Jiangcheng, at the junction of the south and east of the city, inside a garbage treatment plant.

If you look down from above this area, you can faintly see a thin layer of shields without specific shapes hidden in the air.

This shield seems to separate the garbage treatment plant from the outside world.

Moreover, the location here was originally one of the most remote areas of Jiangcheng, and almost no one would come except for the workers in the factory.

Inside the treatment plant, corpses and stump were everywhere, and blood stained the ground blood-red, flowing down different ravines and grooves to the most central location.

There, a flower is painted with three leaves.

One of the petals was almost filled with blood.

From time to time, sporadic blood qi gathered from mid-air, condensing into a funnel shape above their heads.

"Damn it!" Elder Qin floated in midair, his gaze retracted from a distance, "Why hasn't the [Blood Sacrifice Awakening Ceremony] started yet, what do those two guys want to do!" Behind

him, followed by the somewhat mature boy in a vest.

The little boy slowly leaned into Elder Qin's ear and said, "

Elder Qin, they should have failed..." In

fact, without the little boy reminding him, Elder Qin could also feel that the bloodline connection between himself and the two clansmen was rapidly disappearing...

"It's just a playground, how so!"

Elder Qin was so angry that his chest bulged with anger, "Could it be that someone from the special department is coming?"

Suddenly, he frowned again, quickly turned around and grabbed the little boy's neckline, and shouted viciously:

"You are looking for that place, it can't be that you are cheating, right?"

A [Four-Eyed Blood Demon] behind Elder Qin slowly emerged and condensed, and the aura of death spread out, and the little boy couldn't help but shiver.

"Little one, aren't you lying to me?"

The illusory body of the [Four-Eyed Blood Demon] had already condensed, and there were two blood-red eyes on the left and right sides of his face, staring at the little boy.

"Elder Qin is furious." After the little boy trembled, the fear on his face gradually disappeared, "I woke up with you, why lie to you?" The glory of Islam still depends on the Duke, so isn't it tantamount to delaying the revival of Is?

The little boy said very sincerely, seeing this, Elder Qin only then converged his murderous qi a little, and said coldly:

"In this way, the blood qi is not enough to perform the awakening ceremony, how can Lord Duke recover!"

"Hehe..." the little boy smiled softly, "Have you forgotten my abilities, your people have failed, but there is still me." Elder

Qin's eyes suddenly lit up when he looked at the little boy, and he forgot that the group of guys in Iss all had that ability.

The little boy slowly walked to the edge of this enchantment and looked at Elder Qin, "I'll go out for a while."

Elder Qin pressed his hand, and the little boy walked out of the enchantment.

Outside, it was a deserted clearing, and the little boy walked two hundred meters further and then stopped.

He looked up and looked in the direction of the playground.

It's not far from the playground in the eastern part of the city, less than three kilometers.

His ability to spread far enough.

Suddenly, a wild puppy ran over, a leper dog, covered in black fur, but quite strong.

The little boy slowly squatted down in front of the leper dog and put his hand on the head of the little black dog, the little black dog grinned at first, seemed to be dissatisfied with the stranger touching his head, but gradually, the mood in his eyes changed obviously:

from anger and ferocity at the beginning, it became docile, sluggish, and godless.


its gaze changed back to the original ferocity that belonged to a stray dog again.


The little black dog barked at the little boy twice, then spread his legs and ran away.

The little boy did not hinder, slowly stood up, and walked back to the enchantment again.

"The seeds of the spiritual plague have been sown ..."



"Where's the wild dog! How can it still bite!

"Shhh! My ass!

"Aaaa——!a Lao Tzu's lifeblood! Me!

"Where did the mad dog come from! What about the people from the Inspectorate! Hurry up and get this wild dog away! "

Visitors who had just been evacuated from the playground were guided by the Inspectorate to the perimeter of the cordon.

Due to the fear that there are blood tribes hidden in them - blood races are indistinguishable from humans in appearance except for their bloodthirsty desire.

Therefore, the special department asked the inspection department to leave all visitors who entered the playground to be tested.

This time, the detection method is garlic.

This was suggested by Professor Bai, although he didn't know if garlic was useful to vampires.

After all, the blood race has not appeared in human society for a long time.

But now,

the intrusion of a leper dog has disturbed the orderly testing site to an extremely restless situation.

"Damn it! Hurry up and let us out! Always hold a garlic for us to smell!

"Hurry up and get us out! Lao Tzu doesn't want to be bitten by a black dog! "


scene, some can't control it.

In particular, in the crowd, several citizens who were bitten by black dogs began to turn red and rushed to the front of the crowd.

As for the little black dog, it has been kicked to death by everyone and trampled into a pool of rotten meat.

The [spiritual plague] has been planted.

The commissioners of the Inspectorate looked at the sudden rioting crowd with some horror.

Although they had weapons in their hands, no one dared to shoot casually without the order of the commander.

At this time

, a red-eyed tourist suddenly squeezed through the crowd, knocked down one of the inspectors, and then an extremely bloody picture appeared.

The inspector's originally struggling body gradually stopped moving, and when the red-eyed tourist raised his head, everyone saw that his mouth was full of blood, and half of his flesh and blood hung at the corner of his mouth.

But the commissioner of the Inspectorate Department had completely swallowed.


One of the inspectors, who looked like a chief, immediately snapped, raised his muzzle, and shot into the sky.

The roar of clicking bullets temporarily calmed the crazy crowd.

But in the next second,

another red-eyed tourist rushed up and rushed towards the chief.

The commander raised his eyelids, did not hesitate, and shot directly.


Red-eyed tourists, gagging the muzzle with their mouths, bite down hard.

It is unimaginable that human teeth directly bite off the barrel of a gun made of iron pieces!


The bullet exploded!

The commander's hand holding the gun was directly blown up, and the tourists took advantage of the situation, threw it to the ground, and bit the opponent's neck.


more chaotic scenes appeared.

In the crowd of tourists, several red-eyed tourists threw normal tourists to the ground, and some tourists also began to panic, they panicked and wanted to escape, but more and more red-eyed tourists appeared around.

Until the end

, in this improvised testing area, there were many corpses lying on the ground, and everyone who was still standing, each of them had red eyes, confusion, and blood all over their bodies, like zombies frantically pouring into the playground again.

Tens of thousands of red-eyed tourists crowded into the playground, wreaking havoc, sometimes biting each other and shooting each other, like a group of lawless beasts.

Among them, there were also many red-eyed tourists, picking up the weapons of the inspectorate and shooting frantically at the surrounding tourists.

An emotion called violence and madness spread out like a plague among the crowd.

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