Coming to the other side of the corridor, Su Ziyu collected the source of pollution that Ruan Xiaoqi dropped, and then checked the materials he had just collected.

"[A small amount of twisted spider god spider silk (five-star): Spider silk derived from the spider god, with strong distortion power, if it is fused with ordinary materials, it may affect the original function of other materials, it is recommended to edit with materials above three-star level! [

Part of the source of pollution (four-star): The dark matter produced by the pollution of the spirit body comes from the ancient forbidden place Dark Abyss, there are not many specific records, if it can be accumulated, it is also a good material! "

Five-star material!

Su Ziyu's eyes widened, it seems that the wool of the spider god is indeed good

, just a vague reflection, you can get a five-star material

, just think, if you face the evil god, those great existences are full of treasures!

There will even be eight-star or even nine-star material!

Of course, this is still a bit far away, and being able to collect five-star materials so quickly has already made Su Ziyu very satisfied.

Moreover, the source of pollution has also been upgraded to four-star materials, and as long as you collect another wave of auxiliary materials, you can almost edit new monsters!

After calming down a little, Su Ziyu began to lift the dark technique.

As the bound dungeon was disbanded, the twisted thread quickly shrank and disappeared, and the entire building finally revealed its true face.

The floor cracked into powder, the walls turned into bricks with various steel bars and rubble, and Su Ziyu was completely standing in a ruin.

However, this ruin also had several more figures bound by twisted threads, and they were hung like silkworm chrysalis on an abandoned high platform somewhere, and their naked faces were terrified.

Su Ziyu did not intend to kill them, after all, it was also for human beings to kill evil extraordinary beings, and a small lesson would do.

He raised his hand slightly, and the twisted thread flew into his shadow like a snake, and the commissioners fell to the ground one after another, their throats so dry that they couldn't make a sound.

"Walk the night later... Be careful. Su

Ziyu's face was covered with a layer of shadow energy, they couldn't see their faces clearly, but they noticed the fear demon eye beside Su Ziyu, the terrifying spirituality emanating from it also made their scalps numb, especially the violent state of the fear demon eye was far from over.


one of the commissioners seemed to slow down, holding back for a long time before he said dryly,

"Yes... Taboo... Do taboos exist... I can actually control it... That kind of monster!

He said very quietly, of course Su Ziyu also heard it, but he didn't care, but led the dumbfounded Ruan Xiaoqi and left here.

The Fear Demon Eye followed behind Su Ziyu, and also glanced back at the other party mischievously.

At this moment, they almost didn't faint the commissioners, and they hugged each other, and they could see despair in each other's eyes.

"Did you find out... That one exists... It seems to be wearing a hospital gown! "

Shhhh Could it be that the patient was manipulated by the forbidden being?!

"Must be... Must report! "

There are taboos... Subject 021 also ran out... Everyone must be informed to evacuate! "


Su Ziyu was walking on the path, he was still thinking about another thing, there were two patients detained in this special shelter, one was Ruan Xiaoqi, and the other was missing.

The barbed wire fence that originally surrounded this S-class building had broken several large holes, and it was conceivable that the guy had sneaked out.

For where the man would go, Su Ziyu also had a guess in his heart.

He looked into the distance, where the flames burst into the sky, even reflecting the sky red.

Under the red sky, you can see a building tens of meters high, and on the rooftop, you can vaguely see that the air there has become solidified and distorted, and the evil aura continues to spread.

"Poor dean..."

Su Ziyu withdrew his gaze, the top floor there just now was the dean's office, and it was also the tallest building in the entire psychiatric hospital.

The administrative building of Jiangyuan Psychiatric Hospital is also in the atrium position, and the evil spirit puppet is still fighting there!

"I don't know what happened to the Evil Spirit Secret Puppet?"

Determined the target, Su Ziyu led Ruan Xiaoqi and slowly walked out of this ruin-like small building.

The street lamps were destroyed, and in the flower garden with shadows that could not be illuminated, several pairs of red eyes suddenly appeared.

At the moment they appeared, Ruan Xiaoqi also moved.

A giggling sound came out of her throat, and her figure quickly flew out, accompanied by a clicking sound, and the sound of bones breaking could be clearly heard.

Ruan Xiaoqi stood quietly in the middle, surrounded by several corpses, they looked ugly, their teeth were sharp and bulging, they were completely a group of ghouls!

At this time, they completely lost the domineering power that they should have as ghouls, several heads were torn off and put on their butts, and one limb was bent at an incredible angle and rolled itself into a ball.

Each of them seems to violate the laws of physics, but the body is indeed spliced together like this, which makes people feel strange.

"Well done."

Su Ziyu praised Ruan Xiaoqi, causing the girl's eyes to light up rarely.

However, the long black hair on one side was covered again, covering the obviously beautiful eyes.

These ghouls had just been hiding in those bushes, and Su Ziyu certainly found it, but in order to see Ruan Xiaoqi's reaction, he deliberately didn't make a move.

Ruan Xiaoqi carefully followed behind Su Ziyu, and he could also encounter several ghouls along the way, but they were all made into "toys" by Ruan Xiaoqi....

Outside the courtyard of the hospital, Su Ziyu suddenly felt a sense of spirituality, pulled Ruan Xiaoqi to take a step back, and at the same time condensed into a ring-shaped dark wall.

"Dark Wisdom Wall of Eternal Night!"

Snap the tower!

Drops of viscous liquid dripped from the sky, landed on the wall of eternal night, slid down an arc-like trajectory, and then dripped on the ground and corroded a small raindrop-shaped hole.

I thought it was some kind of liquid, but when I looked closely, I found that in addition to the huge corrosiveness of the dripping liquid, there was also a cyan worm struggling....

Next, the unknown "liquid" crackled and dripped down, with strong corrosiveness, burning small holes in the ground.

It also spawned cyan worms that slowly converged together....

Su Ziyu retreated to a safe position and looked up, the edge of the roof of the administrative building in the courtyard was covered by some kind of dark green unknown liquid, like a layer of tumbling meat, shaped like a spouting active volcano, and the dark green liquid just now spewed out from a huge mouth similar to a mouth.

The decaying green flesh ball was like moldy bread, and the liquid-like body tightly wrapped a human being, hanging the human on the outer wall, and you could see the part of the human that was stained with the liquid, and the skin was all peeled off, revealing the bones of Bai Sensen inside!

The cry of human pain continued to echo, the silent moonlight spilled on the lump of meat, with the super vision of the all-seeing true eye, Su Ziyu saw very clearly, the meat ball was actually composed of cyan worms hugging together, and the "liquid" that just dripped was actually those cyan worms!

"Old Yellow... Has it been completely mutated?

Looking at the absurd scene on the rooftop, Su Ziyu said to himself.

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