Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 956 Making a decision (3)

Jian Qing curled her lips, and there was a hint of smile in her eyes.

No matter whether she heard the news that her mother was alive from Shen Hua or Shen Yan, she always had an unreal feeling that the only one who could be called grandma by Nineteen was her mother.

As long as she takes her mother back, Bai Jue will definitely find a way.

In this way, Dad will no longer be alone, and Grandpa will definitely be very happy.

In the study room, the atmosphere was tense.

"Brother, you clearly don't intend to return Awei to Jian Qing and the others, so why do you force her to come here? What do you want to do?" Ana Shen asked coldly.

Shen Hua turned a deaf ear and signed the document quickly, saying quietly, "I will ask Dr. Kesen to nurse you back to health in the next few days, and then prepare for surgery as soon as possible."

Ana Shen took a deep breath and said decisively, "I won't do this surgery. You should give up on this."

He would never trade Jian Qing's life for his.

"Shen Yan, now is not the time for you to act like a child." Shen Hua raised her eyes and glanced at him sideways, saying without comment.

"I know my body well. I have already had a heart replaced. There is no need to trade Jian Qing's life for mine. Even without her heart, nothing will happen to me." Shen Yan said not to be outdone.

Shen Hua dropped the document and stood up, clapping the case, "Shen Yan, do you understand human speech? I'm doing this for your own good. Dr. Keson said that your condition has worsened and this surgery is not your turn. The final say.”

Ana Shen met his gaze and said, "That was before. Dr. Keson has now developed a new drug. As long as I take the medicine on time, there will be no big problem."

Shen Hua couldn't bear it anymore and walked around the executive desk and walked in front of him, "Shen Yan, please wake up. Now is not the time to joke with your life. Even if you don't do the operation, do you think I will let Jian Qing go?" Leave here?"

Since he dared to let Jian Qing come here, he would not let her leave. He was not stupid enough to expose his base to Jian Qing. Letting her leave would undoubtedly be letting the tiger go back to the mountain, with endless troubles.

"Brother, I also said that no matter what, I will protect Jian Qing and the two little guys." Shen Yan stared at him and said loudly.

Shen Hua snorted coldly, "You should know very well what kind of place this is. Without my permission, it would be extremely difficult for Jian Qing to reveal the situation here. Shen Yan, you'd better not overestimate your capabilities." Help her, otherwise everyone will die together in the end, I think this is not what you want to see. "

Ana Shen was speechless. He could clearly see his ruthlessness from his eyes. He knew that he could really do anything if he was really pushed.

Including dragging everyone to hell.

After a moment of silence, he changed the topic and said, "Awei hasn't woken up yet. I think Jian Qing's arrival should stimulate her to wake up faster."

Shen Hua walked back to the executive desk and sat down, flipping through the documents, "Half an hour."

Ana Shen didn't expect him to agree so easily. She thought he would have to spend more words, "I know."

After Ana Shen left, Shen Hua put down the document and tapped his fingertips on the desktop.

"Da da--"

"Ada, come in."

Before he finished speaking, Ada opened the door and came in.

"Turn on all the surveillance systems on the island. No blind spots are allowed to be missed. In addition, I sent someone to keep an eye on Jian Qing."

"Yes." Ada took the order and left.

After leaving Shen Hua's study, Ana Shen went directly to Dr. Keson.

After sending the other doctors out, only Dr. Keson and Shen Yan were left in the room.

"Second Young Master, what's wrong with you coming to see me so early? Are you feeling unwell again?" Dr. Coson asked.

Ana Shen shook his head and lowered his voice, "Dr. Keson, I have something to trouble you with. If my brother comes to you in the past two days and asks about my physical condition or when I can have surgery, etc., Just do what I told you before and try to postpone the surgery as late as possible."

"But it's hard to hide it from the eldest young master. If the operation time is delayed too long, the eldest young master will not believe it, and the second young master's condition will betray you." Dr. Coson said worriedly.

Even if he can help him hide it now, once he gets sick, he will definitely not be able to hide it anymore, and he is not the only doctor on the island.

"I have my own way of doing this. For now, just do as I say. When I can't hide it anymore, I will have other ways." Shen Yan promised.

Dr. Corson, "I got it."

"By the way, where is the bottle of medicine?" Ana Shen asked about the most important thing.

Dr. Corson turned and walked to the medicine cabinet, opened a hidden drawer, took out a small brown bottle, and folded it back.

"This is the bottle, but Second Young Master, have you really thought about it?" He squeezed the bottle tightly and asked again to confirm.

"After taking this medicine, there will be no way out. Even the Great Luo Immortal will not be able to save you by then."

Ana Shen smiled lightly, "Thank you for taking care of me over the years."

Dr. Corson sighed, stretched out his hand and handed him the pill bottle.

Ana Shen looked at the medicine bottle in his hand, and a decisive smile flashed in his eyes.

It's time for everything to end.

"Second Young Master."

Seeing Ana Shen come back intact, Ah Er breathed a sigh of relief.

Hearing the footsteps, Jian Qing raised her eyes and looked over. Ana Shen happened to look over. The two looked at each other, and Jian Qing looked away calmly.

"Good uncle." Nineteenth shouted softly.

Ana Shen touched his little head and smiled lightly, "Has Nineteen eaten enough?"

"Yeah." Nineteen nodded.

Ana Shen looked away and looked at Jian Qing, "Jian Qing, do you want to see your mother?"

"What did you say?" Jian Qing's voice was filled with surprise.

"I talked to my brother for half an hour." Ana Shen explained.

Jian Qing stood up immediately, "Let's go."

She had waited too long for this moment.

"Mommy." They haven't seen Jian Qing for a long time, and the two little ones are particularly attached to her.

Ana Shen looked at the two little treasures hugging Jian Qing's thighs, one on the left and the other on the right, and stretched out his hands to help pick up Nineteen, "Come on, Nineteen, uncle, let's go see grandma together."

Jian Qing picked up Shi Qi and looked at him strangely when he heard him calling himself uncle.


According to what her grandfather said, she had to call him cousin. After all, the two little babies had to call him uncle. Calling uncle was a bit different.

Pretending to be young?

Ana Shen smiled sarcastically.

The two little guys called him this way from the beginning. Although he knew that there was a big difference in generation, he probably didn't have the right to let the two little ones call him uncle.

Uncle, let's be uncle, at least they don't hate him yet.

"Don't waste time, let's go."

A-Xia is going to review the outline of the extras these days to see which people have the highest demand for extras, and A-Xia will write more about which couple...

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