Glancing away from the chaotic thoughts, Su Ziyu condensed the spirit scissors and prepared for a surgical operation here.

In order to prevent Ruan Xiaoqi from moving around during the operation, Su Ziyu pinched another dark technique.

"Dark Wisdom - Touch of Hell!"


In the deep dark cage, pale and mottled arms stretched out and pulled Ruan Xiaoqi's ankles hard, and many white arms appeared around them, hugging the girl's body.

Su Ziyu controlled the spirit scissors to fall quickly, the clicking sound sounded one after another, the black substance on the mental body fell little by little, smashed on the ground and turned into a black worm wanting to escape, and was immediately pressed to the ground by the pale palm of the touch of hell.

A minute later, Ruan Xiaoqi's mental body gradually became clear and transparent, her twisted and unwilling movement range was also shrinking little by little, the last trace of pollution was shaved, and the girl's hazy and godless eyes finally returned to their original state.

The big eyes regained a trace of human spirituality, but they still looked a little dumbfounded.

Su Ziyu suddenly remembered that Ruan Xiaoqi had another nickname, called Dumb Sister.

This is the name that everyone gave her before she went crazy.

Because Ruan Xiaoqi always gives people a feeling of being dumb and not smart, but after that time of getting along, Su Ziyu found that this girl is not unintelligent, but she instinctively does not want to reply to things that are not interested.

To put it simply, many things around her are not worth her extra effort to deal with.

However, it was an exception for Su Ziyu.

Ruan Xiaoqi knelt on the ground with his legs limp, looking at her godless eyes, Su Ziyu opened his all-seeing true eyes again.

He wondered what kind of past this girl was hiding!

It is obviously a very powerful extraordinary person, but why is it polluted and turned into a mental illness?

Su Ziyu's eyes lit up with a faint golden light, and the pupils colluded into a five-pointed star, reflecting Ruan Xiaoqi's figure, and the last broken small fragment appeared in front of Su Ziyu's eyes.

In a dimly lit hut, spiders of various colors can be seen everywhere, some on the walls, some on the ground, densely packed, climbing around, each color is bright, and some do not even look like the breed of blue star.

Another old woman's back, standing at a table and not knowing what to read, the most striking thing is that a girl is tied to a stake, those spiders climb up and down on her, the old woman's lips buzz, the spiritual candle on the table is blown by an invisible wind, the old woman's movements become more and more strange, the body is lying on the ground like a spider, the old age spots are falling apart piece by piece, and then squeezed out one eye after another....

Each of them, full of malice and insect-like compound eyes, actually looked in the direction of Su Ziyu's field of vision!

At this moment, the picture shattered, and Su Ziyu expected a trace of danger, but his consciousness was too late to retract.

The picture suddenly waved, Su Ziyu stood in the boundless space, and in the distance stood a figure like a primeval sacred mountain.


The thick black fog dispersed, revealing the full picture of that huge creature, which was an upside-down spider!

The black mist is shrouded, and a round eye with raw edges grows on the looming terrifying face, the black body is the same size as a squatting human, with long legs with multiple joints on it, and the huge ruby-like compound eyes slightly open a gap, full of malice and indescribable horror...

God of spiders!

When Su Ziyu saw this great existence, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he subconsciously touched his face and found that there was no abnormality.

Gradually, Su Ziyu's eyebrows loosened, and he gradually understood the current situation.

Ruan Xiaoqi... Most likely cursed by the spider god!

Or rather, a gift!

The old woman performed all kinds of strange black magic rituals in order to meet the gaze of the spider

god, and the great being, Atrak Nakya, is said to be an evil god who lives in the fantasy realm, and never stops weaving a cobweb that can lead to this world!

Of course, these are what Su Ziyu learned from some ancient texts....

So...... In fact, Ruan Xiaoqi is just an ordinary person? Or is her physique special? Accepted the gift of that being and obtained the power of the spider line, but also suffered from pollution?

In order to prevent people from prying into Ruan Xiaoqi's secrets, the old woman also did something on her and lowered a curse, or seal, and all those who tried to peek into Ruan Xiaoqi's secrets would see that great existence... Inverted image!

The old woman... What exactly is the purpose ......

Thinking of this, Su Ziyu suddenly felt a chill in his spine, and instantly pulled back his thoughts, in front of him, there was still a real evil god!

Although it's just a reflection... But just now, he already had faint signs of spiritual instability and the beginning of contamination of his mind and body.

Forced to endure not adapting, Su Ziyu stretched out his palm, faced the blurry reflection that seemed to be as tall as a mountain, and shouted with all his strength:

"Extract the material!"

At this moment, the picture in front of him collapsed and was forcibly withdrawn by the power of the system, and Su Ziyu also obtained that small light mass.


Beyond the eternal starry sky, in the fantasy dream, the great being who lives on the huge spider web, his breath and breath will cause the collapse and compression of the surrounding space, and the vast compound eyes slowly open and close, muttering in an ancient depressed tone:

"Who is it... Steal my authority! "


Su Ziyu felt that his consciousness returned to his body again, and he instantly sobered up, and Ruan Xiaoqi's mental state was obviously much better than before.

It seems that the curse that the old woman left on Ruan Xiaoqi will also increase her burden, and after Su Ziyu used her all-seeing true eyes to peek into her past, she also destroyed the curse through the power of the system.

Looking at Ruan Xiaoqi's sluggish expression, Su Ziyu did not rush to wake up the other party, but summoned the Fear Demon Eye.

Under Su Ziyu's order, the Fear Demon Eye used [Spirit Hypnosis] on Ruan Xiaoqi!

This is Su Ziyu's idea of planning, using the curse power left by the old woman in Ruan Xiaoqi's body, and further strengthening her cognition with [Spiritual Hypnosis].

The specific content is that Su Ziyu is her master, and Ruan Xiaoqi must always be loyal to Su Ziyu.

It's not that Su Ziyu doesn't believe Ruan Xiaoqi, this is his consistent style of doing things, in this world where there is a true god, only low-key and cautious can survive to the end.

After the dark purple light on the Fear Devil's eyes dissipated, Ruan Xiaoqi's facial muscles twitched slightly, and his scattered eyes finally had focus.

She looked at Su Ziyu blankly and muttered

, "Master..."

Su Ziyu had a smile on her face, it seemed that the hypnosis just now was very useful....

Ruan Xiaoqi has been imprisoned here since she was a child, cold by nature, and has an indifferent attitude towards people and things, even if the pollution of the spiritual level is eliminated, she is still in the same state.

Ruan Xiaoqi's nose twitched slightly, as if she smelled blood, which made her cute face more violent.

The smile on Su Ziyu's face became stronger, it seemed that Ruan Xiaoqi was indeed not an ordinary person, even after eliminating the spiritual pollution, she still retained her previous consistent style.

And Su Ziyu fancy this, he doesn't want to tame a wolf into a sheep.

Wouldn't that be a big loss, Ruan

Xiaoqi's current state made Su Ziyu very satisfied.

"Let's go."

Ruan Xiaoqi did not take Su Ziyu's hand, but climbed to the wall, like a real spider, and followed behind.

Su Ziyu glanced back and nodded with great satisfaction.

What he wants is not a vase, but a powerful helper, and Ruan Xiaoqi is suitable, especially if he is so beautiful and eye-catching.

After all, whether it is powerful or not is only a matter of a moment, but whether it is good or not is a matter of a lifetime.

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