Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 923 Missing Memory (2)

Jian Qing nodded lightly, Quan Mingxuan found the medicine box, "The medicine box is here."

Quan Jingwu opened the medicine box and took out cotton swabs and disinfectant alcohol. Jian Qing hugged Nineteen and held his white feet.

"Nineteen, don't move, let Daddy apply the medicine for you." She coaxed softly, and for a moment, Quan Jingwu seemed to see her without amnesia.

He looked at her with a deep look, dipped a cotton swab in alcohol, and began to disinfect Nineteen's wounds.


When the disinfectant alcohol touched the wound, Nineteen's light eyebrows frowned, her little baby teeth like rice grains bit her lip tightly, and her originally warm palms instantly turned cold.

"Don't be afraid, mommy is here." Jian Qing looked at the bloody wound, then looked at Nineteen's wrinkled little face, and held his little hand tightly.

"Mommy, give Nineteen a blowjob."

She leaned down and blew gently on his wound with her red lips.

On the side, Seventeen watched curiously. Suddenly he imitated Jian Qing's posture, lying on Quan Jingwu's lap with his fleshy little body, and breathed into Nineteen's wound, "Nineteen, don't be afraid."

The others looked on and smiled at each other.

"Nineteen, it's okay to cry if it hurts." Quan Mingxuan said with a smile. After saying this, he successfully got a shudder from Mrs. Quan.

Nineteen suppressed her blush, and crystal tears welled up in her eyes. She tried hard not to let Jin Doudou fall, "Man, don't cry."

Daddy said, a man cannot cry.


Hearing this, everyone burst into laughter.

Jian Qing curled her lips and couldn't help but kiss Jiujiu's forehead. Then she raised her eyes to look at Quan Jingwu and saw a faint smile on his lips.

"You taught Nineteen?"

Quan Jingwu raised his thin lips, "What do you think?"

Jian Qing chuckled, and the atmosphere between the two became more harmonious and relaxed.

After taking the good medicine, Nineteen was in high spirits again. She nestled in Jian Qing's arms and chatted with her. She called her "Mommy" so much that Jian Qing's heart almost melted.

Quan Jingwu saw that all Jian Qing's attention was on the two little treasures, his purple eyes dimmed, "Nineteen, would you like to go over there with Seventeen to play with toys?"

"No, I want mommy." Nineteen held Jian Qing's arm and said firmly.

These two little guys are not easy to fool.

Jian Qing watched Qi Qi yawn, her wet eyes filled with sleepiness, "Seven Qi, are you sleepy, huh?"

"These two little guys got up early in the morning, and they must be sleepy now," Rui said.

Quan Jingwu stretched out his strong arms and easily picked up Qi Qi, "Qi Qi, daddy will make some milk for you. Can you drink it and go to bed?"

A trace of tangle flashed between Seventeen's eyes, and he turned to look at Jian Qing, "I want mommy."

Jian Qing disappeared for more than three months, leaving the two little treasures without a sense of security.

Looking into the little guy's wet eyes, Jian Qing was startled for a moment, then smiled and said, "Can Mommy stay with you?"

"Yeah." Seventeen's delicate little face showed a bright smile.

"Let's go."

Quan Jingwu stood up with Seventeen in his arms, Jian Qing followed him with Nineteen in his arms, and the family of four went upstairs to their room.

"I wonder when Qing Yatou will be able to regain her memory." Old Mrs. Quan looked away and sighed softly.

"Mom, now that Xiao Qing'er is back, it's only a matter of time before she regains her memory. Don't worry too much. Besides, you see, even if she loses her memory, she and Keigo are still fine." Rui Yi comforted her.

In the bright bedroom, the gauze curtains fluttered, and purple flowers swayed.

On the bed, Seventeenth and Nineteenth were holding baby bottles, their little feet swaying from time to time, looking adorable even when they were lazy.

Jian Qing sat on the edge of the bed, looking at the drowsy appearance of the two little guys, with a warm smile on her lips.

Quan Jingwu came over, leaned down, reached out and took away the bottles from the hands of the two little treasures. Seventeen and Nineteen turned over and fell into a deep sleep.

Jian Qing lay on the bed, her fingertips roaming over the two little treasures' faces. She couldn't put it down because of the pink skin. Suddenly, she thought of something, and the smile at the corner of her mouth gradually faded.

If the two little treasures knew that she had actually forgotten them, they would be very sad.

She retracted her hand, stood up and walked to the window.

Looking around, the flowers in the garden are in full bloom.

Everything here looked so familiar, but she just couldn't remember why. The people and things here were all blank in her mind.

She closed her eyes and tried to remember the missing memory.


Severe pain hit her, she covered her head and slowly squatted down.

"Good boy."

Quan Jingwu came out of the bathroom and was so scared that he almost lost his soul when he saw this scene.

He ran over quickly and squatted down in front of her.

"What's wrong? Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

"Headache." She said hoarsely.

Quan Jingwu pursed his thin lips tightly and picked her up.

Jian Qing leaned on his chest, her face a little pale.

Quan Jingwu hugged her and sat on the sofa, his big hands around her waist, "If you can't think of it, don't think about it. Don't force yourself."

Although he wanted her to remember everything, the last thing he wanted was to see her in pain.

Jian Qing raised her head from his arms, "Don't you want me to remember everything quickly?"

Quan Jingwu lowered his eyes lightly, and pressed his thin lips against her beautiful eyes, "As long as you stay by my side, nothing else matters."

"But I can't remember anything about you, or anything about Seventeen and Nineteen. Seventeen and Nineteen are clinging to me. I know they feel insecure because I disappeared for more than three months. I'm not a competent person." Mommy." She lowered her head and murmured softly.

"I actually forgot about them all." And you who love me so much.

"My sweet baby is the most competent mommy and the best wife in the world." He said hoarsely, leaning against her forehead.

In his mind, there is no one better than her.

Jian Qing's face turned red, burning hot.

"My dear, you're blushing." He said in a playful way.

Jian Qing's cheeks turned red, and she quickly jumped out of his arms, "The weather is too hot, I'm so hot."

Quan Jingwu stood up, held her hand, "Let's go, I'll take you around the old house."

"I can walk by myself." Still remembering what he had just teased her about, Jian Qing used her skill to break away from his hand, and was held by him again the next second.

As the cycle continued again and again, Jian Qing gave up and let him lead her.

Under the shade of the trees, the two of them took a leisurely walk.

Suddenly, Jian Qing paused, and Quan Jingwu looked sideways at her, "What's wrong?"


Jian Qing looked at the swing not far away, her eyes shining brightly.

And ha...

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