Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 1082 Twinkle Extra (34)

The crunchy potato chips rubbed against the man's clothes and fell to the ground.

Mu Chen took a step forward, protecting Shining behind him, and looked at the black figure hiding behind the shelves with cold eyes.

The man clicked his tongue and slowly walked out from behind the shelf, "Xingying, I haven't seen you for a while. You've become a lot more courageous."

No matter how many years pass by, the man's handsome face remains unchanged. The only thing that has changed is that he is less youthful and more mature and stable.

Zhilan Yushu, handsome and gentle, is Jian Luo.

"Uncle." Twinkle was surprised, thinking about what she just said, she was speechless.

"Twinkle, is uncle treating you badly? As for telling me to get out as soon as we meet?" Jian Luo joked.

"Dingying, the eldest brother and the second brother are very nice to you. They throw things at us as soon as we meet and tell us to get lost. Is this really okay?" Nineteen hooked Seventeen's neck and followed Jian Luo out.

"Brother, second brother, why are you here too?" She was surprised just now, but now she is horrified.

Her eldest brother and second brother were taken to the company by mom and dad, so why are they here?

"What, you don't want to see us?" Nineteen teased.

Shi Qi glanced at Mu Chen, pursed her thin lips, and said, "Sparkling, is there something you haven't told us, huh?"

"Brother, second brother, I miss you so much." Shining ran towards them and held one of them by the arm.

"Dingying, this is a terrible way to change the subject." Nineteen saw through her intention at a glance and said coolly.

"Dingying, you hurt your uncle's heart too much. You only think about Seventeen and Nineteen, and you don't even think about me as your uncle." Jian Luo followed.

"...Xingxing looked at the three of them, and the corners of his mouth trembled.

Did they come here deliberately to make trouble with her?

"Mu Chen, it's been a long time." Nineteen walked up to him and hooked his neck, "Come to see Dingshan as soon as you come back. You think Seventeen and I are nothing."

From the first time he saw him, he knew that this boy was unkind to his precious sister.

"Never mind, you are my elder brother-in-law and second brother-in-law." Mu Chenyun responded calmly.

"Bah." Nineteen hooked his neck with a little force, almost gritting his teeth and said, "I'm your second uncle, so that's more of the same."

This "wolfish ambition" was finally exposed. It was clearly aimed at his little sheep, Shining. It was really unbearable.

"There is a coffee shop nearby, let's go there and chat." Jian Luo looked at the growing number of people watching and interrupted their conversation Wen Sheng.

He was an elder, so when he spoke, no one objected. The most important thing was that they didn't want to be treated like monkeys and watched.

In the coffee shop at night, the soft and warm yellow lights make the coffee shop more romantic.

However, the atmosphere at this table of five people was a little subtle.

"Dingying, you and Mu Chen, you..." Shi Qi was halfway through her words, and then she stopped and cast a meaningful smile on Mu Chen.

"We are friends." Twinkle said.

"Friend, will you hold hands for a walk on the street and buy you roses? Nineteen eyes with a narrow smile, said unhurriedly.

Twinkle's eyes dodge, but she doesn't dare to look at Nineteen, "Forget it if you don't believe me."

"Of course we don't believe it." Nineteen raised an eyebrow and said.

"I like Shining. I'm pursuing her now. It's that simple." Mu Chen said.

As soon as he finished speaking, Shining's little head almost buried under the table.

"Twinkle, do you want to explain?" Shi Qi looked at her leisurely, "Did you promise him?"

"Explain what." Shining said weakly.

Seventeen curled her lips slightly, "What do you think?"

"No." Shining's head was buried even lower, and the tips of her ears were pink.

Mu Chen saw the pink tips of her ears and the beautiful curve of her lips.

"Mu Chen, we didn't agree to your pursuit of Twinkle. We are just a sister, and we can't just let you kidnap her away." Seventeen said in a low voice.

Nineteen ridiculed, "Seventeen, if Daddy finds out about this, will Mu Chen be swept away by Daddy with a broom?"

Seventeen, "Absolutely possible."

"Brother, second brother, come, drink coffee." Shining stood up and handed the coffee to their hands diligently.

Shi Qi glanced at the steaming coffee and raised the corners of his lips, "Want to bribe us?

"No." Twinkle smiled on her little face.

This was the first time Jian Luo saw Mu Chen, and she looked at him secretly.

In terms of appearance, he is worthy of his Shining.

I just don’t know what his character is like.

However, being able to bring down the Alster family shows that this person's methods are not simple.

Sensing Jian Luo's appraising eyes, Mu Chen calmly accepted his inspection.

"By the way, uncle, I haven't even asked you yet, why are you here and still following us?" Twinkle suddenly asked.

"I'm staying at that hotel today. I can have breakfast and watch a good show. It's quite exciting." Jian Luo joked.

"Uncle, were you there this morning?" Shining's face turned red.

Didn't you also see Mu Chen give her roses?

Jian Luo nodded and said with a smile, "Don't worry, I also saw you reject the rose."

Twinkle, "..."

How embarrassing.

"My great-grandpa said he missed us both, so we came over to stay with him." Nineteen said without blushing or heartbeat.

Twinkle snorted.

He obviously just wanted to be lazy, and he used his great-grandpa as an excuse.

"You're all here, what about the company?"

Daddy and Mommy went on a trip, and they came here, so there was no one in the company to take care of them.

Shi Qi said, "Uncle Shen Hao and the others are here at JK International. It'll be fine."

"What about the Jane's Group?" Shining asked.

"Godfather." Nineteen looked at Jian Luo with a smile, and the uncle and nephew smiled knowingly.

Black Jack, who was far away across the ocean, sneezed and looked at the piles of documents on the table, his handsome face was frighteningly dark.

Jian Luo, just wait for me.

"By the way, brother, what are you going to do for Mommy's birthday this time?" Twinkle asked.

"You don't have to worry about this," Shiqi said with a helpless smile, "Daddy has already arranged the trip. He took Mommy to travel in advance. He didn't come back until the day before Mommy's birthday, so we can all have a meal together."

"Mu Chen, you will come when the time comes." Nineteen's eyes turned and he smiled maliciously.

He was looking forward to seeing his father's black face.

"Yes, Mu Chen, come and have dinner with us." Shen Xian didn't know what Nineteen was thinking, and said with a smile.

Mu Chen nodded and said hello.

"Twinkle, if you have someone you like, then tell A Zhan quickly to avoid letting him really fall into it." Seventeen said quietly.

"Brother, what are you talking about?" Twinkle was stunned for a moment, "What does this have to do with Ah Zhan?"

She has always regarded Ah Zhan as her younger brother.

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