At this time, Su Ziyu had already taken Gu Yan'er back to the cabin below, walking on the slightly damp walkway, Gu Yan'er couldn't help but ask:

"How?" Don't like being interviewed? "

Huh... Just leave these things to them.

Su Ziyu shrugged and said, "I'm the last thing I can deal with."

"Then it's good to refuse in the first place."

Gu Yan'er asked with some incomprehension.

"It's not so easy, those two people are estimated to have followed from the beginning, the situation in the Forest of Desire has long been figured out by them, if Ma Dameng and they don't cooperate well with the interview, who knows if they will write indiscriminately in the newspaper later."

Su Ziyu smiled bitterly and said, "And the editor named Hu Wen is very strong, it turns out to be an immortal-level powerhouse, and if he can make the newspaper so big, he must also have some strength, and now it is not good to make enemies, it just so happens that the 'Funeral God Pirate Group' also needs publicity, so I went with them." "


Gu Yan'er nodded as if she understood something.

While speaking, Su Ziyu came to the door of his room, separated from Gu Yan'er, and led into the room.

Gu Yan'er's room was arranged right next to Su Ziyu, who had just stepped in with his front foot when he heard a sound of closing the door outside.

This room, obviously deliberately left by Ma Dameng, is not only wide and neat, but also the sheets and bedding are brand new, and there is a small desk directly opposite the door, and a window is opened on the wall next to the desk, just enough to see the blue sea and the warm glow falling on the sea.

I recall that my first boat ride was two years ago.

In this regard, Su Ziyu couldn't help but sigh.

"This trip to the south also lasted more than three months, and I don't know what the situation is on the Jiangcheng side."

Su Ziyu sat cross-legged on the bed, let his mind sink, and came to the system space.

With one step, Su Ziyu came to the Sea of Chaos.

Looking at the many prayer light balls floating on the sea, Su Ziyu lowered his forehead and said with a bitter smile:

"Inexplicably, there is a feeling that the emperor corrects the twists and turns..."

Taking advantage of the relatively boring time of sea navigation, Su Ziyu began to reply to the prayer messages that he had not had time to reply to in the past

, with his current strength, it was enough to master most of the power of this chaotic space, generally similar to asking for rain, seeking a good harvest and so on

However, if he encounters a more difficult prayer, Su Ziyu must also equip the 'King of Yellow Clothes Suit', forcibly upgrade his personality, and then use the power of this chaotic space to basically cover all the prayers of the believers.

In fact, when the gods complete their prayers, they also use the power of faith to help their believers, so as long as the believer's heart is more honest, the more the god will gain the power of faith, and naturally he can do more things.

This is a positive feedback process, and Su Ziyu has done a good job in this regard.

After solving the prayers of the believers such as the Mermaid Village and Heiyun Mountain, Su Ziyu relaxed and began to absorb a large amount of faith power in front of him.

After the power of faith is absorbed, it is broken down into spiritual power at the nerve center of the brain and reserved.

Su Ziyu was like an old monk sitting still, motionlessly absorbing the power of faith and refining the power of faith.

In a flash, half a day passed.

On the deck, Ma Dameng and a group of pirates sat together, bowing their heads and discussing something.

"Go, after making dinner, remember to send a copy to the room of Lord Divine Envoy and Miss Gu."

Ma Dameng ordered a young brother beside him.


After the little brother led the order to leave, the thin monkey held the wine glass and laughed:

"In a few days, our 'Funeral Pirate Group' will also be awe-inspiring!"

"This time, our bounty doesn't know how much it will soar, ahahahah, is it going to exceed 100 million."

The third man was also very excited, and poured a bottle of beer down.

At this time, above the sky, the flying monster took off again, and Hu Wen and his assistant Yang Jingjing sat on the back of the broad beast.

"Hu editor, you also know, pirates like to brag, can it be said that the Queen of Hessian was really killed by them?

With such a pirate group, there is not even an immortal-level powerhouse... How did this happen..."

"Look at this."

Hu Wen took out a photo and handed it to Yang Jingjingdao.

After glancing at the content on the photo, with her excellent professionalism, Yang Jingjing's eyes narrowed slightly, and she whispered, "Is there a problem with this person?" "

On the photo, it was the side image that Su Ziyu was taken when he turned around, because the distance was too far and the angle of the photo, it was almost impossible to see the specific appearance of the man in the photo.

"I noticed at that time that Martha Meng had the intention of asking this young man for advice, and it was estimated that he was the real boss of that pirate group,

and I had a hunch that the death of the Queen of Hessian was also inseparable from him." A solemn look flashed in Hu Wen's eyes, "I actually can't see through his strength..."

Yang Jingjing was taken aback, covered her small mouth and said, "Even Hu Wei, can't you see through his specific strength?"

Hu Wen shook his head, and his face was solemn and deeper.

"It's hard to imagine what kind of strength can kill the Queen of Hesse, that is one of the largest forces in the entire southern mountains

..." "Ma Dameng alone is definitely not enough, he must have hidden something in the interview just now, although the battle traces on the scene are messy, it can also be seen that there is also a group of forces that are good at using dark attribute skills..."

Hu Wen pinched his chin and said.

"It's a headache."

Yang Jingjing also sighed a little annoyed.

"But none of that matters, don't forget what we do."

Hu Wen shook his head, took out several more photos, namely aerial images of the destruction of the inside of Black Nest City and the Forest of Desire, took a stack of photos in his hand, and said with a smile:

"Our job is propaganda, to project words into the hearts of readers."

Then again, if it wasn't for the whim to come and take the scene, how could we have encountered such explosive news.

"Tomorrow's headlines will explode all over the world, and the death of the Queen of Hesse may attract countless people to compete for this fertile land and countless mineral resources."

Standing on the thick back of the flying beast, Hu Wen looked at the Forest of Desire, which had become farther and farther away, and muttered, "As soon as the Queen of Hessian dies, several forces in the wandering mountains will also be ready to move....

There is also the Northern Alliance, and some large forces in the four seas have joined....

The calm here must be broken soon... I don't know who can have the last laugh..."


Three days flew by.

The huge sea ships are still moving in an orderly manner, one by one, the ships are neatly arranged, revealing the steel barrels all over the hull, deterring the sea beasts that may be approaching.

The 'Funeral Pirates' have moved away from the southern seas and are about to sail into safe waters.

Within system space.

Su Ziyu also slowly opened his eyes, after this period of absorption of the power of faith, his strength at the peak of the Immortal Rank High Rank was already extremely stable, as long as he got those few materials, he could be ready to be promoted to the Sage Level.

But before that, Su Ziyu still had some things to do.

For example, the promise of rewards for believers.

Putting on the 'King of Yellow Suit', Su Ziyu spread his arms and spread out spiritual touches one prayer ball after another, and after dispersing with the invisible fluctuations, he broke the chaotic air flow into wisps, and then caused it to pour into it.


One ship after another, there was a burst of cheers, and the sound of people was almost rushing into the sky.

"Old Hei, how do I feel that the spirituality in my body has been growing!"

"I... Me too!

"What's going on... This... I feel full of strength, and I don't have to find a few more women when I go back!

"Boss... What's going on..."

Take a look! There's a shadow there! Hearing

this, he looked into the air one after another, and saw that the clouds in that area scattered, and endless light and shadow fell, forming a virtual figure in a yellow robe.

"Yes... Your Excellency?!

"Hurry up and get on your knees! What else to grind! Seeing

this, Ma Dameng, who was lying on the chair, almost didn't turn down directly, and quickly shouted. The voice, mixed with spiritual power, spread throughout the pirate ship.

"Praise to the Funeral!"

The crew also understood and quickly crawled on the ground, their heads and hands tightly pressed to the ground.

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