After watching the fleet of the '

Funeral God Pirate Group' leave, Qing Mei'er withdrew her gaze and turned into a huge fox beast that was more than a dozen feet tall, unfolding its nine tails and swinging wildly, sprinting madly in the Forest of Desire, driving a howling wind, pressing those tall giant trees to bend down, and the leaves fell even more.

Back in the central square of Black Nest City, Qing Mei'er transformed into a human form again, and then stood on a high boulder, looking at everyone.

"Gentlemen, starting today, build the statue of Your Excellency's god in the central square, I will abandon the past and believe in that existence with all my heart!"

Qing Mei'er stood on the high platform and shouted loudly.


Below, Pugufang and other leaders answered one after another.

Having seen Su Ziyu's terrifying strength, coupled with the hint given by the Primordial Demon God in their bodies, they could only obediently surrender to Su Ziyu.

"Very good! Let's get to work! Seeing

this, Qing Meier's face was delighted, and she waved her big hand.

Looking at the busy back, Qing Mei'er suddenly felt a little emotion that she had helped Dorma before, so she could get such honors and treatment.

Sometimes, one unintentional or unusual action can bring about a variety of results.

The world is impermanent, that's the truth.



On the sea, hundreds of ships, large and small, moved slowly, and huge waves were lined up on the side of the ships, making a muffled buzzing sound.

At this time, the main ship of the 'Funeral God Pirate Group' was very lively.

"Hehe, boss, when we can also be on the news."

The thin monkey on the side chewed gum in his mouth, raised the newspaper in his hand, and said with a smile.

"What's that?" Ma Da, who was sitting on a deck chair, took off his sunglasses and glanced at the newspaper in the thin monkey's hand, "Four Seas Daily? Hehe, your kid thinks very beautifully

, this newspaper is a popular newspaper spread throughout the four seas, registering some major events, or the big moves of the four emperors on the sea.

"Not necessarily." The thin monkey rolled up his trouser legs, squatted on the chair, and said while eating the apple, "How to say that we also killed the Queen of Hesse this time, if such heavy news is dug up, hehe, we will really be famous."

Hearing this, Ma Dameng's eyes also lit up, and after taking a sharp breath of smoke, he muttered:

"In this way, it is really possible."

Just as everyone was having a heated discussion about how to get on the newspaper, somewhere in the clear blue sky, a small black dot suddenly swooped down.

"What man?!"

The vigilant crew on the lookout immediately picked up the binoculars, gestured at the downside, and said, "It's a flying monster, and a man and a woman!" They seem to know code words and are gesturing that we have no malice.

"Keep watching!"

After noticing that the black dot was getting closer and closer to him and the others, Ma Dameng also stood up, took the binoculars and looked into the distance.

"They... They seem to want to land on our deck! Captain, agree to land ?! The

crew on the lookout put down their binoculars, looked at Ma Dameng and quickly spoke.

Staring at the black spot, Ma Dameng suddenly turned his head to look at Su Ziyu and asked:

"Sir, look..." At

this time, Su Ziyu was lying on the deck chair in the other corner of the deck, and after hearing Ma Dameng's voice, he gently glanced at the black spot in the sky, and suddenly shook his head with a slight amusement, and then gave Ma Dameng's permission to the gesture hint.

"Agreed! All on alert!

As soon as the words fell, the secret sentries everywhere on the main ship immediately rose to their senses, fiddling with the sniper rifles in their hands and various extraordinary weapons with high performance. And Captain Zhang, Thin Monkey and others also gathered around, cautiously watching the black dot land.

A minute later, a huge hurricane blew over, blowing everyone's clothes into hunting, and then a flying monster several meters high hovered above the deck.

The flying beast retracted its wide wings and slowly landed on the deck under the command of a sailor.

A man and a woman jumped down from the back of the flying monster and glanced at the sailors with killing intent in their eyes, but the leather-clothed man had no fear on his face, took out a delicate small book from his neat inner pocket, lifted it to face everyone, and smiled:

"Good morning, everyone, this is Hu Wen, the deputy editor of the 'Four Poster Society', and this is my assistant Yang Jingjing."

"Four Poster Society?"

The thin monkey was startled for a moment, and then asked, "You are the newspaper that publishes the Four Seas Daily?"

"Exactly." Hu Wen put away his identity book, swept his gaze over the newspaper that the thin monkey squeezed in his hand without leaving a trace, and said with a smile, "I didn't expect that this gentleman is still a loyal fan of our newspaper." Hearing

this, the thin monkey quickly hid the newspaper behind him and laughed awkwardly twice.

"Okay, don't grind, what are you doing here?" Ma Da stepped forward, swept the beautiful assistant beside Hu Wen with bad intentions, and said with a sneer, "This gentleman, don't you know that it is very dangerous to get on a pirate's ship for no reason?" "

Hahaha... This gentleman, presumably you are Mr. Ma Dameng, the captain of the 'Funeral Pirate Group', right? Hu Wen's gaze moved away from the pirate flag on the mast, and fell on Ma Dameng again, and said with a smile, "Even the main ships of the four emperors I have often gone up, and nothing bad happened."

"Since you know it's Uncle Ben, what do you want to do?"

Ma Dameng was not surprised that Hu Wen could know his name, after all, during this time, the 'Funeral God Pirate Group' that had been annexed several times was indeed in the limelight on the sea, and these people who ate information must have already figured these out.

"Don't be nervous, we just wanted to do an interview." Hu Wen took out a pen and paper, and his eyes suddenly sharpened, "Interview with the Queen of Hesse." Hearing

this, all the crew members looked at Ma Dameng, and the latter was also a little embarrassed, it was about the Queen of Hesse, he couldn't be the master, subconsciously wanted to ask Su Ziyu, and suddenly a secret voice came from his ears:

"Promise first, he will answer according to what I said."

After being stunned for a while, Ma Da waved his hand and said casually:

"Okay, how do you want to interview?"

Hu Wen naturally also noticed Ma Dameng's small action earlier, and immediately let his assistant talk with Ma Dameng and others, and then looked in the direction that Ma Dameng peeked at earlier, only to see a thin and tall figure slowly disappearing from the corridor.

The reaction is as fast as Hu Wen, and it is only a photo of the side face.

"Hey, what are you kid doing there?" Behind him came Ma Dameng's shouting of dissatisfaction, and Hu Wen, who knew that these pirates were people, did not dare to continue walking, and immediately returned to the position of the previous deck under the leadership of two sailors.

It's just that the thin and tall figure that just disappeared from view lingered in his mind.

The editor's intuition told him that the man was not simple.

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