A thick darkness was lifted away like smoke, and a female figure came from the middle model, with elegant steps, wearing a fisherman's hat, half of her face was covered by shadows, and the shadows carried a hazy beauty.

"Who the hell are you?"

The three Iss could no longer sit still, and they looked at the female figure at the same time.

"Remember this?"

The elegant woman took out a black iron-colored token with a series of points of light depicted on it, and several unknown distorted words written next to it.

"This is..." Number Three looked at the token with wide eyes and exclaimed in a low voice, "The Old God Sect? Night Festival? Taking

back the token, the woman hiding in the darkness covered her mouth and smiled, "It seems that your memory is not bad."

"When the gods were fighting, they didn't see your old god sect helping us, do you want to kill us now?"

No. 1, that is, Wan Dashuai, stepped forward, and an hourglass shadow slowly appeared behind him, and the power of time spread and condensed around.

"I didn't come to you organizationally." The Lord of the Night walked to the desk, leaned his hips lightly on the foot of the table, sat on the table and looked at several Is, his face also became gloomy, "I was just running for my life, and I happened to feel that something was wrong here, so I came to take a look, but I didn't expect to find a big gift." "

Run for your life? With your strength, can anyone still kill you? "

Huh..." the Night Lord Priest ruffled the ends of his earlobe and sneered, "Another High Priest of the God of War Church is chasing me."


Wan Dashuai was furious, looking out the window nervously, "Are you saying that you attracted the supreme powerhouse of the God of War Church to come over?!" Looking

at Wan Dashuai's such a gaffe, the Night Lord Priest raised his eyebrows and said funny, "Look what scares you, Isis's timidity does not seem to be rumored.

Saying that, she cocked her feet, stretched her beautiful legs, and said lazily, "I was originally on the sea, but he caught the trace and chased me all the way here

, and now my main body is still being chased and killed by the other party, and the one who came here is just a doppelganger."

Therefore, you can rest assured that the high priest of the God of War Church did not come to Jiangcheng. In

the office that suddenly quieted, three relaxing gasps could be heard in a row.

"You're not here just to tease us, are you?"

Wan Dashuai asked with a calm face.

"Of course not, although my recovery also surprised me, but it is not something I particularly care about." The Lord of the Night said slowly, "I came to you to cooperate. "


"Aren't you going to kill the human in the playground?"

When No. 3 heard this, his face changed and he glared over, "You are following me?

"Are you all so rude?" The Night Lord Priest's cold gaze swept over, directly making No. 3 dare not look directly at him, "I just found him based on the connection of the Old Magic Code, and then I also happened to meet those things you did.

"What exactly are you going to do?"

No. 3's face had also sank, and the blood behind him was filled with blood, and a shadow of a blood-colored big hand slowly emerged.

"It's very simple, I want the Old Magic Code in his hand, and you take his blood, start your plan as soon as possible, and then we don't interfere with each other, how about?"

"The Old Magic Code?" Wan Dashuai seemed to have thought of something, pinched his chin, showed a thoughtful look, and slowly loosened his brows, "He is a descendant of that family at that time?!"

"Yes, Star Family!" The voice of the Night Lord Priest also became cold, with a complete chill, "I stole the content of a chapter of the Old Magic Code, hid it so far, and finally let me find it."

The previous organization opened the gate of the abyss in Jiangcheng, and the plan to summon the gods failed, perhaps it was destroyed by him.

He may have two contents of the Old Magic Code in his hands, and his strength is not weak, after

all, this body of mine is only a doppelganger, and there is no certainty of victory,

so I need your help.

"Why should we trust you?"

No. 1 sneered, "The Old God Sect didn't have a good reputation in the Third Age. "

Huh... Whatever you think. The Night Lord Priest sneered, "You're actually the ones who are more anxious than me, right? The Blood Clan Duke controlled by No. 3 is your biggest reliance now

, and when the special department comes back to your senses, you say that once they discover you cowards who only dare to hide in the spirits of others, will they send strong people to eradicate you at the first time?

Do you want to wait to be sealed back into the dark earth, or do you take the initiative first? The

words of the Lord of the Night were actually something that several Isis were really worried about.

As the other party said, when the special department comes back to its senses, it will definitely find that something is wrong, and there is also the alchemist watching from the side, if they do not become strong immediately, it will be difficult to escape the fate of being sealed again.

"I know what you're thinking." Two bright moons appeared in the eyes of the Night Lord, and he giggled, "The back hand you stay outside the city can only let you survive for a while, without strength, you will never have the initiative."

"You guy, how much investigation has been done on us!"

Wan Dashuai glared angrily.

"It's just a necessary investigation, so what's so exciting?" The night lord priest walked to the window, and the light from outside shone on her as if she had entered a black hole, and was completely blocked, "Hurry up and decide."

The three Isis looked at each other, and after hesitating for a moment, Wan Dashuai gritted his teeth, slapped the table and said:

"Okay, we will trust you once."

"Nice to work with."

The lower half of the face of the Night Lord Priest, which was not covered by darkness, showed a smile, "Next, I will talk about our plan of action." Half

an hour later,

the figure of the Night Lord Priest disappeared.

Only three Isis remained in the empty office.

Number Three glanced at his two clansmen, nodded, and also turned into a blood-colored bat and left.

Wan Dashuai took his secretary and pushed open the office door.

The two guards at the door did not find anything abnormal, and when they saw Wan Dashuai appear, they immediately saluted:

"Hello Dashuai!"

Wan Dashuai snorted coldly, just nodded, and took the secretary downstairs.

The two guards looked at each other, and both saw doubt in each other's eyes.

"How do you feel that Wan Da is handsome and weird, it looks so serious."

One of the guards scratched his head and said, "When I saw him in the past, Lord Shuai always wore a smiling face.

"The big man is like this, maybe something happened outside, I see that many brothers seem to have been transferred to the east of the city."

"What you said makes sense, the mind of the big man, it's better not to guess."

The guard nodded approvingly.

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