Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 922 A certain man is squeaking again (1)

Listening to the little guy's sweet voice calling her mommy, even the coldest heart was softened by his cuteness.

Jian Qing raised her hand to caress his little face, her eyes touched the wound on his knee, and she frowned slightly, "Does it hurt, huh?"

Nineteen shook his head and pursed his rosy mouth, "Mommy, kiss."

Jian Qing looked down at his pouted mouth and couldn't help but be amused by him. Her red lips came close to his cheek and pressed a kiss on his white and tender cheek.


After receiving a compliment from his own mother, Nineteen smiled so hard that his eyes were filled with tears, and the tears in his eyes suddenly disappeared.

Seeing his brother being held by his mother and being kissed by his mother, Shi Qi immediately became jealous and squirmed in Quan Jingwu's arms, struggling to come down to find Jian Qing.


Jian Qing was looking at Nineteen's wounds. When she heard the shout from behind, she turned her head and looked over. Seventeen's watery little face was wrinkled and he stretched out his little hands for her to hug.

Quan Jingwu came over with Shi Qi in his arms. Shi Qi in his arms saw Jian Qing eagerly. Seeing that Jian Qing did not hug or kiss him, his black jewel-like eyes quickly condensed with mist.

In a blink of an eye, the golden beans fell down with a splat.

"Mommy, give me a hug!"

A soft, waxy little voice with a strong nasal sound.

Seeing the tears on his face, Jian Qing's heart suddenly felt like someone was pinching her, and she hurriedly reached out and hugged him.

"Don't cry, don't cry."

She coaxed in a soft voice, and kissed his eyebrows as he wished.

"Mommy, kiss me, don't cry at Seventeen."

In desperation, the word "Mommy" came out of Jian Qing's mouth naturally.

From the side, Rui looked on and secretly wiped the corners of his eyes.

"Come on, Nineteen, let daddy hold you." Looking at Jian Qing's slender body holding the two babies, Quan Jingwu wanted to hold Nineteen, not wanting her to be too strenuous.

"No, no, I want Mommy to hold me." Nineteen hung on Jian Qing, waving her little hands to prevent Quan Jingwu from holding her.

Jian Qing held the two little treasures in her arms, with a gentle smile on her face. Especially when she saw the faces of the two little treasures that were similar to hers, the missing piece in her heart seemed to be filled.

"It's okay, I can hold you."

Quan Jingwu frowned, still feeling sorry for his wife, and turned to discuss with Shi Qi, "Seventeen, Shi Qi is injured. How about you let mommy treat his wound first? Daddy will hold you first, okay?"

Although the little guy is young, sometimes adults are not as smart as the two of them. After hearing Quan Jingwu's words, Shiqi pursed his lips, as if thinking.

A few seconds later, he stretched out his little hand towards Quan Jingwu. Seeing this, Quan Jingwu curled his lips in satisfaction and reached out to pick him up.

"Mommy, don't leave." Being held by Quan Jingwu, Shiqi's clear eyes were still staring at Jian Qing, and he said softly.

When Jian Qing heard this, her heart suddenly felt pricked.

Looking into the little guy's clear eyes, a little hopeful and a little scared, she curved the corners of her lips and reached out to gently pinch his little face.

"Well, Mommy won't leave."

Quan Jingwu lowered his eyes and looked at her, with a little warmth in his eyes.

"Xiao Qing'er, you are finally back. Why have you lost so much weight?" Rui Yi stepped forward and held Jian Qing's hand affectionately, with a smile on his face.

"Mom cooked your favorite dish for you. Eat more later."

Jian Qing looked at the woman in front of her, her purple eyes similar to Quan Jingwu's were smiling, and her whole body exuded a gentle aura, which made people feel very comfortable.

No need to guess, Jian Qing could recognize that this was Quan Jingwu's mother just by looking at her eyes.

After hesitating for a while, she said softly, "Thank you, Mom."

Rui Yi was startled for a moment, and the smile at the corner of his mouth became brighter, "Silly boy, it's all a family saying thank you. You have suffered outside me these days. When you get home, mom and your grandma will make up for you."

Jian Qing couldn't help but be infected by her enthusiasm. She pulled her lips and smiled slightly, "Yeah."

"Let's go into the living room and talk again. Grandma and the others are still waiting," Rui Yi said.

Jian Qing hummed, feeling a little nervous in her heart.

Quan Jingwu held Qi Qi with one hand and held her hand naturally with the other hand, "Let's go."

The warm palm wrapped around her slightly cold hand, and Jian Qing's somewhat uneasy heart was instantly soothed. From the corner of her eye, she caught sight of the two people's hands holding each other, and a faint smile flashed across her eyes.

"Mom, Xiao Qing'er is back."

Rui walked in front and started shouting as soon as he stepped into the living room.

In the living room, everyone followed the sound and looked towards the door.

Quan Jingwu and Jian Qing each walked in with a little treasure in their arms. They had not seen each other for more than three months. Everyone was finally relieved to see Jian Qing back safely.

Looking at the people in the living room, Jian Qing felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity, but she couldn't remember who they were.

She frowned, feeling a little annoyed and helpless.

"Girl Qing, why are you so haggard?" Old Mrs. Quan came over and looked at Jian Qing who looked even thinner than before, with heartache in her eyes.

"It'll be good to come back, it'll be good to come back."

"This is grandma, that's dad." Quan Jingwu noticed her embarrassment and introduced her thoughtfully.

"Grandma." Jian Qing greeted the others one by one.

"Jian Qing, here's me. I'm Mingxuan, your husband's second brother." Quan Mingxuan saw that Jian Qing and everyone else were saying hello, but he was missed, and he quickly came out to make his presence felt.

Quan Jingwu glanced at him lukewarmly and said, "Ignore him."


Quan Mingxuan curled his lips.

Hey, as soon as his wife came back, a certain man became angry again.

"Is there a medicine box?" Jian Qingxin looked at the scrape on Nineteen's knee and asked Quan Jingwu.

"Yes, I'll get it." Quan Mingxuan also noticed the wound on Nineteen's knee, and he got up from the sofa and ran to find the medicine box.

"Come, sit here." Quan Jingwu took her hand and sat down. Nineteen obediently nestled in Jian Qing's arms, occasionally nuzzling her chin with his little head, and his coquettish little moves made her laugh.

Seventeen got down from Quan Jingwu's arms, and everyone looked at him curiously. The little guy reached out and took a piece of chocolate on the table, and then ran back.

"Mommy, eat, eat."

The chubby little hand grabbed the chocolate and stuffed it into Jian Qing's hand.

Jian Qing lowered her head to look at the chocolate the little guy gave her, then raised her eyes to see the little guy's dark eyes curved into a crescent shape, smiling sweetly at her.

She raised her hand and stroked his little head, her eyes sore, "Okay, thank you Seventeen."

Seventeen chuckled and threw herself into her arms, wrapping her white and tender arms around Jian Qing's waist.

Quan Jingwu looked sideways at the corners of her reddish eyes, held her hand and rubbed it gently.

"It's okay, Seventeen, Nineteen and I will stay with you."

He knew that in her strong heart, she was still a little overwhelmed by the matter of amnesia. Others might think that she didn't take amnesia seriously at all, but he knew that his sweet baby was actually very fragile.

More to come later...

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