Jiangcheng, in a villa on the outskirts.

Wan Dashuai and the secretary were sitting in the study and whispering something, the night priest dressed in a long black dress and a fisherman's hat was sitting on the other side of the desk reading

, and suddenly a hissing sounded, and the blood-colored bat flew and hovered in the center of the study, and then formed a figure.

The duke threw forward hard, and the two of them, who were tied up by the five flowers, fell to the ground.

"This is?"

The sudden change made the three people in the study stop the movement in their hands, and then look at the duke.

"Two small bugs from the special department were caught by the way when they saw it on the road."

The Duke waved his hand indifferently and sat on the edge of the desk.

"You're out?" The eyes of the Night Lord Priest suddenly became gloomy, and there was a chill in his tone, "Didn't I say that you shouldn't go out and eat people casually until my arrangement is completed?" "

Cut... Lao Tzu was starving to death.

The Duke pouted disdainfully.

"Didn't you prepare food?"

The Lord of the Night priesthood.

"Chickens, ducks, pigs and dogs, give me the blood of the beast every day, and you are happy to exchange for you!"

The Duke's body was covered with layers of blood, and after drinking blood, his strength also recovered partially, plus he defeated the Forest Fire and Fire duo just now, and his confidence was exactly when he greatly increased, and he did not put the Night Lord Priest in his eyes.

"Hehe, isn't the blood of the beast worthy of your noble Lord Duke?"

The Night Lord Priest smiled and said coldly.

"You stinky girl."

In the past few days, they have not gotten along well with the main priest of the night, among which the duke has been the most humiliated, and he is forced to drink the blood of the beast every day, which makes him a little dissatisfied with the main priest of the old god sect.

It's just a doppelganger, why should I be afraid of her!

"Enough, number three!"

Seeing this, Wan Dashuai shouted sharply.

The tense atmosphere only stopped for a while.

Seeing No. 1 speak, No. 3 clenched his fists, and finally stopped moving and sat back on the table again.

"Didn't you find out, did you?" The secretary on the side looked at the Duke and asked.

"Hehe, no, I deliberately avoided those little bugs." The Duke smiled coldly, and his unkind gaze fell on the two of Forest Fire and Fire, "I just saw it by these two, so I had to take it back." "

They're special department people?"

Wan Dashuai also stepped forward, looked at the two carefully, and suddenly frowned slightly, "Why are you guys."

"You know them?"

The Duke raised his eyebrows and said in surprise.

"What I saw in the memory cell of the original owner, this girl is called Forest Fire Fire, and she was sent by the headquarters of the God of War Church to assist in defense." Wan Dashuai pressed one hand on his temple and thought hard, "In addition, I don't have an impression of this one, it may be new." At

this time, the forest fire and the forest worm were both wide-eyed, and their hearts were full of despair.

They never thought that the person parasitized by the spirit was not in the special department, but in the council chamber.

Originally, Professor Bai also arranged a mental test of the council hall tomorrow, but after all, it was still one step late...

Lin Huohuo looked a little lonely, and she felt that she was dragging her feet again.

However, the message has been sent, and now wait for Professor Bai to bring someone to rescue him, or... Lin Huo Huo inevitably thought of another person in his heart.

Will he come too....

"Maybe we can change our plans." The secretary pinched his chin and pondered, "I heard that the Special Section had cooperated with that alchemist before, and because of this, I also captured a member of the Blood Clan. These

are all the information he captured from the memory cells of the original owner.

"Let the special department bring that alchemist over?"

Wan Dashuai frowned, "The other party may not be fooled, right?"

"Hehe, of course it's not such a simple routine, the special department is not a fool, and it may not be able to invite the alchemist."

The secretary pushed his glasses and lowered his head to reflect the light, "We are now the leader of the council hall, passing a false news to the special department, and with the relationship between the superiors and subordinates of the two, I am afraid that they will not be deceived?"

Hearing this, the Night Lord Priest, who had never spoken again, raised his eyebrows and said lightly:

"Your idea is good, you can try it."

Receiving the affirmation of the Night Lord, the corners of the secretary's mouth rose slightly, walked to the telephone, looked at Wan Dashuai and said:

"After I finish calling, let No. 4 take the Knights outside into the city to create chaos,

when the special department and the city patrol army will inevitably be busy maintaining urban order, let alone entangled in the details, our

plan can be more likely to succeed."


Several people discussed the details of the plan, looked at each other, and Wan Dashuai called the number of the special department headquarters.

They had planned to use the special connections of different chapters of the Old Magic Code to lure Su Ziyu out, but now this plan would be more direct and easier to operate.

And they have already made all kinds of preparations here, waiting for the alchemist to throw himself into the net.

After listening to their plan throughout the whole process, Lin Xiaoworm and Lin Huo Huo's faces were full of despair and anger, but their means of communication were destroyed, and their spirituality was even more dry, and they were completely unable to transmit information to the special department.

Looking at the two people with earthy faces, the duke smiled and said

, "Be happy, wait until I drink that guy's blood, and then enjoy you slowly."

Lin Huo stared at the Duke with resentful eyes.

They actually wanted to deal with Su Yu!

Damn it! No, I have to find a way to inform him!

Lin Huohuo's thoughts turned in his heart, and when he twisted his body, he suddenly realized that he still had something on him.

She pulled the cuff with her fingers, and suddenly a small note fell in her palm.

This is the note that Su Ziyuto greedily gave to Lin Huo when he left the Nightmare Castle earlier.

It's really too busy these two days, until now, the forest fire has not been opened to see.

Turning sideways, while Wan Dashuai was discussing with several people, she lowered her head and quickly read the contents of the note.

"This is the prayer of our lord's funeral lord, you can contact me through him, if you need it, please use the most pious voice and meditate in your heart: the funeral supreme who holds the key to the taboo..." Looking

at the above paragraph, Lin Huo's eyes widened, gritted his teeth, and began to pray silently in his heart.



The helicopter gurgled to land.

Professor Haku led Sakura and the staff to the final signal transmission location of the previous forest fire duo.

"Report! After testing, the blood stains left at the scene were all Lin Shen Envoy and the two, and no blood stains of the third party were found!

A staff member trotted over and reported.

"Clothes, fabrics, body tissues, etc., are there none?"

Professor Bai frowned slightly, he had asked the Stigmata Alchemist what divination required.

But now the attackers have nothing left, then divination is a fart!

"No..." the staff said with a wry smile, "The two corpses in the mouth of the alley have turned into dry corpses

, and in the end, they seem to have suffered large-scale killing skills, and their bodies are completely destroyed, and they can no longer see their original appearance, and

no saliva has been found on their necks."

"Damn it!"

Professor Bai waved his hand, signaling the staff to leave, and he angrily walked to a pile of rubble and sat down.

"Professor Bai, have you gained anything?"

Sakura on the other side hurriedly ran over and asked anxiously.

Professor Bai was silent for a while, then shook his head.

Sakura's face became even more bleak.

At this time,

another staff member ran over and handed Professor Bai the satellite phone.

"Report! Wan Dashuai of the Council Hall called! "


Professor Bai patted his butt and stood up, scolding in a low voice, "Shit, it's those guys who don't understand anything in the council hall." "

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