Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 971 There’s something I haven’t told you yet (3)

Hot blood splashed onto Jian Qing's body, and her eyes trembled.

She stretched out her hand to support Ana Shen, but Youdao's figure was faster than her and snatched Ana Shen away.


Shen Hua covered his heart, trying to stop the blood from splattering out.

Ana Shen fell on him, and struggled to hold his hand with her blood-stained hand, "Brother, this is the last thing I ask you, let them go, please."

"Don't say anything yet." Shen Hua showed a rare panic on his face and said urgently, "Ada, go find the doctor and come over. Go quickly."

"Brother, it's too late." Ana Shen said in a hoarse voice, her breathing becoming more and more rapid, "Promise me to let them go."

"Why do you do such a stupid thing? Don't you want to kill me?" Shen Hua shouted hysterically, "I won't allow you to die. If you dare to die, I will kill them all."

Shen Yan weakly pulled out a forced smile and couldn't help but cough a few times. Scarlet blood spilled from the corners of her mouth, making Shen Hua's eyes split open.

"Doctor, where is the doctor?"

"Second Young Master, hold on tight," Ah Er ran over from the yacht carrying Dr. Corson, his expressionless face full of nervousness.

"How is it?" Shen Hua's icy eyes glanced at Dr. Kesen, making him feel cold all over.

Dr. Coson said apologetically, "I'm sorry, eldest young master, second young master, he..."

"Impossible." Shen Hua grabbed his collar and said harshly, "Save him quickly. If you can't save him, I will let you be buried with him."

"Young Master, I really can't help it." Dr. Coson said tremblingly.

"Brother." Shen Yan's weak voice sounded. Shen Hua let go of his hand and quickly lowered his head to look at him.

"Ayan, don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you. Just hold on a little longer."

Hearing the gunfire, Jian Wei held on to the yacht and walked out.

"Weiwei, why did you come out?" Mo Xiao saw her coming out and quickly stepped forward to help her.

"An, I want to go there." Jian Wei fixed her gaze in Shen Yan's direction, with a hint of pain in her eyebrows.

Mo Xiao looked at her, but finally couldn't resist her, so he picked her up and got off the yacht.

Jian Qing watched Mo Xiao carrying Jian Wei over and did not step forward to stop her.

Mo Xiao put down Jian Wei, and Jian Wei saw that the white shirt on Ana Shen's body was stained red with blood, tears glistening in her eyes.


Ana Shen smiled and stretched out her hand.

Jian Wei quickly held his hand, her eyes moist, "Ayan, why are you so stupid?"

"Awei." Ana Shen held her hand, and then held Shen Hua's hand, "Brother, you have always loved me and Awei the most. In the past, when Awei and I got into trouble, you were the one who helped us deal with the aftermath. This time, please let me be willful again. Brother, can we still be as before? Can you bring back Shen Hua, whom Awei and I respect the most?"

Shen Hua lowered his eyes lightly and held his hand, the veins in his big hand protruding.

Seeing that Shen Hua was silent, Shen Yan held on for the last breath and said, "Awei, can you call me brother like you did before? This will be my last wish."

Shen Hua's eyes trembled slightly, Jian Wei sniffed and nodded.

She raised her eyes to look at Shen Hua and placed her free hand on the back of his hand.

The hands of the three of them were folded together, as if they were back in their youth.

At that time, they were the most trusted people in each other.

They are relatives, close friends in life and death, and the best comrades in arms.

"Brother Hua."

Shen Hua raised his head suddenly, and Jian Wei forced back tears and forced out a smile.

"You said when you were young that you would protect Ayan and I. Ayan and I also said that we would protect you. Does this sentence still count now?"

Shen Hua looked at her intently, his lips trembling slightly.

After a long time, he found his voice, "What did you just call me?"

"Shen Hua, do you remember? The first time I spoke, I shouted your name. My dad was so angry that we had a cold war with you for a day. You told me that you would risk your life for Ayan and me. Life, now I can tell you clearly that I can risk my life for you and Ayan, but this is not love," Jian Wei said quietly.

"Brother, let go of your obsession, Ah Wei will forgive you." Ana Shen held the hands of the three of them, "You have to live a good life for me, and don't let your hands be stained with blood again."

"Ayan, you are not allowed to sleep, I will not allow you to die." Shen Hua shook him, and a deep feeling of despair surged into his heart.

"Brother, I'm so tired..."

His eyelids closed uncontrollably, and his breathing gradually stopped.

"Ayan." Jian Wei grabbed his hanging hand, her eyes red again, and a layer of mist blurred her vision.

Ana Shen tilted her head and her breathing gradually disappeared.


Shen Hua mourned and raised his head and roared.

He hugged Ana Shen tightly, and the suppressed grief in his heart suddenly burst out.


Not far away, Jian Qing looked at Shen Hua's grief-stricken appearance, and her eyes fell on the lifeless Shen Yan in his arms. Her nose was sore and there seemed to be something blocked in her throat.

Ah Er half-knelt on the ground, unable to conceal his grief.

Shen Hua hugged Shen Yan, and the blood all over his body seemed to be frozen into ice.

After a long time, he looked up at Jian Wei, with too many emotions hidden deep in his eyes.

He asked in a hoarse voice, "If we were not related by blood, would you choose me?"

Jian Wei held his hand and ran her fingertips over the bracelet on his wrist.

"There is no reason for fate, and there is no distinction between precedence and precedence. To me, you and Ayan are both an indispensable part of my life. They are very important people. When you plotted against me, my heart It really hurts. Anyone can betray me, but you and Ayan can't, because the three of us are one." Jian Wei said in a calm voice.

"Actually, there's something I haven't told you. The moment you shot me, I actually had another gun on me."

Hearing this, Shen Hua looked at her in shock,

He knew that with her skills it would not be difficult for her to shoot him in revenge, but why did she still choose to jump into the sea instead of taking action against him?

"Are you wondering why I didn't take action against you?" Jian Wei looked at him lightly, "I promised to protect you, how could I be so cruel as to shoot you."

Shen Hua was shocked, and the wrinkled memories were playing in his mind. When he met her clear eyes, he closed his eyes and let the crystal water from the corners of his eyes flow down.

That's enough...

He opened his eyes and looked at her softly, "Can you hug me again like you did when you were a child?"

Jian Wei smiled faintly, propped herself up, and actively wrapped her arms around him.

Shen Hua raised his hands and hugged her tightly, a flash of relief flashed deep in his eyes, "Weiwei, I'm sorry, it was me who failed to protect you and Ayan."

It was he who personally destroyed the trust between him and her, and it was he who killed Ayan.

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