Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 957 A Tragedy (1)

"Jian Qing, I know my brother has done a lot of wrong things, but he is really a good brother." Shen Yan said calmly.

It's just that his brother's obsession with Awei was so deep that he was almost in a daze.

Jian Qing remained silent and raised her eyes to scan the roses in the garden. Here, you can see almost all varieties of roses in the world.

"Jian Qing, if you can in the end, please let my brother go." Ana Shen stopped, looked at her, and said sincerely.

Jian Qing looked at him with faint eyes, "Let him go? Ha, because of his obsession, we mistakenly thought that my mother was dead, which made Luoluo and I lose our mother since we were young, and made my grandpa and grandma do this. I shed tears all day long. Just because of his obsession, my father heard the news of my mother's death and almost died for love. Now he is unrepentant, forcing me to jump off a cliff and kidnapping my child. How can I let it go? he?"

She was not a saint, and she did not have the compassion to forgive someone who had torn their family apart.

Faced with her question, Ana Shen had no words to refute.

His eyes dimmed, "Jian Qing, I know that the sins my brother has committed are too deep, and I am willing to use everything I have to help him repay. If you really have to use my brother's life to repay, then I I’m willing to trade my life for his.”

Jian Qing looked away and pursed her red lips, "Shen Yan, so what if you repay it for him? Do you think he would be willing to let me go if I don't cause trouble for him?"

"I will try to persuade him, and I won't let them hurt you, I promise."

"How long will your guarantee last?" Jian Qing asked bluntly, "As long as Shen Hua wants to take action, he will have plenty of opportunities. Can you guarantee that you can protect us every time?"

Ana Shen fell silent, and the two of them did not talk to each other along the way.

Across the door, there was deep nervousness in Jian Qing's eyes.

Finally, Ana Shen opened the door.

"come in."

"Second Young Master."

The nurse in the room saw Ana Shen and shouted respectfully.

"You guys go out first."


Jian Qing put down Qi Qi and raised her eyes to look at the person lying on the bed, her heart was filled with turmoil, and her eyebrows were flashing with excitement.

Her back stiffened, and for a moment, her mind went blank.

Ana Shen stood aside, looking at her stunned expression with excitement, her watery thin lips raised a smile of relief.

After a while, Jian Qing came to her senses and ran to the bedside.

She stretched out her hand towards the unconscious person on the bed, her fingertips trembling almost invisible.

Even after years of baptism, the woman's beautiful appearance has not changed much, and it is still the same beautiful appearance in her memory.

"Mom!" She found her voice and shouted softly.

In an instant, the crystal tears fell like broken pearls.

She held Jian Wei's hand, and the warm temperature reminded her of the fact that Jian Wei was really alive, and the feeling of lost and found filled her heart.

Ana Shen stood opposite her, watching her crying with excitement, and looked away to look at Jian Wei, "Awei, I brought your daughter to see you, although it's a little late."

After calming down, Jian Qing held Jian Wei's hand and said, "Mom, you know, I found my dad. When he heard the news of your death, he almost wanted to die with you. He loved you very much. You need to wake up quickly, and then our family can be reunited."

The only response she received was quiet silence.

And the weak breathing.

"Sit down first." Ana Shen pulled a chair and asked her to sit down.

Jian Qing glanced at him and then sat down.

"My mother has been in a coma for seventeen years and has never woken up?"

Ana Shen looked at Jian Wei and said, "No, when my brother brought her back, she almost couldn't survive. It was Dr. Coson who rescued her several times before he pulled her back from the hell. What happened to her later? It’s been very unstable, so my brother often stays on the island.”

"Can you tell me what happened back then?" Jian Qing asked.

Ana Shen hummed, "You should know our relationship with your mother, right?"

"Well, my grandpa told me."

"My brother and I have watched Awei from being born to growing up. The relationship between the three of us has been very good since childhood. Awei is smart and lively and likes to follow my brother around the world. But she has some little secrets that she likes to talk to I said that the two of us often got into trouble together and were scolded by my brother. My brother has always been very indulgent to us. I always thought that my brother treated Awei just like he did to me, treating her as just a sister. " During those days in the past, Ana Shen's eyes showed a hint of nostalgia. He didn't know what he thought of, and a bitter smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Until one time, I realized that I was wrong. My brother's love for Awei was not a simple brother's love for his sister, but a man's love for a woman. He fell in love with Awei."

At that time, he was thinking about why he was so slow. If he discovered this earlier, he might be able to persuade his brother to let go of his obsession with Awei as soon as possible.

If it hadn't been for a friend who had only a brief acquaintance with them to confess his feelings to Awei, he might never have noticed his brother's feelings for Awei.

Back then, he asked his brother in private about his feelings for Jian Wei. He asked with a straight face, "Brother, are you having feelings for A Wei that you shouldn't have?"

He asked directly, and his brother answered directly.

"Yes, I like her. No, it should be said that I love her. I love her more than my life."

He still remembers the shock and disbelief in his heart at the time, "Brother, we are blood relatives, how can you treat Awei...Brother, Awei just regards you as a biological brother. Listen to my advice and take advantage of this." Before you sink in completely, let go of your inappropriate thoughts about her as soon as possible.”

Under the scorching sun, the frost in Shen Hua's eyes was biting, like an enraged lion, "I have been trapped in it a long time ago. Unless I die, I will never give up. She is mine, she can only be My, even if we are related by blood, so what, I will choose her."

"Brother, think carefully about what Awei would think if she knew about it."

"No matter what, she can only be mine. If you want me to give up on her, unless I die." A firm tone, with a world-destroying obsession.

Oh, young love was just beginning, but I didn't expect it would turn into a tragedy.

Ana Shen curled the corners of her lips and looked at Jian Wei with a bit of sadness.

"Is the fact that my mother fell into the sea and lost her memory also related to Shen Hua?" Jian Qing suddenly asked.

Ana Shen nodded lightly, her throat a little dry, "Not long after Awei took over the Jian family, one time when she returned to the manor, she told me that she had someone she liked, and asked me to keep it a secret for her, but she didn't Thinking about that time, my brother was also in the study and happened to hear what she said. "

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