Inside the Nightmare Castle.

Su Ziyu, who was sitting on the sofa, suddenly opened his eyes, his pupils turned into five-pointed stars, and looked out the window.

"They... Here we go!

At this time,

Bai Yiyi also exclaimed.

"Blackie, go help."


Xiao Hei walked out of the castle with a solemn expression, and the black and red tail behind him shook.

And Su Ziyu also stood up and looked in the other direction.

"Has the [Awakening Ceremony] begun?"

"Yes, I can feel that the ceremony has begun!"

Su Ziyu nodded, and the light gate stretched behind him, absorbing him and disappearing in place.

Bai Yiyi looked at Su Ziyu's figure leaving, continued to bury her head in the crook of her arm, and her body trembled constantly.



The killing of playgrounds continues.

It also attracted the attention of Lin Huo Huo and others.

"What's the situation, are the tourists crazy!"

A Bing slashed out with a sword, pulled out a formation mark again, and looked at the end of the street.

Every now and then someone falls off the roller coaster there.

Because tourists actually want to climb it from the railroad tracks below.

Even more outrageous is yet to come.

Bing saw that the pendulum did not know when it was activated, and on the steel frame of the pendulum, there were many tourists climbing.

The pendulum turned, and the tourists, without exception, all fell from mid-air, their heads exploded like watermelons, and blood stained the ground.

"Damn it!"

Bing threw a punch into the sky, and a long ladder of ice crystals spread up the air, and a muffled click sounded, forming an ice bed, and then falling tourists could slide down this long slide.

Although he has tried his best.

But after all, there are too many facilities in the playground.

Only a small number of people were saved by him.

Different tourists have different ways to die.

There are those who are swept into it by the rotation of the machine and then fall down to die.

There are those who are in haunted houses, suffocated by others with clothes.

There are those who jump directly from the jumping machine, land their heads on the ground, and die of their heads separated.

Various ways of dying are repeated in different people and in different places.


Lin Huo Huo clenched the Yan Demon Giant Sword with both hands and swept towards a pile of playground instruments in front of him, and the furious fire dragon gushed out, and many equipment were flooded by the flames, and suddenly turned into a black mess.

"When do you want to save people like that, directly destroy all the facilities here, and they won't climb around."

Lin Huo Huo carried the big sword on his shoulder and looked at A Bingdao.

Behind her, Sakura and Wei Kang followed.

"What about this?"

Ah Bing stretched out his hand, spread a cold and icy aura, and directly froze the two tourists who were slashing at each other with blades, "Even without the equipment of those playgrounds, they will still hurt each other."

"What the hell is going on with this weird scene..."

Wei Kang couldn't help but shout.

"The inspectors outside are all dead." At this time, Zero, who was wearing a brown trench coat and carrying a sniper rifle, walked over, "This playground, the people who are still alive, only we and these crazy tourists are left."

Sakura looked at the state of the two tourists who were frozen in ice, and couldn't help frowning:

"Their facial expressions are distorted, their eyes are red, their pupils are dull, it seems that they are controlled by extraordinary abilities..."

Sakura's left eye lit up red, and she looked at the two tourists who were frozen, "Their mental state seems to be a little problematic, and their brain nerves have been destroyed... This is...... Extraordinary abilities of the spirit class.

"Damn, this is also the back hand of the Blood Clan?"

Wei Kang shook his hand, "Hongying is bringing Professor Bai and more special department commissioners over, he asked us to stabilize the mood of tourists first."

"How can this be done?"

As the forest fire spoke, a burst of gunfire sounded in the distance, and several tourists died at gunpoint.

"They even use thermal weapons ... Set off in small groups and control a few if you can.

"Although I don't know exactly what the Blood Clan's plan is, I know one thing very well." The forest fire slowly walked forward, "What the enemy wants to do, if we stop it, then there will be no mistake."

"Since they want to make tourists kill each other through spiritual means, then we can't let them succeed like this!"

Forest Fire ran in the direction where the gunshots had rang out just now, and Sakura hurriedly followed.

After A Bing, Zero, and Wei Kang glanced at each other, they all nodded their heads and also ran towards different directions.

They want to stop more tourists from harming each other in the shortest possible time.

However, such a chaotic spiritual plague has been staged to a fever pitch.

Even tourists who are temporarily rescued by them will try their best to commit suicide.

And the most of them is to bite his tongue and commit suicide.

Lin Huo looked at another tourist who bit his tongue and committed suicide in front of him, and his expression was a little desperate.

"These people really want to let themselves die!"

Tens of thousands of tourists can still stand and run, shoot, and kill less than a thousand.

At this time, the

forest fire suddenly felt that the scene in front of him changed.

A dark purple mist floated over, as if it were paint, dyeing the place it passed with a layer of dark purple hazy color.

Ground, sky, buildings, all included.

The tip of the nose of the forest fire moved slightly, and a sleepy breath rushed to the face.

Moreover, the scene in front of you is similar to a dream.

"This is..."

Lin Huo felt her mind swollen and dizzy, and after her body shook twice, she forcibly held on.

But her secretary, Sakura, wasn't so lucky.

"So sleepy... Sister Fire, I'm so sleepy..."

Sakura's body seemed to lose strength against Lin Huohuo, her eyelids were lowered heavily, and her voice was even weaker.

Then gradually, the snoring began to rise.

Sakura, asleep.


Lin Huo turned around, trying to shake Sakura awake, but as soon as her hand was placed on Sakura's shoulder, she immediately hung down weakly, and then a strong drowsiness rushed to her heart.

The fierce battle with the blonde just now had actually exhausted Forest Fire's physical strength, and she had been fighting until now only holding on.

With the blessing of the dual factors of the outside world and her own exhaustion, even if she is a Hui Yue level, she only resisted for a while more time to fall asleep.

The two girls, slumped on the ground, Sakura lay in the arms of the forest fire, and then both fell asleep.

The scene here takes place in every place in the nightmare playground.

Wei Kang fell asleep with his head down, snoring, and Zero was weakly attached to Ah Bing's shoulder, and gradually fell asleep.

Ah Bing's eyes were red, he had persevered until now with strong willpower, and

finally he couldn't.

With a pop, he hugged Zero's body tightly and fell to the ground, Zero lying on his chest.

The crazy tourists gradually became calm, their scarlet eyes were dyed black, and their bodies fell slowly to the ground in a few shaking sessions.

【Nightmare Boundary】Formed!

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