Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 921 Acting coquettishly and cutely (3)

"Mom, my dear, everything is okay." Quan Jingwu said softly.

Jian Qing gulped down the last bite of noodles and was a little dumbfounded when she heard him calling the mother on the other end of the phone.

His mother?

Isn't that her mother-in-law?

"It's fine, then you can bring her back quickly." Rui Yi didn't dare to ask Jian Qing about her amnesia, for fear of irritating Quan Jingwu, so he avoided the topic and said, "Both Seventeen and Nineteen haven't seen her for a long time. , the two little guys have been making trouble looking for you since they woke up early."

Quan Jingwu said, "Well, we will go back later."

"Nineteen, don't grab grandma's phone." Rui Yi's helpless voice was a bit doting, and Jian Qing could clearly hear the laughter of a child on the other end of the phone.

Could it be the twins she gave birth to that Luo Luo mentioned to her, her and his children?

"Daddy, daddy!"

A soft and waxy voice came from the phone, and the powerful little voice suddenly stabbed Jian Qing's heart.

"Daddy, Nineteen wants a hug." When Nineteen starts acting coquettishly, no one can resist him, especially since he has a little face that is almost similar to Jian Qing's. Once he starts acting coquettishly, Quan Jingwu's second No one can resist,

"Okay, Daddy will go back soon and take Mommy with him to hug you." Quan Jingwu always has infinite patience when facing his two little buns.

"Kinggo, I won't talk to you for now. I'll feed Shiqi and the others first, and then we'll talk about it when you come back," Rui Yi said.

Jian Qing hurriedly hung up the phone, still a little reluctant to let go of the little guy's voice.

"That's my child?"

The words sounded as low as mosquitoes. Quan Jingwu put down the phone, gently rubbed her head, and corrected, "Our child."

Jian Qing asked reflexively, "Are they okay?"

"They miss you very much," he said.

Jian Qing remained silent, feeling even more excited about seeing the two little guys in her heart.

Quan Jingwu saw her empty bowl and asked, "Are you full?"

Jian Qing nodded.

"Let's go then." He put down his chopsticks, took a tissue and wiped his mouth, then held her hand.

"Where to go?"

"Don't you want to see Seventeen and Nineteen?"

Hearing this, Jian Qing stopped struggling and let him hold her.

Quan Jingwu glanced sideways at her. From his angle, he could clearly see the woman's curled eyelashes fluttering, casting a faint green shadow under her eyelids.

The two walked out of the dining room hand in hand, and happened to meet Black Jack and Jian Luo who were about to go out.

"Where are you going?" Jian Luo looked at Quan Jingwu and asked.

"Go back to the old house."

Jian Luo glanced at Jian Qing and immediately understood Quan Jingwu's thoughts.

Yes, mother and son are connected. Maybe his sister will be able to think of something when she sees Seventeen and Nineteen.

"Then be careful on the road."

After saying that, Jian Luo took Black Jack and left first.

On the way, Jian Qing kept looking out the car window, full of expectations for the two little guys.

Is her child like her or like him?

Quan Jingwu held the steering wheel with one hand and held her hand tightly, "Don't worry, I'll take care of everything."

"Do they know about my amnesia?" Jian Qing lowered her eyes and asked in a low voice.

Quan Jingwu hummed, "Don't worry."

Jian Qing's eyes turned to the window again, her eyes covered with a layer of mist, making it impossible to figure out what she was thinking.

Quan family

When they learned that Jian Qing was coming back today, Rui Yi and others didn't go out and were waiting at home.

"It's been so long, why haven't you come yet?" Rui Yi paced anxiously.

Quan Mingxuan said, "Second Aunt, don't worry, they should be arriving soon, please sit down for a while."

"Axuan, please remember this later, and don't mention Qing Yatou's amnesia casually." Mrs. Quan warned.

"That's right, Jian Qing has lost her memory now and must be very strange to us. We must let her feel the warmth of home and help Jing Wu keep her here." Rui Yi agreed.

"Don't worry, we know." Quan Mingxuan patted his chest and assured.

Suddenly, Nineteen ran over, hugged Rui Yi's thigh, raised his little head, and said in a soft and adorable voice, "Grandma, look for Daddy!"

"Okay, be good, daddy will be back soon." Rui squatted down, touched his little face, and said softly.

Before he finished speaking, the sound of a car sounded outside the door.

Quan Mingxuan looked at the two little treasures and turned his eyes, "Seventeen, nineteen, your daddy and mommy are back, go out and take a look."

"Axuan, you kid!" Mrs. Quan scolded with a smile.

When Seventeen and Nineteen heard what he said, they immediately dropped the toys in their hands and ran out with their short legs.

"Seventeen, Nineteen, you run slower." Rui Yi looked at the staggering steps of the two little guys and chased them out worriedly.

In the courtyard, Quan Jingwu parked the car and Jian Qing waited aside.

"Let's go."

He walked away from the car, walked to her, and held her hand. Jian Qing lowered her eyes and looked at the hands held by the two of them. Just as she was about to speak, she heard the sound of the child's milk sucking in the distance.

"Mommy, Mommy!"

Under the dazzling sunshine, the two little treasures' little faces were flushed red, and their delicate eyes were shining with bright smiles.

Jian Qing's eyes trembled, her heart swelled, her eyes couldn't help but turn red, and the water vapor in her eyes blurred her vision.

She blinked back the tears that were welling up in her eyes.

Is this the wonder of blood ties?


Seeing Jian Qing, the two little treasures became even more excited.

Seventeen had better physical strength than Nineteen. He ran to Jian Qing first, hugged her thigh, and rubbed his face against her, "Mommy, hug!"

Jian Qing looked down at Shi Qi, feeling a little at a loss.

Seeing her nervousness, Quan Jingwu leaned over and picked up Qi Qi, "Come on, Qi Qi, daddy hugs her."

"Mommy, I want mommy!" I haven't seen Jian Qing for a long time. Seventeen is very attached to Jian Qing, and her little body struggles to get into Jian Qing's arms.

"Mommy, nineteen, nineteen wants a hug."

Nineteen waved her little hands excitedly, her bright eyes filled with Jian Qing. She didn't notice the stone at her feet at all and stumbled over.

The chubby little body fell to the ground and rolled twice.


Rui Yi, who was chasing after him, saw this scene and turned pale with fright.

Before she could pick up Nineteen, a figure had already picked up Nineteen faster than her.

When he saw the person holding Nineteen clearly, Rui breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mommy, Mommy..."

Nineteen's white and tender knees were bruised, and the bright red blood stains were shocking to see. However, he was strong-willed. When he saw Jian Qing, he held back the tears shining in his eyes, and did not cry out in pain.

"Mommy, nineteen, think."

His fleshy little hands tightly wrapped around Jian Qing's neck, for fear that she would run away, and his little head kept rubbing her neck, acting coquettishly and cutely.

Jian Qing looked at the little guy in her arms, her eyes suddenly softened, her purple eyes clearly resembled Quan Jingwu, but this appearance was a replica of hers.

Listening to the little guy's sweet voice calling her mommy, even the coldest heart was softened by his cuteness.

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