Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 963 The life and death switch on the island (1)

In the photo, the man's exquisite facial features exuded a chilling coldness, and his bright purple eyes were as deep as a pool, especially the sharp look between his eyebrows, which made people shudder.

Jian Wei looked at the photo with a little smile in her eyes.

She is a perfect match for her baby girl!

Jian Wei is now typical of a mother-in-law who becomes more and more satisfied with her son-in-law.

"What about Jian Luo, is he married too?"

Thinking of Black Jack, Ana Shen's face showed something weird, and he coughed lightly, "Well, I'm not very sure about this. You'll know after you see him."

"But" Jian Wei always felt that there was something in his words. She was about to ask Jian Luo more about it when he interrupted her.

"Okay, you just woke up, don't be too tired, have a good rest first, I will come over to see you later." After saying that, Ana Shen leaned down and whispered in her ear, "Jian Qing and the others are still waiting for me news."

"Yeah." Jian Wei nodded.

Ana Shen took a photo of her with her mobile phone, then turned and left.

When he opened the door, he saw Shen Hua and Dr. Kesen talking about Jian Wei's condition.

"elder brother."

Shen Hua stopped talking to Dr. Keson and couldn't help but look into the room, "How is she?"

"Brother, Awei just woke up. Don't push her too hard. It's not suitable for her to be too excited now. Just let her calm down first." Ana Shen held his shoulders and said warmly.

"Allow yourself to calm down."

Shen Hua calmly looked away and nodded almost invisible.

"If possible, let her see Jian Qing. I think you don't want your relationship to get even more out of control."

After saying that, Shen Yan left without looking back, leaving Shen Hua alone at the door, thinking deeply.

For a long time, he held the doorknob and closed the door.

Then, he went to Dr. Corson's laboratory.

Jian Qing had just finished coaxing the two babies to sleep when Ana Shen came.

As soon as he stepped into the door, Jian Qing hurriedly greeted him.

"How is my mother?"

"Go in first and then talk." Ana Shen said.

Ah Er closed the door, and Jian Qing and his party all went upstairs.

In the study, the doors and windows were closed.

Ana Shen took out her mobile phone, clicked on the photo, and handed it to Jian Qing, "Although Awei just woke up, she is in good condition. Fortunately, there are no sequelae such as amnesia."

Mo Xiao came over and looked at the photos on his phone. The passage of time had not left any traces on the woman's face. Her pale face had no color at all, like a water lotus that was about to wither in late autumn, grabbing his heart hard. .

His Weiwei!

"Great." Jian Qing held the phone tightly, with a strong smile in her eyes.

Mo Xiao raised his eyes and looked at Ana Shen, "Are you sure there are no other side effects?"

Ana Shen said with a full smile, "Nothing at the moment. The rest depends on the recovery situation in the past two days. Don't worry, with Dr. Cosen here, the problem should not be big."

"Cousin, can you lend me a computer?" Jian Qing asked.

She had to leave here as soon as possible and let Bai Jue heal her mother so that she could feel completely at ease.

Ana Shen saw her thoughts and shook her head slightly, "It's useless even if I lend it to you."

He knew that she was the king in the Internet field, but even if he gave her the computer, she couldn't act rashly.

Jian Qing, "What do you mean?"

"On this island, except for me and my brother, anyone who uses communication tools to communicate with the outside world will be monitored and discovered."

What he didn't say was that his brother occasionally used this to guard against him.

Ana Shen glanced at them, and his face gradually became serious, "And the most important thing is, once my brother finds out that you have helpers coming, and if he is pressed for help, he will choose to die with you and will not let you leave. , To tell you the truth, this island has a mechanism, which was specially developed by my brother, and he is the only one who knows the remote control switch. "

Hearing this, Jian Qing and Quan Jingwu looked at each other, with a solemn look in their eyes.

To be able to set up such a trap in his hometown, Shen Hua is really a lunatic.

"You don't have to worry too much. I said I would send you away and I will definitely do it." Ana Shen gave a faint smile.

"Awei has just woken up, so we can't run around too much. We need to let her rest for two days first. Moreover, my brother will be in the garden frequently during these two days, so we must be very careful in our actions."

Jian Qing frowned and looked directly at Ana Shen, "Are you really not going with me?"

Knowing that she was worried about him, Ana Shen curled her lips and said, "Don't worry about me. Maybe my brother will be soft-hearted and not kill me. At most, I will be beaten up by him."

Jian Qing was silent, she had already made up her mind to pull Ana Shen away when the time came.

At night, the stars are sparse.

Ah Er came in with the medicine and looked up to see Ana Shen standing in front of the French window, with a slight loneliness lingering on her thin back.

He suppressed the worry in his eyes and walked over quickly, "Second Young Master, it's time to take medicine."

"Ah Er, on that day, you and Jian Qing can leave together. You are still young and there is no need to die with me." Shen Yan said softly.

Ah Er refused without even thinking, "Second Young Master, you saved my life, and I will always be with you."

Regardless of life or death.

Ana Shen's heart felt warm. He turned around and looked at A'er, "I don't want you to die with me when I save you."

He paused, took a step forward, raised his hand and put it on his shoulder, and said with a smile, "Live well for my sake. I hope you will burn more paper money for me during the Qingming Festival."

The last sentence he said was a joke, and it fell on A'er's ears. He only felt that his heart was clogged and uncomfortable.

"Second Young Master!"

"Okay, it's settled, I..."

Halfway through the words, Ana Shen's face suddenly turned pale, and his expression was a little painful.

He covered his heart, obviously feeling ill again.

"Second Young Master, what's wrong with you?"

A'er was startled and quickly helped him sit down, then brought the water and pills to his mouth and fed him.

"Second Young Master, wait here while I go find Dr. Coson."

Ana Shen called to him, "Don't go."

"Second Young Master, you..." Looking at Shen Yan's dying appearance, Ah Er's face was filled with helplessness. When he saw the firmness in his eyes, the words he wanted to persuade suddenly stuck in his throat.

"I'll be fine after taking the medicine, don't worry." Ana Shen took a breath and said hoarsely, "Once you go to Dr. Coson, you will definitely alarm my brother."

When the time comes, his brother will definitely force Jian Qing to give him her heart, and it will even disrupt his original plan.

Ah Er looked at him steadily without saying a word.

For a moment, sighs sounded in the room.

the other side

Looking at the closed door, Shen Hua hesitated.

He held the doorknob, but never opened the door and went in.

He caught a glimpse of the chain on his wrist from the corner of his eye, and the soft light in his eyes flashed away.

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