Soon after, two bowls of beef noodles were served, steaming, strong noodles mixed with a few up-and-out pieces of beef in a thick beef broth, a few vegetable leaves slightly garnished, and a loose poached egg covered with noodles.

Gently poke the heart with chopsticks, and the yellowish egg liquid flows into the beef broth, and the rich egg aroma is wrapped in the noodles, mixed with the soup, and dyed the ramen into a yellow and slippery section.

Then gently stir the ramen noodles, use chopsticks to pick up the beef and noodles, and the aroma will immediately come to your face.

Looking at such fragrant beef noodles, the Lin Huo sisters and brothers did not speak again, and lowered their heads to concentrate on enjoying the food.

"Suck ... Suction..."

There are only two customers in the small shop, and the sound of sucking at the ramen entrance is endless.


both of them solved the beef noodles and patted their belly with great satisfaction.

After paying, Lin Huo walked out of the store.

"Sister, this shop is really good."

Lin Xiaoworm on the side licked his lower lip with some aftertaste.

"Of course, when I first came to Jiangcheng, my colleagues from the special department recommended me to eat."

After eating the forest fire of the night snack, his face was also red at this time, and he looked good.

Walking into the alley at the end of the street, the two continued to chat about home.

Suddenly, Lin Xiaoworm's footsteps paused and slowed down.

"What's wrong?"

Lin Huo frowned and looked around warily.

"It's like... There is a smell of blood..."

Lin Xiaoworm sniffled, turned his palm, and a small green insect crawled out along his arm at the cuff and landed in his palm.

He closed his eyes, opened them again a few seconds later, and looked at the path to the left, "The smell is coming from over there."

Lin Huo touched the black box behind her, the Yan Demon Giant Sword gave her a sense of security, considering that it was an extraordinary time, she whispered, "Go over and take a look."

Lin Xiaozhuo nodded slowly, and Lin Huo followed behind him, stepping on small broken steps, and slowly touched it.

Just as they were about to approach the street entrance, a figure suddenly came out of it, wearing an old tuxedo, with an upturned collar covering his face, and walked towards the side of the forest fire.

Lin Huohuo's hand had already touched the switch of the black box, and Lin Xiaozhuo pressed one hand on the hilt of the sword on his waist and swallowed his saliva nervously.

The two sides passed by peacefully and uneventfully.

The figure in the tuxedo only glanced at them and did not look again, while the two of them narrowed their eyes, so nervous that their lips were a little dry.


, when they walked to the street entrance and looked into another alley, their pupils suddenly contracted!

Two corpses, stripped naked, lay on the ground, their faces twisted and a row of tooth marks on their necks.

"This is..." The

two looked at each other, Lin Huohuo's hand had pressed the switch of the black box, and a giant sword flew out of the box with a bang, with the experience of last time, Lin Huo must bring a sword as long as he goes out.

But as soon as her hand held the Yan Demon Giant Sword, an exaggerated swallowing sound suddenly sounded in the silent night.


was the sound of swallowing.


, a dull, hoarse, and piercing voice sounded behind them:

"Since you see it... Don't eat two more..."

This remark made the two of them stand upright, after glancing at each other, they quickly turned around, Lin Huo danced the giant sword in his hand, a circle of semi-circular knives flew

out, Lin Xiaozhu pulled out the short knife on his waist, swung forward, a light emerald green spirituality spread out in a circle, and then sharp wooden thorns suddenly jumped out from the ground.

The attacks of the two all failed, hitting a group of blood-colored bats.

With a bat chirping sound, countless bats regrouped again a hundred meters away from the two, it was the old man in the old tuxedo before.

"Gee, good luck, it's actually two extraordinary people."

The duke suppressed his laughter, and the bloody shadow behind him pervaded, "It has to be solved quickly, otherwise the special department will be in trouble when it rushes over." "


Lin Huo Huo looked at the enemy in front of him and his gaze froze.

"It's the Bloods... There can be nothing wrong with this breath.

Lin Xiaoworm's face also became extremely ugly, and there was a small green insect lying on his shoulder, chattering something in his ear.

The heart of the forest fire sank.

She didn't think that she would be so back, and she could meet vampires when she came out for a late-night snack.

Although the strength of both of them has already stepped into the Hui Yue level, the strength shown by this vampire just now is far more than Hui Yue!

Lin Huo did not hesitate, took out the communicator and quickly pressed it, and almost at the same time, an extremely thick blood qi blade flew by, cutting the communicator in half.

However, the news has already been sent, and Sakura will rush over as soon as she receives the news.

Lin Huohuo's little face also rose with a resolute look.

"Stupid human bug!"

The duke waved his big hand, and the blood-colored palm condensed behind him was directly slapped, and Lin Huo huo clenched the giant sword, and the flames on the sword flowed, and the light overflowed.

"Fire Lotus Sword Song!"

I saw her turn around and swing her giant sword, and the furious flames condensed into three fire dragons and flew towards the blood-colored palm.

Seeing that her sister was ready to fight hard, Lin Xiaozhu did not dare to slacken, raised the short knife and plunged it into the ground forcefully, and a huge vine tentacle came out of the ground and frantically pounced on the blood-colored arm.


The spirituality exploded, the furious force tore the ground apart, the wall made of earth and stone collapsed instantly, and the forest fire duo were swept away by the raging spirituality, crashed into the wall more than ten meters away, and then fell heavily.

The Yan Demon Giant Sword was shot off and fell to the side, and Lin Huo was lying on the ground, unable to take it again.

Lin Xiaozhu struggled to get up, pressing one hand on himself and the other on Lin Huohuo's body, releasing spiritual energy to heal the wound.

At this time,

that blood-colored palm continued to fall!

Both of them showed desperate looks.

The difference in strength between hands is too big!


The ground shattered again, and the blood-colored palm grabbed the forest fire duo and sent it to the duke.

"Hey, let's leave you guys alive first, maybe the plan can be advanced... Huh..." The

duke seemed to remember something, smiled grimly, opened his arms, and grew a pair of bat-like huge wings, allowing the bloody hand to continue to imprison the forest fire duo and fly into the sky.

"This guy... It was that Blood Duke... The strength is so strong..."

Lin Huo's face was bloodless, and he secretly said in his heart, "Sakura... Please! "



Five minutes later,

the nearest guard team arrived and froze at the blood on the ground and the shattered floor and walls.

"It's over..."

one of the guards hurriedly dialed the special section headquarters.

At this time, Sakura, together with Professor Bai and Ah Bing, took a helicopter and flew towards the alley.

"They're gone,"

Professor Haku said in a low voice after answering a call, looking at Sakura.

Sakura's face turned white instantly, and the hand holding the seat was trembling.

"Inform the lord... Hurry up and inform him!

After a moment, Sakura seemed to have thought of something, grabbing Professor Shiro's shoulder and shouting.

"But he just today..."

Professor Bai showed a hesitant look.

"Sister Huohuo has been caught, he will definitely make a move!"

Sakura said very firmly.

Seeing that Sakura was so confident, Professor Bai had to ask the headquarters to immediately draft a distress letter and send someone to the Nightmare Castle.

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