "You have to pay for my first kiss."

His powerful movements frequently attracted curious glances from passers-by.

Mu Chen said calmly, "That was also my first kiss."

"Why did you kiss me?" Shining was angry again.

"Because I like you." Mu Chen replied smoothly.

Ding Xing choked, her face was slightly hot, and she held back a sentence for a long time, "What you say doesn't count."

"Why don't you count it? You took away my first kiss and you have to be responsible for me." Mu Chen said plausibly.

Twinkle almost spat out a mouthful of old blood after hearing this.

This stinks and is shameless.

Who just took away whose first kiss, and told lies with his eyes open.

"It's been six years since I last saw you, and your shame has reached a new level." Shining said through gritted teeth.

Mu Chen, "Thank you for the compliment."

"You, you..." Shining stared at him, so angry that he couldn't speak for a long time.

"Twinkle, will you stay with me?" Mu Chen straightened his face, and his magnetic voice was full of tenderness that was unique to her.

Twinkle lowered her head in embarrassment, "Aren't we together now?"

"What I'm talking about together is that you, Quan Shanxian, will be my Mu Chen's girlfriend." Mu Chen didn't give her a chance to escape. He stretched out his hand to lift her chin and asked her to look at him.

Straight words, there is no escape for Twinkle.

Looking into his eyes as dark as night, she turned with sparkling eyes and a sly smile appeared on her lips, "You want me to be your girlfriend?"

Mu Chen nodded solemnly, "It's okay to be a daughter-in-law."

"You have a beautiful thought." Twinkle swatted his hand away and said viciously.

"Then you agreed?" Mu Chen asked.

"If you want me to agree with just one sentence, that's too easy for you." Shining said with a half-smile.

"Then how do you agree to agree to me?"

Twinkle touched her chin, thought for a while, and said faintly, "Chase me."

Mu Chen's eyes lit up, "Then run away."


A black line was drawn on Shining's forehead.

This guy's emotional intelligence is probably in arrears.

"What I mean about chasing is not that I run away and you chase her, but that you have to chase your girlfriend like other men. I won't agree to you until you satisfy me."

Mu Chen took her hand and curled his lips, "Okay, I will chase you until you are satisfied, so do we make peace now?"

Twinkle glanced at him sideways and hummed, "Forget it, Lord Honguliang has a lot of money, so I can barely pardon you once."

Finally, she gritted her teeth and added, "Next time you dare to disappear without a trace, I will..."

"Just what?" Mu Chen asked curiously.

Twinkle said calmly, "Then I'll find another boy. Three-legged toads are hard to find, and two-legged men are everywhere."

Hearing this, Mu Chenjun's face darkened.

After six years of not seeing each other, she has become even more naughty.

"It's all your fault, I didn't even have enough breakfast." Twinkle complained, pulling Mu Chen to stand up, "Go foraging for food, you pay the bill."

Mu Chen let her hold him, holding the roses he gave her in one hand.

After taking Mu Chen to play outside, Shining returned to the hotel with satisfaction.

But what does the guy who has been following her want to do?

Shining paused and turned to look at the man who had been following her.

"Why do you keep following me?"

Mu Chen raised his lips and smiled, "I have no place to live, please take me in."

"No." Shining refused directly.

If Jiang Shan and the others saw it, they would definitely use their powerful imagination and their heart for gossip.

"I can sleep on the sofa." Mu Chen struggled again.

"You don't have a place on the sofa, you're so big." Shining measured his height with her hands. She could sleep on that sofa, but he would definitely be tied up if he slept there.

After saying that, she turned and walked back to her room.

The footsteps behind her still followed her closely.

Shining took out the room card and looked at him sideways, "I'll give you a suggestion. There are other rooms in the hotel. You can find your own room and lie down."

In her slightly disgusted eyes, Mu Chen slowly took out the key card and said, "I think so too. Look at what a coincidence, we are still neighbors."

He shook the key card, glared at him, opened the door and walked in.

I'm sorry for the guy who was just playing tricks on her, in a bad way.


Looking at the closed door, Mu Chen pulled his lips and smiled, and then followed him into his room.

As the night grew dark, a small accident suddenly occurred in the hotel.

power cut.

Maintenance crews are repairing the circuit, which will take an estimated three hours.


Mu Chen knocked on the door, his movements a little hasty.

The next second, the door opened.

Shining appeared in front of Muchen with messy hair. Her hair was still wet and she could tell that she had just taken a shower.

"Mu Chen, is there a power outage?"

"Yeah." Mu Chen nodded.

"My hair hasn't been dried yet." Shining sighed helplessly.

Mu Chen put his hands on her shoulders, turned her around, and pushed her in, "Comb your hair and change into a pair of shoes. Let's go outside for a walk."

Dim street lights, withered branches, and a bit of desolation in the air.

Mu Chen held Shining's hand, with a happy curve on his lips.

"Mu Chen, do you feel like there's someone following us?" Shen Xian approached Mu Chen and whispered.

Mu Chen hummed and exchanged glances with her.

Shining smiled knowingly, "Mu Chen, I want to go shopping in the supermarket."


The two walked into the supermarket not far away side by side. In the dark, three pairs of eyes were shining with dark light.

"Mu Chen, I want to eat this." When Shining saw the snack area, he looked like a hungry wolf after seeing meat, completely forgetting that there was someone following them.

"I still want to eat this."

Mu Chen pushed the shopping cart beside her. Whatever she said she liked, Mu Chen put it in the shopping cart without hesitation.

Handsome men and beautiful women always attract special attention.

Many eyes were focused on them, and they would whisper a few words from time to time.

Shining reached for a bag of potato chips and lowered her eyes lightly to hide the fleeting chill in Yan's eyes.

Suddenly, she grabbed the potato chips and threw them towards a corner behind her.

"Sneaky, get out of here."

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