Jiangcheng, garbage treatment plant.

"How can there be such a creature..." Su Ziyu immediately felt surprised after watching the picture obtained by the divination of the mysterious worm, "A spirit body that can manipulate time?" Claiming to be from Is... It seems that it was recorded in the ancient books of the family..." Su

Ziyu couldn't remember the specific name of that creature for a while.

However, from memory, he knew that this was an ancient species that could be traced back to at least the Tertiary Age.

"It turns out that the mysterious creature that Bai Yiyi said that was revived with the blood tribe is the strange spirit body that calls itself Is?"

"Speaking of which, the blood tribe is really miserable, it didn't take long to recover, and now almost all the army is gone, only one Bai Yiyi is still alive..."

Su Ziyu shook his head, his gaze fell in the direction where the spirit body left, "What do those guys want to do?" They manipulate the body of a newly revived duke... According to what Bai Yiyi said, this duke has been sleeping for a long time, and it is likely that he has stepped into the next realm, immortal level!

"But... It should not have been able to fully control the power of its new body, otherwise it would definitely not rush away, but would stay and wait for me as its first food.

Su Ziyu extracted Qin Lao's material, and the light behind him slowly emerged, and he left here while thinking, "Since it is a blood clan, it will definitely thirst for blood, and if you start from this point, it is not difficult to find it." "

[Abyss Jump]!

The light gate absorbed Su Ziyu's body inside, and then disappeared rapidly.

Inside the Nightmare Castle.

A light gate slowly emerged, followed by stretching and deformation, and Su Ziyu jumped out of it.

As soon as he stood firmly on the ground, Xiao Hei on the side was wagging his tail and leaned forward, only to see her stretching out her furry claws around her body, and a small circle spread out, followed by the figure of forest fire.

Inside, he was wearing casual clothes and carrying a man's arm, slowly strolling around the street under the envious eyes of everyone.

As the perspective moved up, the man's face was Su Ziyu.

In the picture, Lin Huo handed the bite of ice cream to Su Ziyu, and then Su Ziyu took a bite of it happily.

"Master, she knows you?" Xiao Hei pouted, "Otherwise, how could she have such a dream?"

After knowing that this was a dream that Lin Huo Huo was having, the corner of Su Ziyu's mouth twitched, and secretly said: "This nizi really is... In such an environment, you can still dream of spring..."

"Can you teleport the picture in?"

Su Ziyu suddenly asked.

"Yes master."

Blackie wagged his tail.

"Help me teleport a picture into it, and then dispel their dreams."



Lin Huo was leading Su Yu to eat takoyaki in a snack bar sitting on the street, and suddenly felt that the sky was dark.

"Is it going to rain?"

Lin Huo looked out the window and muttered to himself.

"Don't worry, I'll take you home later."

Opposite her, a handsome man in a hot gold robe spoke.

At the same time, this handsome man forked a small octopus ball and sent it to Lin Huo's mouth.

Lin Huo Huo opened his small mouth and ate it in one bite, with a beautiful smile on his face.

Isn't that more interesting than killing some vampire?

Lin Huo thought to himself.

Well? What's going on...... How could I have thought of vampires....

Just when she was wondering, she suddenly felt that the sky became darker, Lin Huo raised her eyebrows, looked around, and found that the guests had all gone, and when she turned her head again, the handsome guy sitting opposite her also disappeared!

She stood up at once, as if sensing something, and looked behind her, only to see a young man leaning on the door of the snack bar, looking at her with a smile on his face.

"Su Yu?! When did you run where?

"Still dreaming?"

Su Ziyu looked at Lin Huo with a playful smile.

His headless words made Lin Huohuo's heart jump sharply.


"It turns out that you would have such a dream..."

Su Ziyu continued to show a narrow smile.

"This..." Lin Huomei's eyes widened and she lost her voice, "I'm dreaming?!"

Su Ziyu smiled and said nothing.

"No... That's not right. Lin Huo Huo showed a hellish expression, "If this is my dream, then why did you appear here, obviously we just now..."

"Uh..." Lin Huohuo's face turned red for a moment, and he swallowed the words that came to his lips.

At this time, she also came to her senses, and looked at Su Ziyu in disbelief: "

You made this all this?!"

"Oh, don't button your hat indiscriminately." Su Ziyu shrugged, "I just let you sleep in peace, and I didn't set up your dreams..."

Lin Huohuo's face blushed shyly.

Su Ziyu also had enough, and immediately put away his laughing expression, and said positively:

"Okay, don't make trouble with you, you can wake up right away, and bring them to see me tomorrow."

As soon as the words fell, Su Ziyu's phantom disappeared, and only Lin Huohuo's confused expression remained in the picture.

As a burst of dark purple light dissipated, the endless dark purple spirituality that shrouded this manor faded like a tide.

In the playground, Forest Fire, Sakura and other extraordinary people are the first to wake up.

Sakura straightened her hair that was overwhelmed by her arm, and rubbed her slightly aching head again, "Damn, what happened just now... I suddenly felt so sleepy.

Immediately, she quickly looked at the forest fire again, and found that the other party woke up earlier than herself, but the red tide on her face did not recede.

"Sister Huohuo, why is your face so red?"

Lin Huohuo's face turned even redder when he was asked like this.

Her teeth bit Sakura's lips lightly, and quickly spoke:

"No... Oh, maybe too tired.

Sakura tilted her head, the curious look in her eyes became stronger, in order to stop her interrogation, Lin Huo quickly changed the topic:

"Sakura, what happened just now?" Are we all asleep?

"Uh... Oh, yes. Sakura pressed her finger to her chin, "It was as if a dark purple spirit surrounded us, and then I don't remember."

"Could be..."

Lin Huo Huo looked at the back mountain and frowned slightly, "That Stigmata alchemist made a move, right?"

At this time

, Professor Bai ran in with the logistics troops, followed by Hongying, Wei Kang, Zero, and A Bing.

It seems that everyone is safe and sound.

"Lin, it's great that you're okay."

Professor Bai greeted from a distance.

"Professor Bai, why are you here?"

Lin Huo showed a surprised look.

"Hey, such a big thing happened here, where can I still sit."

Professor Bai shook his head with a wry smile, "Everyone is fine, it is a blessing in misfortune

, but the riot here has caused a great reaction from the people, and

the council is also putting pressure on us to find the monster as soon as possible."

After a pause, Professor Bai continued:

"When I came over, Ah Bing and Wei Kang had already reflected to me that those blood clans were so bold that they wanted to perform blood sacrifices on tens of thousands of people in the entire playground, but fortunately they were stopped in the end..."

Lin Huo Huo said very wisely.

"Yes, this time it was the owner of the castle who saved our Jiangcheng and helped our special department save the honor." Professor Bai sighed heavily, "We owe that one a favor!"

"Shall we go meet the next being?"

Lin Huo asked.

"Huh..." Wei Kang showed a wry smile, "Professor Bai was planning to go over just now, but he was stopped by the two servants, saying that their master would not be meeting guests in the evening, and if they needed to make arrangements, they would have to wait until tomorrow morning." "

Uh-huh, I'll see her tomorrow."

Lin Huohuo's eyes could not hide the look of expectation, but Sakura on the side frowned.


Professor Bai asked the staff of the logistics department to deal with the scene, and then took the lead to walk back, "Let's go, let's go back to the special department first, there are still many things that we need to deal with, and we have to work overtime tonight..."

Everyone could hear that Professor Bai's tone was filled with a thick exhaustion.

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