Su Ziyu and his group walked on the barren grass, and due to the role of 'concealing the gauze', their whereabouts were not discovered by the ghouls wandering around on the vast grass.

So their speed of travel was almost unaffected, and they advanced extremely fast against the night, and finally after about ten minutes, they saw the figure of the magnificent city.

When it was far away, it was not found, Yangcheng had long been shrouded in gray-green clouds, but it was those mist that emitted a barren aura that made the scalp numb.

"Hey... The original Yangcheng, as the transportation hub of more than a dozen major cities around, was extremely lively, but he did not expect that one day it would become like this.

Looking at the lifeless dead city in front of him, Niu Er couldn't help but sigh.

"There is a small passage from the west side, but it leads directly to the sewers, and we sneaked out from there..." Niu

Er pointed the way, and after a while, Su Ziyu and his group bypassed the terrifying magnificent gate and came to the other side, and just when they turned the corner, suddenly a strong wind wrapped in a rancid smell came to their faces.

"Be careful!"

Su Ziyu was the first to react, quickly sideways to avoid the black shadow's attack, and immediately raised his thigh to fiercely press on the latter's lower abdomen, a muffled sound came out, the black shadow let out a wailing roar, and then fell heavily to the ground.

Everyone fixed their eyes on it, it was a ghoul, and after suffering such a heavy blow, green blood gushed out from the lower abdomen.

"Clean him up."

Su Ziyu looked at Zhiyundao.

"Hmm." Zhi Yun nodded, and immediately squeezed out a seal knot with both hands, his left palm fell gently, and suddenly a hot divine light poured down, and the corpse of the ghoul turned into black ash and slowly dissipated.

"The spiritual energy of the light attribute does have the effect of removing these evil things."

Looking at the corpse that turned into black ash and dissipated, Su Ziyu muttered in his heart.

"This is it."

Seeing that the crisis was lifted, Niu Er hurriedly opened a place covered by withered grass and trees, and a deep pit about a meter wide appeared in the field of vision of Su Ziyu and his group.

"We came out with great luck and didn't encounter the harassment of the miasma beetle... However, it is rumored that the monsters like to live in this dark crypt. Niu Er scratched his head and smiled, "And they have phototaxis, and they can also release biological signals to gather partners, and if it is not necessary, we will try to go forward in the dark when we go down."


Su Ziyu nodded and quietly turned on the all-seeing true eye, although he could not illuminate, but he had night vision ability, he could still advance in the dark environment.

Niu Er didn't know where to break several half-human-tall branches, "In the dark environment, we use this thing to explore the way, but try not to make a sound, so that the probability of passing through the sewer should be quite high."

"Bring your own gear." Su Ziyu turned to look at Niu Er and the two and said with a smile, "The three of us are extraordinary, and there is not much problem with seeing in the dark environment, and you will walk in the middle when you go down." Seeing

Su Ziyu taking care of himself so much, Niu Er choked up a few times, not knowing what to say, and after his lips squirmed for a moment, he said:

"Mr. Su... You're such a nice guy.

For this sentence, Su Ziyu smiled helplessly in his heart, "Good man? Maybe..." Su

Ziyu was just protecting those who could be protected within his ability.

"Let's go, go down first."

Su Ziyu's spirituality suddenly moved, and he quickly dodged and jumped down the deep pit, and behind him, Niu Er and his wife, Zhi Yun, and Jun Shang followed closely behind.

Jun Shang and Su Ziyu are the strongest, one is responsible for breaking the back, and the other is responsible for opening the way.

Such a makeshift squad was formed.

The pothole below leads directly to the sewers, and as soon as you jump down, a mixed smell of moldy and rancid smell comes to your face.

With the 'hidden gauze' to the aura of Su Ziyu and his group, walking in this sewer is extremely stable, and there is no danger, half an hour passes, and they are about to complete two-thirds of the way.

"Almost there." Niu Er's low voice sounded within the ranks.

Su Ziyu nodded and continued to lead the team forward, about a hundred meters later, they passed a corner, and as the first person to turn the corner, the scene that happened in front of him made his pupils shrink.

In the dirty sewage, a giant meat ball figure is reflected, in front of the sewers, blocked by a wall of flesh and blood, if you look closely, you can find that this so-called wall is actually made of a large number of irregular blood-colored flesh balls stacked, the pattern on the meat ball is complex and strange, slightly expanded, the pattern flickers on and off, and the amplitude of the expansion reflects each other.

With the sound of 'poof', the meat balls broke out one by one like eggshells, and in the viscous milky white liquid, pitch-black insects only the size of palms came out.

Its face has three fly-like eyeballs arranged in a zigzag pattern, and above its head, a tentacle as thick as a finger extends and the tip is extremely sharp.

The muffled sound of 'poof' sounded one after another, one by one pitch-black beetles came out of the broken shell, and as the meat ball broke, after drilling out the small beetle, it melted quickly like a candle, but not long after, the missing position was immediately filled by another duller meat ball....

"Here is..."

Su Ziyu's face appeared solemn, gesturing to the rear, signaling not to follow behind, but this code was a step late, Niu Er behind him still pasted, although he couldn't see everything in front of him, but he heard the squeaky strange sound, but his face changed.


Su Ziyu quickly covered Niu Er's mouth and whispered, "We may have broken into the lair of the miasma beetle!" At

this moment, the distant flesh wall began to squirm rapidly, cracking a hole, a dark green beam suddenly shot out from it, wrapped in a majestic terrifying spiritual surging, only to hear a clicking sound, Su Ziyu's face changed slightly, he knew that the 'hidden gauze robe' was broken!

Inside that flesh wall, there seems to be an even more powerful monster hidden!

As the 'hidden gauze' gradually disintegrated, the figures of Su Ziyu and his group also appeared in front of those meat balls, and after the embarrassing atmosphere lasted for a few seconds, a large number of miasmatic beetles made a strange squeaking sound, like a sea of insects rushing over,


Su Ziyu scolded secretly, immediately sealed his hands, stomped on his feet, and shouted sharply:

"Dark Wisdom Eternal Night Wall!"

The muffled sound of Titicacaca came out, and several walls with pitch-black patterns suddenly rose up on the surrounding land, protecting Su Ziyu and his group.

This sudden change also made De Zhiyun and Jun Shang's faces change slightly, and both women put on an attack posture, and the spirituality in their bodies was in a state where they could explode at any time.

Through the wall of eternal night, Su Ziyu and his group could see the pitch-black beetles lying on the wall and wriggling, densely packed and countless, and scarlet eyes stared at several of them, making people feel numb to the scalp, and the sound of gasping for cold air sounded in the sewers.

"Shhh..." After

taking a breath of cold air, Niu Er's face changed drastically and took two steps back, and he was surprised, "Miasma beetle... How could it be so much! "

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