Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 924 Little Tiger (3)

Quan Jingwu followed her gaze and saw that at the edge of the garden, the swing entangled with vines almost blended into the garden.

Remembering that she had also seen this swing when she came here for the first time, he slightly curled his thin lips and let out a low and deep laugh.

"What are you laughing at?" she asked.

Quan Jingwu pulled her over, holding the chain of the swing in his big hand, looking directly at her, "You also noticed this swing when I brought you here for the first time."

Hearing this, Jian Qing stretched out her hand, gently rubbed the iron chain, and looked at the swing slightly distracted.

"That was played by Yi Fei and Ah Xuan."

"Want to play?"

The man's magnetic voice echoed in her ears. Jian Qing narrowed her eyes. The voice was so familiar, like...

She suddenly came back to reality and raised her eyes to look at the man in front of her, just like his voice.

"Want to play?" Quan Jingwu pinched her cheek lightly. The same scene and the same words seemed to be still vivid in his mind when the two met not long ago.

Jian Qing pursed her red lips tightly and shook her head slightly.

"What's wrong, don't you like swinging the most?" Quan Jingwu asked, holding her face in his hands.

Jian Qing took a breath and raised a smile, "Quan Jingwu, let's play on the swing again when I recover my memory."

The innocent smile captivated his eyes. Quan Jingwu hugged her and said hello in her ear.

"When you regain your memory, when you sit on the swing, I will definitely push the swing very high."


After showing her around, the two of them returned to the living room.

While Quan Jingwu went to the bathroom, Rui Yi came over holding a thick photo album, "Xiao Qing'er, let me show you this."

"Huh?" Jian Qing took the thick photo album.

Rui Yi said, "This is the wedding photo of you and Keigo."

Jian Qing let go of the album's fingertips, thought for a while, and turned to the first page.

"Xiao Qinger, I know you have forgotten us now, but it doesn't matter, as long as you can come back safely." Rui Yi looked at her flipping through the photo album and said warmly, "In the past few months, Jingwu and Seventeen and they miss you very much. Not long after your accident, Seventeen and Nineteen fell ill. I think this is the connection between mother and son. "

Jian Qing looked at the photos, with different dresses and different backgrounds, but the protagonists of the photos were both her and Quan Jingwu. What remained unchanged was the joyful smiles on their faces.

She closed the album and said, "Mom, I'm sorry."

"Silly boy, it's all a family saying sorry." Rui Yi clapped her hand that was afraid of her and said, "Now that you're back, let's live at home. Keigo and Shiqi can't live without you."

Jian Qing has lost her memory now. She is not sure whether she will live here again, but if she doesn't live here, Shi Qi and the others will definitely be sad if they can't see her.

Jian Qing hesitated for a moment, Quan Jingwu just came back.

"What are you talking about?"

"We are talking about letting Xiao Qing'er come back to live at home." Rui Yi said.

Quan Jingwu looked down at her, saw her lowering her head and saying nothing, her purple eyes flashing slightly, and sat down next to her.

"Then you two chat, and I'll go to the kitchen first."

Rei's eyesight was perfect, so he stood up and left, giving the two of them some space to be alone.

Quan Jingwu held her hand and said, "If you don't want to live here, we can take Shi Qi and the others back to live in Shijin Palace."

Jian Qing shook her head, "Just live here."

She could feel how good Mrs. Quan and the others were to her, not to mention that she lived here before she lost her memory. In this case, she had no reason to refuse.

Most importantly, she felt at ease around this person.

Quan Jingwu put his arms around her and said, "Okay, when you want to go back to live in Shijin Palace, we will go back together."


As night falls, the old house is brightly lit.

As soon as Jian Qing came back, the entire Quan family returned to its previous liveliness.

After dinner, Jian Qing played with the two little treasures in the living room for a while, and then took the two little treasures upstairs to rest.

In the bathroom, the two little treasures laughed one after another, accompanied by Quan Jingwu's deep voice.

Jian Qing walked into the bathroom with a big bath towel and saw Quan Jingwu holding Shi Qi's chubby little body. She stepped forward and wrapped the little guy in the big bath towel.

"Mommy, it smells good." Shi Qi's wet hair was dripping with water, her jelly-like mouth pouted, and when Quan Jingwu wasn't paying attention, he kissed the corner of Jian Qing's mouth.


Jian Qing looked at him dumbfounded, hugged him and walked out.

The air conditioner was on in the room. Jian Qing wrapped him tightly in a large bath towel, put him on the bed, and quickly pulled the quilt to cover him.

"Seventeen, don't move. Mommy will get you some clothes."

Seventeen watched Jian Qing walk towards the closet, fluttering her little arms to lift the quilt, exposing her white and tender body to the air.

He turned over and slid out of bed with familiar movements. When Jian Qing picked up her clothes and turned around, she saw the naked little guy running around on the carpet, and the corners of her lips twitched.

"Seventeen, come here, Mommy will dress you."

Seventeen held the toy car, grinned at her, and ran towards the sofa.

"Seventeen, you little troublemaker!"

Jian Qing put her clothes on the bed and walked quickly to grab a certain little dumpling.

The little guy had small arms and short legs, so how could he compare to Jian Qing? After a while, Jian Qing easily grabbed the little guy and patted his little butt gently.

"Mommy, Cheche."

He handed the car to Jian Qing as if he was offering a treasure, and smiled so much that his eyebrows arched. He didn't show off his cuteness easily, so he acted coquettishly, and the effect of pleasing people was no worse than that of Nineteen.


Perhaps it was due to blood relationship, but within one day, Jian Qing had no distance from her two little treasures, as if she had not forgotten them.

She sat on the edge of the bed, reached for the clothes and helped Shiqi put them on. She spotted the warm yellow tiger pajamas at first glance in the closet.

After defeating the boss, Jian Qing finally managed to help Shi Qi put on his pajamas and put on his hat. Jian Qing smiled with satisfaction.

The one-piece tiger pajamas were worn on Shi Qi. The tiger was swaying, and the smile on Jian Qing's lips never disappeared.

Quan Jingwu came out with Nineteen in his arms. When he saw Seventeen's pajamas, his bright red lips formed a perfect arc.

"Does it look good?" Jian Qing asked.

He nodded, "It looks good."

"Come on, Nineteen, Mommy will help you put it on." Jian Qing reached out to take Nineteen, and Quan Jingwu helped the two little ones take a bath. Their clothes were all wet. Don't worry, Nineteen took a set of clothes by himself. Went back to the bathroom.

Jian Qing took another set of tiger pajamas and helped Nineteen change into them. After a while, a freshly baked "little tiger" No. 2 appeared.

Jian Qing put the two babies on the bed and helped them dry their hair. Seventeen and Nineteen rolled happily on the bed.

Under the light, two "little tigers" hugged each other and rolled around. Their delicate little faces made Jian Qing unable to take her eyes away.

She sat cross-legged and watched, tickling the two babies from time to time, making them hug each other and dodge.

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