Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 962 What a big surprise (3)

"You mean?" She covered her lips, tears flashing in her eyes.

Ana Shen nodded, "You once mentioned An to me!"

As soon as she finished speaking, the tears that had been held back in her eyes burst out no longer.

"Where is he?"

She wanted to see him, she wanted to tell him how much she missed him.

Ana Shen took out a tissue and wiped her tears, "They can't come to see you now. This is my brother's island. I have already thought of a way to send you away together. You just have to wait a few more days."

"Yeah." Jian Wei sniffed and nodded with a smile while crying.

"I'll help you lie down first. I'll tell you slowly what you want to know." Ana Shen helped Jian Wei lie down and pulled the quilt to cover her.

Jian Wei's eyes inadvertently glanced at the bracelet on his wrist, and she smiled lightly, "Are you still wearing this bracelet?"

Ana Shen shook the bracelet and chuckled, "Of course, this is your eighteenth birthday gift to me. You said that this bracelet will keep me safe, so of course I will wear it."

The two looked at each other and smiled, but some things remained unchanged.

"Is my car accident related to him?" After all, the topic came up. Jian Wei didn't tell him explicitly, but Ana Shen also understood.

He hesitated for a moment, then nodded slowly.

Jian Wei closed her eyes, hiding the disappointment in her eyes.

He still destroyed the last remaining bit of trust she had in him.

"Awei, I know that my brother has made many mistakes, and I will pay for the sins he committed." Shen Yan said in a suppressed voice.

Jian Wei opened her eyes, "No, it's his fault and has nothing to do with you."

Ana Shen lowered his head and remained silent.

"By the way, Ayan, how are my dad and my mom?" Jian Wei looked sideways at him and asked.

"I heard that you passed away. My cousin couldn't bear the blow and passed away within a few years."

Jian Wei's pupils shrank slightly, and her hands hanging by her sides trembled.

Her mother is dead!

Two lines of clear tears fell from the corners of her eyes. Ana Shen held her hand and said guiltily, "Awei, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

Jian Wei's eyes turned red, and her hatred for Shen Hua increased even more.

Seeing her heartbroken look, Ana Shen couldn't bear to look directly at her, and changed the topic, "Awei, do you know that Jian Qing is married, and she has given birth to two very cute little guys, a pair of boys. "

"Jian Qing?" Jian Wei was puzzled, her voice slightly nasal.

Ana Shen explained, "It's your daughter. After you had a car accident that year, your cousin took your daughter and son back to country M, and then renamed them, one named Jian Qing and the other named Jian Luo ”

"My daughter is married?" Jian Wei's face was full of surprise, with a hint of regret on her face.

She didn't even have time to see her precious daughter get married.

"Well, not only are you married, but you also gave birth to twins. Awei, you are now a grandma." After speaking, Ana Shen's tone became lighter.

The successive news made Jian Wei unable to recover.

"Ayan, was there a child talking in my ear when I was in a coma?" she asked in a daze. During the coma, she vaguely seemed to hear the laughter of a child.

Ana Shen's first reaction was to think of the two little treasures, and she pulled her lips and smiled, "Well, they are your two little grandsons. They have been calling you grandma in your ears these past few days. If you meet them, you will definitely like them very much. ”

Hearing this, Jian Wei's heart softened.

When she wakes up, she becomes a grandmother.

What a big surprise!

While she was happy, she suddenly realized that something was wrong.

She lowered her face and said, "Ayan, why are the two children here?"

This is Shen Hua's territory, why would her daughter's child be here?

Ana Shen had no face to look at her directly, and said in a muffled voice, "My brother secretly kidnapped the child. Jian Qing was forced to come here because of the child and you."

She knew it wouldn't be that simple.

Jian Wei suppressed the anger in her heart, "He plotted against me to hide me, so why did he attack my daughter?"

"Because of me." Ana Shen said unspeakably.


"Because of me, Jian Qing's heart suits me." Ana Shen said in a deep voice.

Shen Hua is a madman.

Jian Wei was extremely angry and turned pale.

"Awei, don't get excited, take a deep breath." Ana Shen saw her mood swings and quickly comforted her, "Don't worry, Jian Qing will be fine as long as I'm here."

Jian Wei took a breath and grabbed Ana Shen's hand, "Ayan, tell Jian Qing to leave me alone and leave with the child as soon as she has the chance."

Shen Hua went crazy and was simply heartbroken. She would never let him hurt her daughter.

"Don't worry." Ana Shen leaned down and lowered his voice and said, "I will send you all away together. I have a way to stop my brother."

Jian Wei looked at him and nodded lightly.

"How has your health been over the years?"

"Not bad." Ana Shen walked over calmly.

"You're still alive, you can't die."

"You are talking nonsense about whether you will die or not," Jian Wei said.

Ana Shen stared at her and said in a gentle voice, "It's so good to finally wake up!"

"I slept too long this time." Jian Wei joked to herself, "Every bone in my body fell apart."

Ana Shen chuckled and took out her phone, "Would you like to see photos of your daughter and your two little grandchildren?"

"Of course." Jian Wei said impatiently, wanting to grab his phone directly.

Ana Shen clicked on her phone, and a high-definition photo broke into Jian Wei's sight.

Looking at the young man and woman who looked somewhat similar to hers in the photo, Jian Wei's nose felt sore, her child!

"Awei, your daughter is colder than you." Ana Shen joked.

"She looks so good-looking." Jian Wei stared at the photo intently, her eyes filled with soft light.

Ana Shen chuckled, "Well, it's up to you."

Jian Wei glanced at him and narrowed her eyes with a smile, "I guess you can talk."

"Here, here are the photos of the two little guys." Shen Hua tapped the phone, and the photos of the two little ones popped up.

Jian Wei snatched the phone quickly, her eyes almost glued to it, "Ayan, these two little guys are so exquisite."

Just by looking at the two little guys, one can guess that the other half of her daughter must be extraordinary in appearance.

"Yeah, and he's very smart. My brother was driven crazy by the two of them." Shen Yan couldn't help laughing when she thought of the two little treasures calling Shen Hua the old witch.

Absorbed in the joy of being a grandma, Jian Wei simply ignored what he said next, her eyes shining as she looked at the photo.

"By the way, Ayan, what are their names?"

"The one with black eyes is called Seventeen, he is my brother, and the little guy with purple eyes is called Nineteen." Ana Shen pointed at the photo and introduced.

Jian Wei was stunned, "Why do you choose such a strange name?"

Ana Shen replied, "These are the nicknames of the two little guys."

"Does Seventeen look like their daddy?" Jian Wei looked at the photo with fond eyes and asked curiously.

"Yes." Ana Shen took back the phone and clicked on the photo of Quan Jingwu and Jian Qing, "This is your son-in-law, Quan Jingwu."

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