Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 970 Drive here (2)

He looked down at his watch, his eyes filled with anxiety.

Why haven't you come yet?

Suddenly, a burst of soft footsteps sounded.

He raised his eyes and saw Ah Er walking quickly towards him with a man on his back.

From her slender figure, she could still tell that she was a woman.

Mo Xiao's heart was beating fast, and the veins on the back of his hands could be clearly seen.

"The people are here, you go in first." Ah Er put Jian Wei down. Before Jian Wei could stand firm, she fell into a familiar embrace.


A rich smoky voice, a little hoarse.

Jian Wei's body stiffened, her throat seemed to be choked by something, and her eyes gradually turned red.

It's him!

She lowered her eyes and looked at the big hand on her waist, biting her lip tightly.

A'er glanced at the two of them, turned around and got off the yacht, and sent a message to Jian Qing.

Jian Wei turned around slowly, but forgot that she had not recovered yet, her legs were weak, she staggered and fell down.

Mo Xiao picked her up and walked towards the yacht.

Jian Wei raised her head, and the man's angular jawline came into view. She touched his cheek with a trembling hand, her eyes filled with mist.


A very soft voice fell clearly on Mo Xiao's ears.

His steps paused, his heartbeat couldn't help but accelerate, and the hand holding her tightened.

He lowered his eyes and looked at the person in his arms. Even if she was wearing a mask, he would never forget those bright and clear eyes in his life.

When our eyes met, time seemed to have stopped.

In the end, it was Mo Xiao who spoke first, "I bought you a cake without red beans, and it became moldy after being stored for a few days."

After finishing her words, Jian Wei couldn't help but the sparkle in her eyes came out, and she found her voice, "Then buy me another one, okay?"

Hot tears fell on the back of his hand, burning his heart. He lowered his head and kissed her between her eyebrows, "Okay."

Jian Wei's red lips curled slightly, and a happy smile appeared on her face.


The sound of soft and cute little breasts sounded. Mo Xiao looked down and saw two little treasures standing at his feet, one on the left and one on the right. "Nineteen." Jian Wei lowered her eyes, and her eyes lit up when she saw Nineteen.

She reached out to touch him, and Nineteen stepped back, staring at her with clear purple eyes. Jane Wei suddenly remembered that she still had a mask on her face, and quickly took off the human skin mask.

Mo Xiao looked at the person in his arms, his thin lips curved quietly.

"Grandma." The two little treasures shouted at the same time.

Jian Wei noticed Shi Qi and looked at his delicate little face, the smile in her eyes deepened.

"Seventeen, nineteen, you stay here with grandma, and grandpa goes outside for a while." Mo Xiao carefully placed Jian Wei on the sofa, and then hugged the two babies up.

The two little treasures nodded obediently, "Yes."

Mo Xiao looked at Jian Wei, the two looked at each other and smiled, and he stood up and walked out.

The sea and sky are the same color, and the sparkling sea is so beautiful that people can't take their eyes away.

"Surround them all up for me."

A gloomy voice sounded suddenly, accompanied by messy footsteps.

Mo Xiao and A'er turned around at the same time. Under the sun, a chill lingered around Shen Hua, and the surrounding temperature dropped to freezing point.

Almost at the same time, a group of men in black appeared from all directions and surrounded them.

"Oops." Ah Er's heart sank.

The eldest young master arrived so quickly. What happened to the second young master?

Mo Xiao glanced at the men in black around him, his eyes slightly focused.

Seeing the people standing on the yacht clearly, Shen Hua's murderous aura poured out of him.

"An, Zhe!"

He raised his eyes and glanced at the yacht, looking for Jian Wei's figure, "Anzhe, where is Weiwei? Return her to me. Maybe I can consider letting you die a little more beautifully."

Mo Xiao took a step forward and snorted coldly, "Give it back to you? Oh, Shen Hua, words have to go through the brain. Weiwei is my legal wife, how can I give it back to you?"

"My dad is right, Shen Hua. You have caused our family of four to be separated for many years. Let's settle this debt once and for all today." A cold voice pierced the air, and Jian Qing and Quan Jingwu barged in with ghostly movements. Encirclement.

The sea breeze blew by, and the three of them stood face to face.

In an instant, the tense atmosphere made people nervous.

Shen Hua looked at the man standing side by side with Jian Qing, murderous intent surging in his eyes.

Okay, great, we're all here.

He looked past them and his eyes fell on Ah Er, "Ah Er, betray me, you should know what will happen."

A'er lowered his head, and Shen Hua sneered, with a cruel smile on his lips.

"Ada, kill him."

Ah Da drew his gun and pointed the cold muzzle in Ah Er's direction, with a flash of hesitation in his eyes.

"What are you still waiting for? Do you also want to betray me?" Shen Hua looked sideways at him, a cold light flashing in his eyes.

Ada's heart became fierce and his fingertips trembled slightly.


Ana Shen hurried over, grabbed A Da's hand, and knocked down his gun with his backhand.

"Second Young Master!" Ah Er breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Ana Shen appear safe and sound.

Ana Shen stood in front of Jian Qing and looked directly at Shen Hua, "Brother, stop it. You have made too many mistakes. Stop being stubborn."

Shen Hua said sharply, "Get out of here."

Ana Shen looked back at Jian Qing and urged in a low voice, "Hurry up."

"No, we can't leave you." Jian Qing grabbed his wrist and said firmly.

"Let's go, even if I leave with you, I won't live long." Ana Shen shook her hand away, with a hint of urgency in her brows, "Let's go quickly."

"None of you can leave." Shen Hua said thoughtfully, "If you think your speed can be faster than my speed of activating the mechanism, you might as well give it a try."

Ana Shen turned to look at him. Shen Hua pulled off the necklace around her neck and played with it in her hand.

Jian Qing's eyes narrowed slightly. Shen Hua, a lunatic, actually wore something like this with him.

Ana Shen looked at the necklace in Shen Hua's hand and asked in a calm voice, "Brother, do you have to kill someone before you are willing to stop?"

"Anyone who opposes me should die." Shen Hua said angrily.

Ana Shen chuckled and took out the gun from his pocket. This time, his gun was aimed at Shen Hua.

The unexpected scene made everyone else stunned.

Shen Hua glanced at the dark muzzle of the gun and suppressed his anger, "You want to kill me?"

He is his only relative in this world, and he actually wants to kill her, his biological brother, for outsiders like Jian Qing.

"Let them go." Ana Shen said.

"If you have the ability, shoot." Shen Hua dropped the gun in his hand, took a step forward, pointed at his heart, "Shoot here."

Ana Shen closed her eyes, and when she opened them again, there was a trace of cruelty in her eyes, "You forced me to do this."

Before he finished speaking, Ana Shen turned the muzzle of his gun, pointed it directly at his chest and pulled the trigger.


Before anyone had time to react, they heard the deafening sound of gunfire.

In an instant, the sky was filled with blood and there was silence.

There will be more later...

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